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Format markdown code snippets using your favorite code formatters.


The latest version of mdsf can be downloaded directly from


Install using the published crate:

cargo install mdsf

or directly from source:

git clone

cargo install --path ./mdsf --bin mdsf




The default configuration of mdsf aims to as sane as possible. For that reason the default formatter for each language is the one most people have installed.

If you are interested in customizing which formatter is run, you can create a new mdsf configuration file by running

mdsf init

mdsf supports running multiple formatters on the save code snippet.

  // Only run `ruff` on Python snippets,
  "python": "ruff",
  // Run `usort` on file and then `black`
  "python": ["usort", "black"],
  // Run `usort`, if that fails run `isort`, finally run `black`
  "python": [["usort", "isort"], "black"]

Supported languages & formatters


mdsf is not a tool for installing formatters.

Only formatters that are already installed will be used.

Language Formatters
Blade blade-formatter
C clang-format
CSharp clang-format, csharpier
Cabal cabal_format
Clojure cljstyle, joker, zprint
Cpp clang-format
Crystal crystal_format
Css prettier, stylelint
D dfmt
Dart dart_format
Elixir mix_format
Elm elm-format
Erb erb-formatter
Erlang efmt, erlfmt
FSharp fantomas
Fortran findent, fprettify
Gleam gleam_format
Go crlfmt, gci, gofmt, gofumpt, goimports, goimports-reviser, golines
GraphQL prettier
Groovy npm-groovy-lint
Handlebars djlint, prettier
Haskell fourmolu, hindent, ormolu, stylish-haskell
Hcl terraform_fmt, tofu_fmt
Html djlint, prettier
Java clang-format, google-java-format
JavaScript biome, clang-format, deno_fmt, prettier, standardjs
Json biome, clang-format, deno_fmt, prettier
Julia juliaformatter.jl
Just just_fmt
Kcl kcl_fmt
Kotlin ktfmt, ktlint
Lua luaformatter, stylua
Markdown autocorrect, codespell, mdformat, misspell, prettier, typos
Mustache djlint
Nim nimpretty
Nix alejandra, nixfmt, nixpkgs-fmt
Nunjucks djlint
OCaml ocamlformat, ocp-indent
ObjectiveC clang-format
Perl perltidy
Protobuf buf, clang-format
Puppet puppet-lint
PureScript purs-tidy
Python auto-optional, autopep8, black, blue, isort, pyink, ruff, usort, yapf
ReScript rescript_format
ReStructuredText rstfmt
Roc roc_format
Ruby rubocop, rubyfmt, rufo, standardrb
Rust leptosfmt, rustfmt, yew-fmt
Scala scalafmt
Shell beautysh, shfmt
Solidity forge_fmt
Sql sql-formatter, sqlfluff
Swift swift-format, swiftformat
Toml taplo
TypeScript biome, deno_fmt, prettier
Vue biome, prettier
Xml xmlformat, xmllint
Yaml prettier, yamlfix, yamlfmt
Zig zigfmt


mdsf was inspired by the amazing neovim formatting plugin conform.nvim.

Alternatives to mdsf