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A javascript client library for the Music Player Daemon

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mpc.js is a javascript client library for the Music Player Daemon.

It features a Promise-based API for all mpd commands, type definitions for Typescript and works in both node.js and current browsers (connecting to mpd through a WebSocket bridge like websockify).

This is the node.js package containing the node-specific networking code.


CommonJS package

Install with

npm install mpc-js

if you want to use it in node.js or

npm install mpc-js-web

if you want to use it in the browser and use your own module bundler (like webpack or browserify).

Then import it with

import { MPC } from 'mpc-js';


const MPC = require('mpc-js').MPC;

UMD package

If you want to use it in the browser and don't use a module bundler, you can get a UMD build of mpc.js as a minified javascript file from You can also install this file with bower:

bower install MPC=

Typescript projects

The npm package contains type definitions that will be picked up by the TypeScript compiler automatically.

Web projects

Since you can't use TCP or Unix socket connections in the browser, you'll need to set up a WebSocket bridge, e.g.

websockify --web <path/to/your/webapp> 8000 localhost:6600

Now if you open your web application at http://localhost:8000/index.html you can connect to mpd using



Typedoc-generated API documentation is available here.


The following events are emitted by the client:

  • ready - The connection to mpd has been initialized
  • socket-error - An error event from the underlying socket implementation, the error is passed to the event listeners
  • socket-end - The socket was closed by mpd
  • changed - There was a change in one or more of mpd's subsystems, the list of changed subsystems is passed to the event listeners. This list may contain:
    • database - the song database has been modified after update
    • update - a database update has started or finished; if the database was modified during the update, the database event is also emitted
    • stored_playlist - a stored playlist has been modified, renamed, created or deleted
    • playlist - the current playlist has been modified
    • player - the player has been started, stopped or seeked
    • mixer - the volume has been changed
    • output - an audio output has been enabled or disabled
    • options - options like repeat, random, crossfade, replay gain
    • sticker - the sticker database has been modified
    • subscription: a client has subscribed or unsubscribed to a channel
    • message: a message was received on a channel this client is subscribed to; this event is only emitted when the queue is empty
  • changed-<subsystem> - There was a change in <subsystem>


Create a client and connect to mpd

const mpc = new MPC();

// connect via TCP (when running in node.js)
mpc.connectTCP('localhost', 6600);

// ... or a Unix socket (when running in node.js)

// ... or a WebSocket (when running in a browser)

The connect methods will return a Promise that is resolved when the connection to mpd has been established or rejected when the connection attempt fails.

Controlling playback;;


Changing the current playlist

Clear the playlist and add a directory


mpc.currentPlaylist.add('ambient/Loscil/2010 - Endless Falls');

Search the playlist for songs whose title contains 'dub' and delete them

mpc.currentPlaylist.playlistSearch('Title', 'dub').then(
	items => items.forEach(item => mpc.currentPlaylist.deleteId(;

Observing state changes

mpc.on('changed-player', () => { 
	mpc.status.status().then(status => { 
		if (status.state == 'play') { 
			mpc.status.currentSong().then(song => console.log(`Playing '${song.title}'`));
		} else {
			console.log('Stopped playback');
Playing 'Lake Orchard'

Stopped playback

Exploring the mpd database

List the contents of a directory

mpc.database.listFiles('ambient/Loscil/2010 - Endless Falls').then(console.log);

[ File {
    entryType: 'file',
    path: '01. Endless Falls.mp3',
    lastModified: 2014-07-03T18:28:07.000Z,
    size: 19280819 },
  File {
    entryType: 'file',
    path: '02. Estuarine.mp3',
    lastModified: 2014-07-03T18:29:15.000Z,
    size: 20292272 },

List metadata for the contents of a directory

mpc.database.listInfo('ambient/Loscil/2010 - Endless Falls').then(console.log);

[ Song {
    entryType: 'song',
    path: 'ambient/Loscil/2010 - Endless Falls/01. Endless Falls.mp3',
    lastModified: 2014-07-03T18:28:07.000Z,
    title: 'Endless Falls',
    name: undefined,
    artist: 'Loscil',
    artistSort: undefined,
    composer: undefined,
    performer: undefined,
    album: 'Endless Falls',
    albumSort: undefined,
    albumArtist: 'Loscil',
    albumArtistSort: undefined,
    track: '01/08',
    disc: undefined,
    date: '2010',
    genre: 'Experimental, Ambient',
    comment: undefined,
    musicBrainzArtistId: undefined,
    musicBrainzAlbumId: undefined,
    musicBrainzAlbumArtistId: undefined,
    musicBrainzTrackId: undefined,
    musicBrainzReleaseTrackId: undefined,
    duration: 475 },

List song titles from Loscil in 2006, grouped by album

mpc.database.list('Title', [['Artist', 'Loscil'], ['Date', '2006']], ['Album']).then(console.log);

Map {
  [ 'Stases' ] => [ 'B15-A', 'Biced', 'Cotom', 'Faint Liquid', 'Micro Hydro', 'Nautical2',
  'Resurgence', 'Sous-marin', 'Still Upon The Ocean Floor', 'Stratus', 'Subaquatic', 'Windless' ],
  [ 'Plume' ] => [ 'Bellows', 'Charlie', 'Chinook', 'Halcyon',
  'Mistral', 'Motoc', 'Rorschach', 'Steam', 'Zephyr' ],
  [ 'Idol Tryouts Two: Ghostly International Vol. Two' ] => [ 'Umbra' ] }


A javascript client library for the Music Player Daemon






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