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Consent Management Platform

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Consent management for *

The Guardian CMP handles applying the CCPA to users in the USA, and TCFv2 to everyone else.

Table of Contents


Generic badge

yarn add @guardian/consent-management-platform


npm install @guardian/consent-management-platform


This package uses ES2020.

If your target environment does not support that, make sure you transpile this package when bundling your application.

Managing Consent

import { cmp } from '@guardian/consent-management-platform';


returns: void

Adds the relevent privacy framework to the page. It must be called to enable privacy management. If necessary, it will also display the initial privacy message.

type: string values: any 2-letter, ISO_3166-1 country code, e.g. GB, US, AU, …

Declare which country your user is in. Required – throws an error if it's missing.


type: Object

Optional additional parameters for reporting.


type: string

Optional value identifying the unique pageview associated with this instance of the CMP.

Will be used to link back to a browserId for further reporting; if possible this should be available via the pageview table.


	country: 'GB',
	pubData: {
		pageViewId: 'jkao3u2kcbaqk',


returns: boolean

Returns true if the CMP has initialised.


returns: Promise<Boolean>

Returns a promise that resolves to true if the CMP will show the initial privacy message once it has initialised, or false if not.


    .then(willShow =>
        if (willShow) {
            console.log("a privacy message will show as soon as it's ready");
            // e.g. don't show any other banners
        } else {
            console.log('a privacy message will not be shown');
            // e.g. show another banner if you like


returns: Boolean

You almost always want to use the async version above.

Returns true if the CMP has shown, is showing or will show the initial privacy message. Returns false otherwise.

Throws an error if the CMP has not been initialised.


if (cmp.hasInitialised()) {
	if (cmp.willShowPrivacyMessageSync()) {
		// do something


Displays an interface that allows users to manage their privacy settings at any time.



Using Consent

import {
} from '@guardian/consent-management-platform';

onConsentChange(callback, final?)

returns: void

An event listener that invokes callbacks whenever the consent state:

  • is acquired (e.g. after initialising)
  • changes (eg. if a user changes their privacy preferences)

If the consent state has already been acquired when onConsentChange is called, the callback will be invoked immediately.

Passing true for the optional final parameter guarantees that the callback will be executed after all other callbacks that haven't been registered with the flag when consent state changes. If more than one callback registered with final = true, they will be executed in the order in which they were registered when consent changes.


type: function

Reports the user's privacy preferences.


type: Object or undefined

Reports the user's preferences for each of the TCFv2 purposes, the last CMP event status, custom vendor consents, flag if GDPR applies, the TC string and addtlConsent string.

If the user is either in the USA or Australia, it will be undefined.

Unlike the __tcfapi, all ten consents will have a set boolean value, defaulting to false where no explicit consent was given.

    gdprApplies: Boolean | undefined, // true - GDPR Applies, false - GDPR Does not apply, undefined - unknown whether GDPR Applies
    tcString: String, // 'base64url-encoded TC string with segments'
    addtlConsent: String, // Google AC string
    eventStatus: String, // 'tcloaded' | 'cmpuishown' | 'useractioncomplete'
    consents: {
        1: Boolean,
        2: Boolean,
        /* … */
        9: Boolean,
        10: Boolean,

    vendorConsents: {
        'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx': Boolean,
        'yz1234567890abcdefghijkl': Boolean,
        'mnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890': Boolean,
        // Sourcepoint IDs, etc.

type: Object or undefined

Reports whether user has withdrawn consent to sell their data in the USA.

If the user is not in the USA, it will be undefined.

	doNotSell: Boolean;

type: Object or undefined

Reports whether user has withdrawn consent to personalised advertising in Australia.

If the user is not in Australia, it will be undefined.

    personalisedAdvertising: Boolean, // True by default

type: boolean

If the user can be targeted for personalisation according to the active consent framework.

For example canTarget would be true in the following scenarios:

  • for CCPA if the user has not clicked "do not sell",
  • for AUS if the user has not opted out of personalised advertising
  • for TCFv2 if the user has given consent for all purposes

type: string | null

The active consent framework e.g. "ccpa", "aus", "tcfv2" or null.


import { onConsentChange } from '@guardian/consent-management-platform';

onConsentChange(({ tcfv2, ccpa, aus }) => {
	if (tcfv2) {
		console.log(tcfv2); // { 1: true || false, 1: true || false, ... }

	if (ccpa) {
		console.log(ccpa); // { doNotSell: true || false }

	if (aus) {
		console.log(aus); // { personalisedAdvertising: true || false }


A promise wrapper around onConsentChange that resolves the initial consent state.

This will only resolve once whereas callbacks passed to onConsentChange are executed each time consent state changes. Avoid using this function in contexts where subsequent consent states must be listened for.

returns: Promise<ConsentState>

getConsentFor(vendor, consentState)

returns: boolean

Gets the consent for a given vendor.


type: string

Supported vendors

TCFV2 vendors

  • "a9"
  • "acast"
  • "braze"
  • "comscore"
  • "criteo"
  • "google-analytics"
  • "google-mobile-ads"
  • "google-tag-manager"
  • "googletag"
  • "ias"
  • "inizio"
  • "ipsos"
  • "magnite" (do not use until contract signed)
  • "nielsen"
  • "ophan"
  • "permutive"
  • "prebid"
  • "qm" (Quantum Metric)
  • "redplanet" (Australia only)
  • "remarketing"
  • "sentry"
  • "teads"
  • "twitter"
  • "youtube-player"

Aus only Vendors

  • "redplanet"
If the vendor you need is missing, please [raise an issue]( (or a PR!).


type: Object

The consent object passed to the onConsentChange callback.


import {
} from '@guardian/consent-management-platform';

onConsentChange((consentState) => {
	const ga = getConsentFor('google-analytics', consentState); // true
	const comscore = getConsentFor('comscore', consentState); // false

	// throws error
	const eowifnwoeifjoweinf = getConsentFor(

	// you can still use the consent state for a more complicated task
	const complexConsentCondition = myComplexConsentTask(consentState);

Disabling Consent

It is possible to disable the CMP entirely in the current browser, which can be useful for testing host applications.


returns: void


cmp.__disable(); // CMP won't run even if you try


returns: void


cmp.__enable(); // CMP will work as normal


returns: boolean


cmp.__isDisabled(); // => true/false


Set a gu-cmp-disabled=true cookie. This is the same as running cmp.__disable().


document.cookie = 'gu-cmp-disabled=true;';

Removing it is the same as running cmp.__enable().


document.cookie = 'gu-cmp-disabled=; Max-Age=0;';

Using Cypress

To disable consent in Cypress tests, see their setCookie documentation.


See the developer docs