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Raft multi version testing #128

Raft multi version testing

Raft multi version testing #128

Triggered via pull request March 19, 2024 15:53
Status Failure
Total duration 4m 8s


on: pull_request
Matrix: go-test
Matrix: go-test-compat
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7 errors and 9 warnings
go-test-compat (1.19, x64)
Process completed with exit code 1.
go-test-compat (1.19, x32)
The job was canceled because "_1_19_x64" failed.
go-test-compat (1.19, x32)
The operation was canceled.
go-test-compat (1.20, x64)
The job was canceled because "_1_19_x64" failed.
go-test-compat (1.20, x64)
A task was canceled.
go-test-compat (1.20, x32)
The job was canceled because "_1_19_x64" failed.
go-test-compat (1.20, x32)
The operation was canceled.
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: actions/checkout@ac593985615ec2ede58e132d2e21d2b1cbd6127c, actions/setup-go@6edd4406fa81c3da01a34fa6f6343087c207a568. For more information see:
go-test (1.19, x64)
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: actions/checkout@ac593985615ec2ede58e132d2e21d2b1cbd6127c, actions/setup-go@6edd4406fa81c3da01a34fa6f6343087c207a568. For more information see:
go-test (1.20, x64)
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: actions/checkout@ac593985615ec2ede58e132d2e21d2b1cbd6127c, actions/setup-go@6edd4406fa81c3da01a34fa6f6343087c207a568. For more information see:
go-test (1.19, x32)
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: actions/checkout@ac593985615ec2ede58e132d2e21d2b1cbd6127c, actions/setup-go@6edd4406fa81c3da01a34fa6f6343087c207a568. For more information see:
go-test (1.20, x32)
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: actions/checkout@ac593985615ec2ede58e132d2e21d2b1cbd6127c, actions/setup-go@6edd4406fa81c3da01a34fa6f6343087c207a568. For more information see:
go-test-compat (1.19, x64)
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: actions/checkout@ac593985615ec2ede58e132d2e21d2b1cbd6127c, actions/setup-go@6edd4406fa81c3da01a34fa6f6343087c207a568. For more information see:
go-test-compat (1.19, x64)
Unexpected input(s) 'submodules', valid inputs are ['go-version', 'go-version-file', 'check-latest', 'token', 'cache', 'cache-dependency-path', 'architecture']
go-test-compat (1.19, x32)
Unexpected input(s) 'submodules', valid inputs are ['go-version', 'go-version-file', 'check-latest', 'token', 'cache', 'cache-dependency-path', 'architecture']
go-test-compat (1.20, x32)
Unexpected input(s) 'submodules', valid inputs are ['go-version', 'go-version-file', 'check-latest', 'token', 'cache', 'cache-dependency-path', 'architecture']