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TooManyCards (TMC)

An overengineered Quizlet "replacement".

So, uh, welcome to what has been my pet project for a month or so. If you came here looking for a viable alternative to Quizlet, this is... not it. It's intended for only one user: me! (and I have quite basic needs...)

Otherwise, enjoy my probably terrible code as TMC is also my chance to learn API design and modern frontend development. 🌺


I don't know why you'd want to reuse this code, but the project is licensed under the Mozilla Public License 2.0 just in case. Licenses of "borrowed" code can be found in


The short of it is "don't trust me, I don't know what I'm doing, mostly."

The long answer can be found in

To-do list

  • Deck creation and edit routes
  • PWA support
    • Basic offline support
  • Public decks
  • More modes:
    • "Flashcard" mode
    • Test mode
    • Spaced repetition mode (depends on storing results)
  • Result breakdown on deck completion
  • Result storage (for "these are the terms that you need to work on the most")
  • Reworked UI

Lower priority:

  • GitHub (and potentially Google...?) Sign-on
  • Private deck sharing (à la Google Docs)
  • Admin UI
  • Markdown support
  • An API test suite

API database (SQLite) schema

CREATE TABLE "users" (
    "username"         TEXT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
    "hashed_password"  TEXT NOT NULL,
    "display_name"     TEXT,
    "is_admin"         INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    "created_at"       TEXT NOT NULL,

CREATE TABLE "decks" (
    "title"            TEXT NOT NULL,
    "description"      TEXT NOT NULL,
    "owner"            TEXT,
    "public"           INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    "created_at"       TEXT NOT NULL,
    "updated_at"       TEXT NOT NULL,
    "accessed_at"      TEXT NOT NULL,
    FOREIGN KEY("owner") REFERENCES "users"("username") ON UPDATE CASCADE,

CREATE TABLE "cards" (
    "id"               INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
    "deck_id"          INTEGER NOT NULL,
    "term"             TEXT NOT NULL,
    "definition"       TEXT NOT NULL,
    FOREIGN KEY("deck_id") REFERENCES "decks"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE,

CREATE TABLE "requests" (
    "datetime"   TEXT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
    "ip"         TEXT,
    "useragent"  TEXT,
    "referer"    TEXT,
    "verb"       TEXT NOT NULL,
    "path"       TEXT NOT NULL,
    "status"     INTEGER NOT NULL,
    "duration"   REAL NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE "sessions" (
    "id"              TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE,
    "username"	      TEXT NOT NULL,
    "refresh_token"	  TEXT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
    "refresh_expiry"  TEXT NOT NULL,
    "access_token"    TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE,
    "access_expiry"   TEXT NOT NULL,
    "created_at"      TEXT NOT NULL,
    FOREIGN KEY("username") REFERENCES "users"("username")

CREATE TABLE "_ratelimits" (
    "key"       TEXT NOT NULL,
    "duration"  INTEGER NOT NULL,
    "value"     INTEGER NOT NULL,
    "expiry"    TEXT NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY("key", "expiry")