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matiu2 committed Jul 23, 2019
1 parent 0e1ed61 commit a64ada9
Showing 1 changed file with 127 additions and 0 deletions.
127 changes: 127 additions & 0 deletions src/header/
Expand Up @@ -1043,6 +1043,7 @@ const HEADER_CHARS_H2: [u8; 256] = [
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 // 25x

#[cfg(any(not(debug_assertions), not(target_arch = "wasm32")))]
macro_rules! eq {
(($($cmp:expr,)*) $v:ident[$n:expr] ==) => {
$($cmp) && *
Expand All @@ -1058,6 +1059,10 @@ macro_rules! eq {

#[cfg(any(not(debug_assertions), not(target_arch = "wasm32")))]
/// This version is best under optimized mode, however in a wasm debug compile,
/// the `eq` macro expands to 1 + 1 + 1 + 1... and wasm explodes when this chain gets too long
/// See
fn parse_hdr<'a>(data: &'a [u8], b: &'a mut [u8; 64], table: &[u8; 256])
-> Result<HdrName<'a>, InvalidHeaderName>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1520,6 +1525,128 @@ fn parse_hdr<'a>(data: &'a [u8], b: &'a mut [u8; 64], table: &[u8; 256])

#[cfg(all(debug_assertions, target_arch = "wasm32"))]
/// This version works best in debug mode in wasm
fn parse_hdr<'a>(
data: &'a [u8],
b: &'a mut [u8; 64],
table: &[u8; 256],
) -> Result<HdrName<'a>, InvalidHeaderName> {
use self::StandardHeader::*;

let len = data.len();

let validate = |buf: &'a [u8], len: usize| {
let buf = &buf[..len];
if buf.iter().any(|&b| b == 0) {
} else {
Ok(HdrName::custom(buf, true))

len < super::MAX_HEADER_NAME_LEN,
"header name too long -- max length is {}",

match len {
0 => Err(InvalidHeaderName::new()),
len if len > 64 => Ok(HdrName::custom(data, false)),
len => {
// Read from data into the buffer - transforming using `table` as we go
data.iter().zip(b.iter_mut()).for_each(|(index, out)| *out = table[*index as usize]);
match &b[0..len] {
b"te" => Ok(Te.into()),
b"age" => Ok(Age.into()),
b"via" => Ok(Via.into()),
b"dnt" => Ok(Dnt.into()),
b"date" => Ok(Date.into()),
b"etag" => Ok(Etag.into()),
b"from" => Ok(From.into()),
b"host" => Ok(Host.into()),
b"link" => Ok(Link.into()),
b"vary" => Ok(Vary.into()),
b"allow" => Ok(Allow.into()),
b"range" => Ok(Range.into()),
b"accept" => Ok(Accept.into()),
b"cookie" => Ok(Cookie.into()),
b"expect" => Ok(Expect.into()),
b"origin" => Ok(Origin.into()),
b"pragma" => Ok(Pragma.into()),
b"server" => Ok(Server.into()),
b"alt-svc" => Ok(AltSvc.into()),
b"expires" => Ok(Expires.into()),
b"referer" => Ok(Referer.into()),
b"refresh" => Ok(Refresh.into()),
b"trailer" => Ok(Trailer.into()),
b"upgrade" => Ok(Upgrade.into()),
b"warning" => Ok(Warning.into()),
b"if-match" => Ok(IfMatch.into()),
b"if-range" => Ok(IfRange.into()),
b"location" => Ok(Location.into()),
b"forwarded" => Ok(Forwarded.into()),
b"connection" => Ok(Connection.into()),
b"set-cookie" => Ok(SetCookie.into()),
b"user-agent" => Ok(UserAgent.into()),
b"retry-after" => Ok(RetryAfter.into()),
b"content-type" => Ok(ContentType.into()),
b"max-forwards" => Ok(MaxForwards.into()),
b"accept-ranges" => Ok(AcceptRanges.into()),
b"authorization" => Ok(Authorization.into()),
b"cache-control" => Ok(CacheControl.into()),
b"content-range" => Ok(ContentRange.into()),
b"if-none-match" => Ok(IfNoneMatch.into()),
b"last-modified" => Ok(LastModified.into()),
b"accept-charset" => Ok(AcceptCharset.into()),
b"content-length" => Ok(ContentLength.into()),
b"accept-encoding" => Ok(AcceptEncoding.into()),
b"accept-language" => Ok(AcceptLanguage.into()),
b"public-key-pins" => Ok(PublicKeyPins.into()),
b"x-frame-options" => Ok(XFrameOptions.into()),
b"referrer-policy" => Ok(ReferrerPolicy.into()),
b"content-language" => Ok(ContentLanguage.into()),
b"content-location" => Ok(ContentLocation.into()),
b"content-encoding" => Ok(ContentEncoding.into()),
b"www-authenticate" => Ok(WwwAuthenticate.into()),
b"x-xss-protection" => Ok(XXssProtection.into()),
b"transfer-encoding" => Ok(TransferEncoding.into()),
b"if-modified-since" => Ok(IfModifiedSince.into()),
b"sec-websocket-key" => Ok(SecWebSocketKey.into()),
b"proxy-authenticate" => Ok(ProxyAuthenticate.into()),
b"content-disposition" => Ok(ContentDisposition.into()),
b"if-unmodified-since" => Ok(IfUnmodifiedSince.into()),
b"proxy-authorization" => Ok(ProxyAuthorization.into()),
b"sec-websocket-accept" => Ok(SecWebSocketAccept.into()),
b"sec-websocket-version" => Ok(SecWebSocketVersion.into()),
b"access-control-max-age" => Ok(AccessControlMaxAge.into()),
b"x-content-type-options" => Ok(XContentTypeOptions.into()),
b"x-dns-prefetch-control" => Ok(XDnsPrefetchControl.into()),
b"sec-websocket-protocol" => Ok(SecWebSocketProtocol.into()),
b"content-security-policy" => Ok(ContentSecurityPolicy.into()),
b"sec-websocket-extensions" => Ok(SecWebSocketExtensions.into()),
b"strict-transport-security" => Ok(StrictTransportSecurity.into()),
b"upgrade-insecure-requests" => Ok(UpgradeInsecureRequests.into()),
b"access-control-allow-origin" => Ok(AccessControlAllowOrigin.into()),
b"public-key-pins-report-only" => Ok(PublicKeyPinsReportOnly.into()),
b"access-control-allow-headers" => Ok(AccessControlAllowHeaders.into()),
b"access-control-allow-methods" => Ok(AccessControlAllowMethods.into()),
b"access-control-expose-headers" => Ok(AccessControlExposeHeaders.into()),
b"access-control-request-method" => Ok(AccessControlRequestMethod.into()),
b"access-control-request-headers" => Ok(AccessControlRequestHeaders.into()),
b"access-control-allow-credentials" => Ok(AccessControlAllowCredentials.into()),
b"content-security-policy-report-only" => {
other => validate(other, len),

impl<'a> From<StandardHeader> for HdrName<'a> {
fn from(hdr: StandardHeader) -> HdrName<'a> {
HdrName { inner: Repr::Standard(hdr) }
Expand Down

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