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Releases: hwchen/keyring-rs

v2.3.3: Updates for Rust 1.78

02 May 18:51
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Rust 1.78 introduced a new clippy check and better guards on Windows when making slices from raw bytes. These changes required one small change in the platform-independent code and two small changes in the Windows-specific code.

v2.3.1: Windows platform update; minimum rust version specified

02 Jan 06:20
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This release includes a contribution by @russellbanks which changes windows to use the windows-sys crate instead of winapi, as suggested by @thewh1teagle.

Specifies a minimum stable rust version of 1.68, which is the one that was current when this major version was released. Only the library is warranted to build on 1.68. In particular, none of the tests or examples will work; they require 1.70 for dev dependencies.

v2.3.0: Support OpenBSD

31 Dec 17:49
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Thanks to @klemensn, this release should build and run on OpenBSD.

v2.2.0: rework default feature set

26 Dec 03:33
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In response to #153 and #148, suppressing the default feature set now suppresses the platform keystore dependencies on all platforms and uses the mock keystore as the default.

PLEASE NOTE: While this behavior is a breaking change on Mac, Windows, and FreeBSD, the behavior on those platforms before was unintended and undefined (suppressing default features did nothing), so this is considered a bug fix rather than a semver-breaking change that requires a major version bump.

v2.1.0: add runtime indication of credential persistence

04 Dec 06:11
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This minor release adds support for asking credential stores at runtime about the lifetime of their stored credentials. See the documentation of CredentialPersistence for details.

This feature was suggested by @benwr in #147.

v2.0.5: documentation improvements

24 Jul 23:51
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This release includes the updates to the keyring documentation from @landhb (see #137 and #138).

v2.0.4: cli and documentation improvements

21 Jun 14:56
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There are no code changes in this patch release.

  1. The CLI has been improved to support use in scripting. See #130 and #134.
  2. Docs for the secret-service keystore have been improved to cover edge cases. See #132 and #133.

v2.0.3: patch release with two improvements

25 May 05:44
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This release integrates two improvements from @phlip9 - thanks!

  1. We don't do an unnecessary allocation on every get_password call.
  2. There is always a default store available on all platforms (including Android - fixes #128).

v2.0.2: Fix misleading typo in documentation

07 Apr 18:48
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This fixes user to be username in the documentation of secret-service attributes. The same sort of typo was in the Mac, iOS, and xplat docs, but it wasn't as serious there because it didn't affect attribute names used by the underlying implementations.

This is a documentation-only release: no code changes.

v2.0.1: fix example in README

19 Feb 04:11
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The README in v2.0.0 had example code that wouldn't compile. It also had a typo in the doctests that caused the README example to be skipped. This release fixes that documentation problem. There are no functional code changes since v2.0.0.