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The HistFitter Group mailing-list, for any of your questions:


HistFitter has 2 stable versions, one compliant with Python2 (v0.66.0) and one with Python3 (v1.x.y). If you're going to be using HistFitter directly as a standalone application, clone the latest stable release. The Python2 version is no longer being updated.

git clone
git checkout vX.XX.X -b vX.XX.X

This creates a directory named histfitter with the source code.

If you're using HistFitter as a submodule in a project, specify the latest stable release while adding the submodule

# Relative path gives nicer clones in CI if the parent project is on CERN's GitLab
git submodule add ../../HistFitter/HistFitter.git
cd HistFitter && git checkout vX.XX.X -b vX.XX.X && cd ..
git add HistFitter && git commit -m "Add HistFitter submodule"


The recommended ROOT version is 6.30/02. This version of HistFitter is not compatible with ROOT versions < 6.28. The minimum cmake version is 3.21.

For CERN/ATLAS users, an LCG release with the correct ROOT, Python, and cmake versions can be loaded on lxplus via the ATLAS software setup:

lsetup "views LCG_105 x86_64-el9-gcc12-opt"

When running some configurations with toys, there is a segfault that seems to be in ROOT. See issue #213. Reverting to an earlier version of ROOT (6.28.X) gets around this for now. This is also available via ATLAS software setup:

lsetup "views LCG_104c x86_64-el9-gcc13-opt"


HistFitter is available in the ATLAS StatAnalysis release, which can be loaded with:

asetup StatAnalysis, 0.3.0

If you use this option you do not need to clone the source code, and you can skip the next step and go straight to Setup.

Build and install

Make your build directory and specify an install directory. You have to point cmake to where the cloned source directory is located.

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install/ /path/to/histfitter/
make install

Depending on your cmake version, you may need to add '-B.' in order to get cmake to put the build files into the current directory.

HistFitter was originally built and used in the same directory as the source code. If you prefer this option, simply go to the source directory and make the build directory there. This will treat the source code directory histfitter as the install location, creating the install directory directly there.

cd histfitter
mkdir build
cd build
cmake  ..
make install

This will create an install directory with the installed libraries as well as other files needed at runtime.


First make a directory to work in:

mkdir HistFitterProject
cd HistFitterProject

Then setup the necessary environment variables (ROOT_INCLUDE_PATH, PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, PYTHONPATH) to include HistFitter and this working area. With a local build from source, this can be done via:

source /path/to/install/bin/

or you can also run the setup script from any directory if you use the -p flag and the path to the work directory. source /path/to/install/bin/ -p /path/to/HistFitterProject

If you are using HistFitter through StatAnalysis, the setup script location is already in the PATH environment variable. :


This will create four new directories in your work directory: analysis, config, data, and results. It also copies the HistFactorySchema.dtd file into the config directory. Most importantly, the setup script sets the environment variable paths that are required for the scripts to work. Use the -e flag to obtain a copy of the analysis/tutorial, analysis/simplechannel and macros folders containing some analysis examples, which are a good starting point for creating your own analysis. If you want to import additional python files, make sure that they are located in a folder which is added to the PYTHONPATH environment variable (like analysis).


See the ATLAS tutorial.


pyhf is now enabled as a backend for running maximum likelihood fits, calculating upper limits and hypothesis testing. Use the --pyhf flag to use pyhf. For pyhf to work, JSON files must be created from the existing XML files. You can do this by using the -j flag. If you make any changes to the fit configuration, the XML and JSON files must be recreated (-j does both). pyhf must be installed on the command line and as a python library. This can be done through pip:

pip install pyhf[xmlio, minuit]

If you want other backends you can install them in a similar manner. See the pyhf documentation for more information.

You can change the backend by setting it using the --pyhf-backend flag. The options are ['numpy', 'tensorflow', 'pytorch', 'jax']. The corresponding pyhf extension library must be installed. The default backend is numpy.

pip install pyhf['jax']

Directory structure

source code

  • analysis: Gets copied to the working directory, and is where analysis configuration files go. Contains example configuration files in tutorial/ and simplechannel/.
  • config: Contains HistFactory schema
  • doc: This is a placeholder directory for Doxygen's output.
  • macros: Macros for making plots, testing the fit, ongoing work, etc
  • python: Python base classes
  • scripts: Scripts for making workspaces based on root files in data/. Scripts for submitting batch jobs.
  • src: Source code to make workspaces, do toys.
  • test: pytest tests

working directory

  • analysis: Contains all files related to an analysis. E.g. ZeroLepton/.
  • config: Contains HistFactory schema and XML files
  • results: Where root files with workspaces generated by HistFactory get stored
  • data: Contains data root files, provided externally, used to create workspaces for analysis

Tests and troubleshooting

To check that everything is working properly, you can run the tests. This requires you to have the pytest python module installed. Run the setup script with the -t flag.

source /path/to/install/bin/ -t

This copies the /test directory into the work directory. Now run the tests.

pytest test/

If you get errors of the type 'no module named ...' the PYTHONPATH and/or LD_LIBRARY_PATH are not set correctly which means HistFitter is not built/installed properly. If some tests pass and others fail it could be related to results from toys, which are non-deterministic, or changes in ROOT.


To contribute to development please first fork HistFitter and do all of your development on a feature branch that is not master. If you are planning on making feature changes please first open up an Issue and outline your plans so that development can be discussed with the maintainer team, streamlining the process as your PR is written.

When you make a PR, include a summary in the body of the PR of your changes that can be easily found and incorporated into Changelog for the next release.