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t# izooto App notification service

Introduction : 
This document will talk about iZooto’s SDK integration process for Android.

Process: The following process is a step by step guide to integrate iZooto’s SDK.

Copy the android-release.AAR (shared) file to the libs folder of your project. Open app/build.gradle (Module: app) file and add the following lines of code:

Inside defaultConfig{} tag :

  manifestPlaceholders = [
           izooto_enc_key: "izooto_seceret-key”
           izooto_app_id : "izotot_app_id" 

Inside dependancies{} tag :

implementation project(path: ':izooto-release') implementation ''

Once done, go to File → Project Structure and :

Under the dependency tab, click on New Module, represented by + icon.

Select ‘Import JAR/AAR Package’ and click ‘Next’. Import ‘izooto-release.aar’ file shared and click on Finish. Sync the project

Add the following lines of code under the Manifest file.

For Internet Permissions, define a new user-permission tag:

Inside the application tag:


Sync the project. Create an Application File and include the following lines of code:

public class myApplicationName extends Application implements TokenReceivedListener {

@Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); iZooto.initialize(this).setTokenReceivedListener(this).build(); } @Override public void onTokenReceived(String token) { Lg.i("Device token", token + ""); }}

Clean and re-build the project.

Congratulations! You have successfully integrated iZooto’s Android SDK.
When you now run the project, the FCM key would be generated and captured inside Android Studio’s Logs.