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JustWatch Navigation Bar Theme with Tailwind CSS and Next.js

This repository provides the source code and assets to replicate the navigation bar theme. Developed using Tailwind CSS and the Next.js framework with ReactJS, this project delivers a fully responsive and feature-rich navigation bar.


  1. Full Responsive Design:

    • Adapts seamlessly to various screen sizes for an optimal user experience.
  2. Tailwind CSS Styling:

    • Utilizes Tailwind CSS to achieve a modern, sleek, and clean appearance.
  3. Built with ReactJS:

    • Leverages the power of ReactJS to create a dynamic and interactive user interface.
  4. Next.js Framework:

    • Developed using the Next.js framework to enhance the performance and scalability of the application.

Implementation Details

In this project, I've crafted a clone of the navigation bar with the following key functionalities:

  • useState for State Management:

    • Utilizes the useState hook to manage the state of the navigation bar, allowing for a smooth and responsive user interaction.
  • useRef for Handling Clicks Outside:

    • Implements useRef to detect user clicks outside the navigation bar, ensuring that it closes when the user interacts elsewhere on the page.

By combining these features, the navigation bar seamlessly responds to user actions, providing an intuitive and user-friendly experience. Feel free to explore the code and resources to understand the implementation details and customize it according to your needs.

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