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React-Native Patient-facing application (currently working towards prototype)

Initial set up

  1. Follow environment instructions on
  2. Make sure your node version >= 10
  3. Install yarn package manager
  4. Pull down repository
  5. Run yarn
  6. Run npx react-native link
  7. Copy .example.env to .env and update API_URL if using the live API
  8. Note: when working with the live API locally (i.e. during development) you will need to update API_URL with your local IP address.
  9. Start android emulator
  10. In project directory, run npx react-native run-android


  1. Go to http://localhost:8081/debugger-ui/ for console logs
  2. npx react-devtools for UI inspection


To lint the code locally, simply run yarn lint

To fix lint errors, simply run yarn fixlint


To test the code locally, simply run yarn test