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website: Split resource lifecycle management into separate pages (#537)
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Reference: #258
Reference: #527

Each lifecycle operation has its own set of caveats, recommendations, and specific use cases. These individualized pages will clarify and enable the additional documentation requirements. This change also adds update documentation to show how to determine whether an individual attribute value was changed during update, to show the new layout in action.
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bflad committed Nov 11, 2022
1 parent 8a46db4 commit 6fea713
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Showing 6 changed files with 730 additions and 276 deletions.
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions website/data/plugin-framework-nav-data.json
Expand Up @@ -34,6 +34,22 @@
"title": "Overview",
"path": "resources"
"title": "Create",
"path": "resources/create"
"title": "Read",
"path": "resources/read"
"title": "Update",
"path": "resources/update"
"title": "Delete",
"path": "resources/delete"
"title": "Configure Clients",
"path": "resources/configure"
Expand Down
176 changes: 176 additions & 0 deletions website/docs/plugin/framework/resources/create.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
page_title: 'Plugin Development - Framework: Create Resources'
description: >-
How to implement resource creation in the provider development framework.

# Create Resources

-> **Note:** The Plugin Framework is in beta.

Creation is part of the basic Terraform lifecycle for managing resources. During the [`terraform apply` command](/cli/commands/apply), Terraform calls the provider `ApplyResourceChange` RPC, in which the framework calls the [`resource.Resource` interface `Create` method]( The request contains Terraform configuration and plan data. The response expects the applied Terraform state data, including any computed values. The data is defined by the [schema](/plugin/framework/schemas) of the resource.

Other resource lifecycle implementations include:

- [Read](/plugin/framework/resources/read) resources by receiving Terraform prior state data, performing read logic, and saving refreshed Terraform state data.
- [Update](/plugin/framework/resources/update) resources in-place by receiving Terraform prior state, configuration, and plan data, performing update logic, and saving updated Terraform state data.
- [Delete](/plugin/framework/resources/delete) resources by receiving Terraform prior state data and performing deletion logic.

## Define Create Method

Implement the `Create` method by:

1. [Accessing the data](/plugin/framework/accessing-values) from the [`resource.CreateRequest` type]( Most use cases should access the plan data in the [`resource.CreateRequest.Plan` field](
1. Performing logic or external calls to create and/or run the resource.
1. [Writing state data](/plugin/framework/writing-state) into the [`resource.CreateResponse.State` field](

If the logic needs to return [warning or error diagnostics](/plugin/framework/diagnostics), they can added into the [`resource.CreateResponse.Diagnostics` field](

In this example, the resource is setup to accept a configuration value that is sent in a service API creation call:

// ThingResource defines the resource implementation.
// Some resource.Resource interface methods are omitted for brevity.
type ThingResource struct {
// client is configured via a Configure method, which is not shown in this
// example for brevity. Refer to the Configure Resources documentation for
// additional details for setting up resources with external clients.
client *http.Client

// ThingResourceModel describes the Terraform resource data model to match the
// resource schema.
type ThingResourceModel struct {
Name types.String `tfsdk:"name"`
Id types.String `tfsdk:"id"`

// ThingResourceAPIModel describes the API data model.
type ThingResourceAPIModel struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Id string `json:"id"`

func (r ThingResource) GetSchema(ctx context.Context) (tfsdk.Schema, diag.Diagnostics) {
return tfsdk.Schema{
Attributes: map[string]tfsdk.Attribute{
"name": {
MarkdownDescription: "Name of the thing to be saved in the service.",
Required: true,
Type: types.StringType,
"id": {
Computed: true,
MarkdownDescription: "Service generated identifier for the thing.",
PlanModifiers: tfsdk.AttributePlanModifiers{
Type: types.StringType,
MarkdownDescription: "Manages a thing.",
}, nil

func (r ThingResource) Create(ctx context.Context, req resource.CreateRequest, resp *resource.CreateResponse) {
var data *ThingResourceModel

// Read Terraform plan data into the model
resp.Diagnostics.Append(req.Plan.Get(ctx, &data)...)

if resp.Diagnostics.HasError() {

// Convert from Terraform data model into API data model
createReq := ThingResourceAPIModel{
Name: data.Name.ValueString(),

httpReqBody, err := json.Marshal(createReq)

if err != nil {
"Unable to Create Resource",
"An unexpected error occurred while creating the resource create request. "+
"Please report this issue to the provider developers.\n\n"+
"JSON Error: "+err.Error(),


// Create HTTP request
httpReq := http.NewRequestWithContext(

// Send HTTP request
httpResp, err := d.client.Do(httpReq)
defer httpResp.Body.Close()

if err != nil {
"Unable to Create Resource",
"An unexpected error occurred while attempting to create the resource. "+
"Please retry the operation or report this issue to the provider developers.\n\n"+
"HTTP Error: "+err.Error(),


// Return error if the HTTP status code is not 200 OK
if httpResp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
"Unable to Create Resource",
"An unexpected error occurred while attempting to create the resource. "+
"Please retry the operation or report this issue to the provider developers.\n\n"+
"HTTP Status: "+httpResp.Status,


var createResp ThingResourceAPIModel

err := json.NewDecoder(httpResp.Body).Decode(&createResp)

if err != nil {
"Unable to Create Resource",
"An unexpected error occurred while parsing the resource creation response. "+
"Please report this issue to the provider developers.\n\n"+
"JSON Error: "+err.Error(),


// Convert from the API data model to the Terraform data model
// and set any unknown attribute values.
data.Id = types.StringValue(createResp.Id)

// Save data into Terraform state
resp.Diagnostics.Append(resp.State.Set(ctx, &data)...)

