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HMRC: Digital PyPI Python License: Apache 2.0 Code style: black

The purpose of this tool is to avoid writing AWS lambda packaging scripts repeatedly. It is intended to give a consistent output regardless of how you currently define your python dependencies. The tool was built as most existing tools are built into larger frameworks that have other considerations when adopting

Currently, requires python >=3.8 and later due to required features of copytree


  • You can run with the following:
$ lambda-packager
 # or if not in the project directory  
$ lambda-packager --project-directory path/to/project/dir
  • lambda-packager will include any dependencies defined in
    • poetry (pyproject.toml)
    • requirements.txt
    • Pipenv (Coming soon!)
  • By default lambda-packager will include all src files that match *.py
  • You can customise this through config in pyproject.toml:
src_patterns = ["lambda_packager/*.py"]

Hidden files

  • Hidden files and folders are ignored by default when including src files
  • if you wish to disable this, then add the following config to your pyproject.toml
ignore_hidden_files = false

Ignore folders

If there are folders that you wish always exclude, then you can use ignore_folders Note: ignore_folders is always respected even if there was a match via src_patterns

ignore_folders = ["venv"]

Ignore hashes

Only has an effect when using poetry pyproject.toml files

Skips exporting hashes from poetry to avoid issues when using non-pypi packages by providing --without-hashes flag when calling poetry export See #2 for more info (Note: version number remains pinned when this is enabled)

without_hashes = True

Full usage

usage: lambda-packager [-h] [--project-directory PROJECT_DIRECTORY] [-l {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR}]

Build code and dependencies into zip files that can be uploaded and run in AWS Lambda

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --project-directory PROJECT_DIRECTORY
                        The path to the top level project directory. This is where source files and files that declare dependencies are expected to be held. Defaults to current directory
                        set output verbosity, defaults to 'INFO'


This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.