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Updating the ophan acquisitions model

Tom Forbes edited this page May 14, 2020 · 1 revision

Our backends send acquisition events to Data Lake via Ophan. This isn't ideal because it means we're tied to Ophan's model. We should eventually migrate to sending events direct to Data Lake and maintain our own model. For now, the process for updating the acquisition model is as follows:

  1. Create a branch on ophan. Update the thrift model here here. Then follow the guide here to update the avro schema. Create a PR.
  2. After merging the ophan change, release the event-model library with release cross from the eventModel project in sbt.
  3. Create a branch on ophan-data-lake. As described in the guide, copy the latest .avsc file from ophan/avro-logger/src/test/resources/schemas/ to ophan-data-lake/ophan_event.avsc and create a PR.
  4. Create a branch on acquisition-event-producer. Update the ophan-event-model dependency in the build.sbt, and after merging run sbt release.
  5. Create a branch on support-frontend. Update the acquisition-event-producer-play26_2.12 dependency in support-models/build.sbt.
  6. After merging the support-frontend change, release support-models. Unfortunately we need to use this branch to do this. (Once we have moved payment-api into the support-frontend mono repo we will no longer have to release support-models.)
  7. Create a branch on payment-api. Update the support-models dependency.
  8. Create a branch on acquisitions-firehose-transformer and update the ophan-event-model dependency

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