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The frontend launches the iframe for the socure backend. The iframe accepts an account as a parameter, and passes it through to the socure validation process and included in all backend callbacks.

Start the frontend:

yarn workspace start


The backend is mainly responsible for handling callbacks from the socure process. The endpoint /result is responsible for handling all callbacks.

Additional endpoints /poc/* is only used for the woocommerce frontend sight to provide Solana integration functionality not easily available in PHP (specifically regarding Borsch deserialization)

Start the backend:

yarn workspace start


The store is a standard Woocommerce site. The main plugin for handling the payment process is a modified version of an existing plugin, located here: store/wp-content/plugins/solpay-store

Environment setup

Download MAMP After install, the default settings are probably fine

Create a symlink so the webserver can access the store: sudo ln -s <repo>/store /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/socure

Create database (default pass is root) mysql -h -P 8889 -u root -p -e "CREATE DATABASE test"

Import data (default pass is root). From the repo root: mysql -h -P 8889 -u root -p socure < store/database.sql

Browse to http://localhost:8888/socure

Frontend Development

cd store/wp-content/plugins/solpay-store/assets
yarn watch