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ci: improve backport PR title and body (#421) #382

ci: improve backport PR title and body (#421)

ci: improve backport PR title and body (#421) #382

Triggered via push April 22, 2024 09:51
Status Failure
Total duration 20s
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9 errors and 1 warning
lint: hcloud/client.go#L289
response.StatusCode undefined (type *Response has no field or method StatusCode) (typecheck)
lint: hcloud/client.go#L363
resp.Header undefined (type *Response has no field or method Header) (typecheck)
lint: hcloud/client.go#L391
r.Header undefined (type *Response has no field or method Header) (typecheck)
lint: hcloud/client.go#L394
r.Header undefined (type *Response has no field or method Header) (typecheck)
lint: hcloud/client.go#L397
r.Header undefined (type *Response has no field or method Header) (typecheck)
lint: hcloud/client_test.go#L88
apiError.Response().StatusCode undefined (type *Response has no field or method StatusCode) (typecheck)
lint: hcloud/client_test.go#L89
apiError.Response().StatusCode undefined (type *Response has no field or method StatusCode) (typecheck)
issues found
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: actions/checkout@v3, golangci/golangci-lint-action@v3. For more information see: