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LaTeX class and files to typeset (bilingual) papers of the META-NET project for the DFKI in a one- or twocolumn layout in all languages of the project.

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DFKI META-NET whitepaper

LaTeX class and files to typeset (bilingual) papers of the META-NET project for the DFKI in a one- or twocolumn layout in all languages of the project.


  1. Request write access

  2. Clone this project locally

     git clone
  3. Make sure you have the necessary packages and fonts installed (see metanetpaper.cls)

  4. Happy TeXing

If you have no write access: Of course you can also fork this project and issue pull requests.

Class options

[] = Set the inner part of the LWP
[cover] = Set the cover of the LWP
[ebook] = Set the eBook version of the LWP (including cover and inner part)
[plain] = Create a whitepaper without ISSN and third-party logo(s)

Custom, class specific commands

For use within the *_preamble.tex-files

[\spineTitle]: Title for the spine of the cover, english version first
[\languageVersion]: (optional) Version of a language e.g. bokmålsversjon or nynorskversjon
[\authoraffiliation]: Author(s) and the organizations their affiliated with
[\FundingLNotice] : Funding notice left column
[\FundingRNotice] : Funding notice right column
[\editors] : The editors of the current LWP
[\SpineLText] : Text in left column on backside of the cover
[\SpineRText] : Text in right column on backside of the cover
[\quotes] : Quotes from VIPs on backside of the cover

For use within the *_content.tex-files

[\ssection[]{}] : Replacement for normal \section
[\bsection[]{}] : Replacement for normal \section to be printed bilingually
[\boxtext{}] : Marginal notes to be emphasized with sans-serif font and borders on top and bottom
[\lingua] : Prints IPA characters inside square brackets
[\colorrule{1}{2}{3}]: Prints a horizontal line with 1=color, 2=width, 3=thickness

Available color definitions

[white] =~ #ffffff
[printblack] =~ #141413
[orange1] =~ #ff6600
[orange2] =~ #ff9900
[orange3] =~ #ffcc00
[corange1] =~ #f5b58e
[corange2] =~ #f5a676
[corange3] =~ #f5975d
[corange4] =~ #f58845
[corange5] =~ #f5792c
[red_dark] =~ #b72126
[red] =~ #c80000
[red2] =~ #ff8182
[red3] =~ #a83b3b
[grey1] =~ #3c3c3c
[grey2] =~ #c6c7c8
[grey3] =~ #c6c7c8
[grey4] =~ #847a6f
[green] =~ #1f9863
[green2] =~ #81c56b
[blue] =~ #44c1c5
[blue2] =~ #56d8d8
[purple] =~ #7e7fff

Sample screenshots

Icelandic Ebook Cover Language White Paper Series: Icelandic Ebook Cover

Danish Ebook Content Language White Paper Series: Danish Ebook Content


LaTeX class and files to typeset (bilingual) papers of the META-NET project for the DFKI in a one- or twocolumn layout in all languages of the project.






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