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build(deps): bump from 0.18.0 to 0.19.0 #740

build(deps): bump from 0.18.0 to 0.19.0

build(deps): bump from 0.18.0 to 0.19.0 #740

Triggered via push April 5, 2024 14:44
Status Failure
Total duration 1m 16s


on: push
Matrix: test
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9 errors and 5 warnings
Test on go 1.20 and ubuntu-latest: envutil/envutil_test.go#L102
[staticcheck] reported by reviewdog 🐶 variadic argument "kvPairs" is expected to have even number of elements, but has 3 elements Raw Output: {"source":{"name":"staticcheck","url":""},"message":"variadic argument \"kvPairs\" is expected to have even number of elements, but has 3 elements","code":{"value":"SA5012","url":""},"location":{"path":"/home/runner/work/goutil/goutil/envutil/envutil_test.go","range":{"start":{"line":102,"column":11}}},"severity":"ERROR"}
Test on go 1.20 and ubuntu-latest: reflects/util.go#L13
[staticcheck] reported by reviewdog 🐶 func loopIndirect is unused Raw Output: {"source":{"name":"staticcheck","url":""},"message":"func loopIndirect is unused","code":{"value":"U1000","url":""},"location":{"path":"/home/runner/work/goutil/goutil/reflects/util.go","range":{"start":{"line":13,"column":6}}},"severity":"ERROR"}
Test on go 1.20 and ubuntu-latest
Process completed with exit code 1.
Test on go 1.22 and windows-latest
The job was canceled because "ubuntu-latest_1_20" failed.
Test on go 1.19 and windows-latest
The job was canceled because "ubuntu-latest_1_20" failed.
Test on go 1.21 and windows-latest
The job was canceled because "ubuntu-latest_1_20" failed.
Test on go 1.20 and windows-latest
The job was canceled because "ubuntu-latest_1_20" failed.
Test on go 1.22 and ubuntu-latest
The job was canceled because "ubuntu-latest_1_20" failed.
Test on go 1.22 and ubuntu-latest
A task was canceled.
Test on go 1.20 and ubuntu-latest: envutil/envutil_test.go#L79
parameter 'eVal' seems to be unused, consider removing or renaming it as _
Test on go 1.20 and ubuntu-latest: sysutil/user_nonwin.go#L21
func ChangeUserUidGid should be ChangeUserUIDGid
Test on go 1.20 and ubuntu-latest: testutil/httpmock.go#L31
func NewHttpRequest should be NewHTTPRequest
Test on go 1.20 and ubuntu-latest: structs/tags.go#L227
parameter 'field' seems to be unused, consider removing or renaming it as _
Test on go 1.20 and ubuntu-latest: strutil/convbase.go#L15
exported const Base10Chars should have comment (or a comment on this block) or be unexported