## Caveats

Note these caveats when implementing the `Create` method:

* An error is returned if the response state contains unknown values. Set all attributes to either null or known values in the response.
* An error is returned if the response state has the `RemoveResource()` method called. This method is not valid during creation.
* An error is returned unless every null or known value in the request plan is saved exactly as-is into the response state. Only unknown plan values can be modified.
* Any response errors will cause Terraform to mark the resource as tainted for recreation on the next Terraform plan.

## Recommendations

Note these recommendations when implementing the `Create` method:

* Get request data from the Terraform plan data over configuration data as the schema or resource may include [plan modification](/plugin/framework/resources/plan-modification) logic which sets plan values.
* Return errors that signify there is an existing resource. Terraform practitioners expect to be notified if an existing resource needs to be imported into Terraform rather than created. This prevents situations where multiple Terraform configurations unexpectedly manage the same underlying resource.
153 changes: 153 additions & 0 deletions website/docs/plugin/framework/resources/delete.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
page_title: 'Plugin Development - Framework: Delete Resources'
description: >-
How to implement resource deletion in the provider development framework.

# Delete Resources

-> **Note:** The Plugin Framework is in beta.

Deletion is part of the basic Terraform lifecycle for managing resources. During the [`terraform apply` command](/cli/commands/apply), Terraform calls the provider `ApplyResourceChange` RPC, in which the framework calls the [`resource.Resource` interface `Delete` method]( The request contains Terraform prior state data. The response is only for returning diagnostics. The data is defined by the [schema](/plugin/framework/schemas) of the resource.

Terraform 1.3 and later enables deletion planning, which resources can implement to return warning and error diagnostics. For additional information, refer to the [resource plan modification documentation](/plugin/framework/resources/plan-modification#resource-destroy-plan-diagnostics).

Other resource lifecycle implementations include:

- [Create](/plugin/framework/resources/create) resources by receiving Terraform configuration and plan data, performing creation logic, and saving Terraform state data.
- [Read](/plugin/framework/resources/read) resources by receiving Terraform prior state data, performing read logic, and saving refreshed Terraform state data.
- [Update](/plugin/framework/resources/update) resources in-place by receiving Terraform prior state, configuration, and plan data, performing update logic, and saving updated Terraform state data.

## Define Delete Method

Implement the `Delete` method by:

1. [Accessing prior state data](/plugin/framework/accessing-values) from the [`resource.DeleteRequest.State` field](
1. Performing logic or external calls to destroy the resource.

If the logic needs to return [warning or error diagnostics](/plugin/framework/diagnostics), they can added into the [`resource.DeleteResponse.Diagnostics` field](

In this example, the `Delete` function makes a HTTP call and returns successfully if the status code was 200 OK or 404 Not Found:

// ThingResource defines the resource implementation.
// Some resource.Resource interface methods are omitted for brevity.
type ThingResource struct {
// client is configured via a Configure method, which is not shown in this
// example for brevity. Refer to the Configure Resources documentation for
// additional details for setting up resources with external clients.
client *http.Client

// ThingResourceModel describes the Terraform resource data model to match the
// resource schema.
type ThingResourceModel struct {
Name types.String `tfsdk:"name"`
Id types.String `tfsdk:"id"`

// ThingResourceAPIModel describes the API data model.
type ThingResourceAPIModel struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Id string `json:"id"`

func (r ThingResource) GetSchema(ctx context.Context) (tfsdk.Schema, diag.Diagnostics) {
return tfsdk.Schema{
Attributes: map[string]tfsdk.Attribute{
"name": {
MarkdownDescription: "Name of the thing to be saved in the service.",
Required: true,
Type: types.StringType,
"id": {
Computed: true,
MarkdownDescription: "Service generated identifier for the thing.",
PlanModifiers: tfsdk.AttributePlanModifiers{
Type: types.StringType,
MarkdownDescription: "Manages a thing.",
}, nil

func (r ThingResource) Delete(ctx context.Context, req resource.DeleteRequest, resp *resource.DeleteResponse) {
var data ThingResourceModel

// Read Terraform prior state data into the model
resp.Diagnostics.Append(req.State.Get(ctx, &data)...)

// Convert from Terraform data model into API data model
readReq := ThingResourceAPIModel{
Id: data.Id.ValueString(),
Name: data.Name.ValueString(),

httpReqBody, err := json.Marshal(readReq)

if err != nil {
"Unable to Delete Resource",
"An unexpected error occurred while creating the resource d request. "+
"Please report this issue to the provider developers.\n\n"+
"JSON Error: "+err.Error(),


// Create HTTP request
httpReq := http.NewRequestWithContext(

// Send HTTP request
httpResp, err := d.client.Do(httpReq)
defer httpResp.Body.Close()

if err != nil {
"Unable to Delete Resource",
"An unexpected error occurred while attempting to delete the resource. "+
"Please retry the operation or report this issue to the provider developers.\n\n"+
"HTTP Error: "+err.Error(),


// Return error if the HTTP status code is not 200 OK or 404 Not Found
if httpResp.StatusCode != http.StatusNotFound && httpResp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
"Unable to Delete Resource",
"An unexpected error occurred while attempting to delete the resource. "+
"Please retry the operation or report this issue to the provider developers.\n\n"+
"HTTP Status: "+httpResp.Status,


// If the logic reaches here, it implicitly succeeded and will remove
// the resource from state if there are no other errors.

## Caveats

Note these caveats when implementing the `Delete` method:

* An error is returned if the response state is set to anything other than null.
* Any response errors will cause Terraform to keep the resource under management.

## Recommendations

Note these recommendations when implementing the `Delete` method:

* Ignore errors that signify the resource is no longer existent.
* Skip calling the response state `RemoveResource()` method. The framework automatically handles this logic with the response state if there are no error diagnostics.

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