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requirejs-dplugins Build Status

Set of AMD plugins for RequireJS. It contains the following plugins:


No official release yet.


This project is distributed by the Dojo Foundation and licensed under the "New" BSD License. All contributions require a Dojo Foundation CLA.


Npm release installation:

$ npm install requirejs-dplugins


This plugin will load and wait for a css file. CSS loaded with this plugin can be overwritten by user-defined style sheet, using <link> or <style> tag.

See docs/ for documentation.


This plugin provides an extensible API to manage feature detection. It also implements the requirejs plugin api to provide conditional module loading.

See docs/ and samples/has.html for documentation and sample.


This plugin provides an API to handle string translation.

See docs/ and samples/i18n.html for documentation and sample.


This plugin allows to require modules that may or may not exist.

See docs/ and samples/maybe.html for documentation and sample.


This plugin loads an svg graphic and defines it in the DOM, so you can reference it in a <use> tag.

See docs/ for documentation.