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#Hello World, Github & Git! Test Content ##Prerequisites

On Mac

# install home brew
% ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
% brew doctor
% brew update

# install git
% brew install git
% brew install git-flow-avh

# install maven
% brew install maven

# install fpm
% brew install libxml2 libxslt
% brew link --force libxml2 libxslt
% brew install rpm
% sudo gem install fpm
# workaround for ruby find issue. comment out line 40 in:
% vi /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/lib/ruby/2.0.0/find.rb

On Windows

# install cygwin [ ], including packages in sections:
# 	Devel: git, git-completion, git-gui, gut-review, gitk
#	Utils: util-linux
#	Web: wget
# in cygwin, do:
% git clone git://
% cd gitflow/contrib
% chmod +x
% ./ install stable
# install maven to C: drive [ ]
% vi .bash_profile
# add: export PATH=$PATH:/cygdrive/c/apache-maven-3.2.1/bin
% which mvn

Continue (Platform-independent)

# install  java [ ]
# resources
# [optional] SourceTree
% open

##Checkout out project working copy

% git clone 
% cd hello-world
# initialize git branches. set 1st (production) to master, 2nd (next release) develop, use defaults for rest
% git flow init
# report change status
% git status
# revert changed file
% git checkout -- <filename>

##Build/develop/run project

working with branches provides significant benefits. as such, if you are interested in working with branches then consider the following optional steps:

# [optional] initialize a local feature branch
% git flow feature start [NAME]
# report change status
% git status
% mvn clean package
% java -jar modules/main/target/proto-main-*-SNAPSHOT-all.jar


# generate package
% ./bin/


Test your rpm on your machine's Linux VM:

Start your Linux VM:

# copy your generated rpm to the share data directory
cp modules/main/*.rpm ~/[ws]/data
# on your Linux VM, install the rpm
sudo yum -y install /data/hello-word-main*.rpm

##Verify or change branch

# check your current branch
% git branch
# switch branches (e.g. to develop)
% git checkout develop

##Check-in your changes locally

# get latest updates from others
% git pull origin develop
# report change status
% git status
# register changes
% git add ...
% git commit
# report change status
% git status

##Push your changes to main Git repository

if you're working with branches, then apply the following steps:

# [optional] publish changesets for review
% git flow feature publish
% git flow feature finish

if you're working on default (develop) branch, then do:

% git push origin develop

##Release milestone build

# create milestone release
% ./bin/

##Store your Git login credentials (on Mac)

# save my icode credentials in the osx keychain
% git config --global credential.helper osxkeychain
# verify it worked afterwards
% git config -l


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