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vangent committed Jul 5, 2022
1 parent 9408a0a commit d82d114
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Showing 61 changed files with 474 additions and 461 deletions.
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions aws/aws.go
Expand Up @@ -77,10 +77,10 @@ func (co ConfigOverrider) ClientConfig(serviceName string, cfgs ...*aws.Config)
// ConfigFromURLParams.
// The following query options are supported:
// - region: The AWS region for requests; sets aws.Config.Region.
// - endpoint: The endpoint URL (hostname only or fully qualified URI); sets aws.Config.Endpoint.
// - disableSSL: A value of "true" disables SSL when sending requests; sets aws.Config.DisableSSL.
// - s3ForcePathStyle: A value of "true" forces the request to use path-style addressing; sets aws.Config.S3ForcePathStyle.
// - region: The AWS region for requests; sets aws.Config.Region.
// - endpoint: The endpoint URL (hostname only or fully qualified URI); sets aws.Config.Endpoint.
// - disableSSL: A value of "true" disables SSL when sending requests; sets aws.Config.DisableSSL.
// - s3ForcePathStyle: A value of "true" forces the request to use path-style addressing; sets aws.Config.S3ForcePathStyle.
func ConfigFromURLParams(q url.Values) (*aws.Config, error) {
var cfg aws.Config
for param, values := range q {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -119,8 +119,8 @@ func ConfigFromURLParams(q url.Values) (*aws.Config, error) {
// parameters it knows about
// The following query options are supported:
// - profile: The AWS profile to use from the AWS configs (shared config file and
// shared credentials file)
// - profile: The AWS profile to use from the AWS configs (shared config file and
// shared credentials file)
func NewSessionFromURLParams(q url.Values) (*session.Session, url.Values, error) {
// always enable shared config (~/.aws/config by default)
opts := session.Options{SharedConfigState: session.SharedConfigEnable}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -175,8 +175,8 @@ func NewDefaultV2Config(ctx context.Context) (awsv2.Config, error) {
// V2ConfigFromURLParams.
// The following query options are supported:
// - region: The AWS region for requests; sets WithRegion.
// - profile: The shared config profile to use; sets SharedConfigProfile.
// - region: The AWS region for requests; sets WithRegion.
// - profile: The shared config profile to use; sets SharedConfigProfile.
func V2ConfigFromURLParams(ctx context.Context, q url.Values) (awsv2.Config, error) {
var opts []func(*awsv2cfg.LoadOptions) error
for param, values := range q {
Expand Down
52 changes: 26 additions & 26 deletions blob/azureblob/azureblob.go
Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
// set to "BlockBlob".
// See
// URLs
// # URLs
// For blob.OpenBucket, azureblob registers for the scheme "azblob".
// The default URL opener will use credentials from the environment variables
Expand All @@ -37,34 +37,34 @@
// see URLOpener.
// See for background information.
// Escaping
// # Escaping
// Go CDK supports all UTF-8 strings; to make this work with services lacking
// full UTF-8 support, strings must be escaped (during writes) and unescaped
// (during reads). The following escapes are performed for azureblob:
// - Blob keys: ASCII characters 0-31, 92 ("\"), and 127 are escaped to
// "__0x<hex>__". Additionally, the "/" in "../" and a trailing "/" in a
// key (e.g., "foo/") are escaped in the same way.
// - Metadata keys: Per,
// Azure only allows C# identifiers as metadata keys. Therefore, characters
// other than "[a-z][A-z][0-9]_" are escaped using "__0x<hex>__". In addition,
// characters "[0-9]" are escaped when they start the string.
// URL encoding would not work since "%" is not valid.
// - Metadata values: Escaped using URL encoding.
// - Blob keys: ASCII characters 0-31, 92 ("\"), and 127 are escaped to
// "__0x<hex>__". Additionally, the "/" in "../" and a trailing "/" in a
// key (e.g., "foo/") are escaped in the same way.
// - Metadata keys: Per,
// Azure only allows C# identifiers as metadata keys. Therefore, characters
// other than "[a-z][A-z][0-9]_" are escaped using "__0x<hex>__". In addition,
// characters "[0-9]" are escaped when they start the string.
// URL encoding would not work since "%" is not valid.
// - Metadata values: Escaped using URL encoding.
// As
// # As
// azureblob exposes the following types for As:
// - Bucket: *azblob.ContainerURL
// - Error: azblob.StorageError
// - ListObject: azblob.BlobItemInternal for objects, azblob.BlobPrefix for "directories"
// - ListOptions.BeforeList: *azblob.ListBlobsSegmentOptions
// - Reader: azblob.DownloadResponse
// - Reader.BeforeRead: *azblob.BlockBlobURL, *azblob.BlobAccessConditions
// - Attributes: azblob.BlobGetPropertiesResponse
// - CopyOptions.BeforeCopy: azblob.Metadata, *azblob.ModifiedAccessConditions, *azblob.BlobAccessConditions
// - WriterOptions.BeforeWrite: *azblob.UploadStreamToBlockBlobOptions
// - SignedURLOptions.BeforeSign: *azblob.BlobSASSignatureValues
// - Bucket: *azblob.ContainerURL
// - Error: azblob.StorageError
// - ListObject: azblob.BlobItemInternal for objects, azblob.BlobPrefix for "directories"
// - ListOptions.BeforeList: *azblob.ListBlobsSegmentOptions
// - Reader: azblob.DownloadResponse
// - Reader.BeforeRead: *azblob.BlockBlobURL, *azblob.BlobAccessConditions
// - Attributes: azblob.BlobGetPropertiesResponse
// - CopyOptions.BeforeCopy: azblob.Metadata, *azblob.ModifiedAccessConditions, *azblob.BlobAccessConditions
// - WriterOptions.BeforeWrite: *azblob.UploadStreamToBlockBlobOptions
// - SignedURLOptions.BeforeSign: *azblob.BlobSASSignatureValues
package azureblob

import (
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -207,10 +207,10 @@ const Scheme = "azblob"
// The URL host is used as the bucket name.
// The following query options are supported:
// - domain: The domain name used to access the Azure Blob storage (e.g.
// - protocol: The protocol to use (e.g., http or https; default to https)
// - cdn: Set to true when domain represents a CDN
// - localemu: Set to true when domain points to the Local Storage Emulator (Azurite)
// - domain: The domain name used to access the Azure Blob storage (e.g.
// - protocol: The protocol to use (e.g., http or https; default to https)
// - cdn: Set to true when domain represents a CDN
// - localemu: Set to true when domain points to the Local Storage Emulator (Azurite)
// See Options for more details.
type URLOpener struct {
Expand Down
29 changes: 14 additions & 15 deletions blob/blob.go
Expand Up @@ -18,8 +18,7 @@
// See for a detailed how-to guide.
// Errors
// # Errors
// The errors returned from this package can be inspected in several ways:
Expand All @@ -29,20 +28,20 @@
// The Bucket.ErrorAs method can retrieve the driver error underlying the returned
// error.
// OpenCensus Integration
// # OpenCensus Integration
// OpenCensus supports tracing and metric collection for multiple languages and
// backend providers. See
// This API collects OpenCensus traces and metrics for the following methods:
// - Attributes
// - Copy
// - Delete
// - ListPage
// - NewRangeReader, from creation until the call to Close. (NewReader and ReadAll
// are included because they call NewRangeReader.)
// - NewWriter, from creation until the call to Close.
// - Attributes
// - Copy
// - Delete
// - ListPage
// - NewRangeReader, from creation until the call to Close. (NewReader and ReadAll
// are included because they call NewRangeReader.)
// - NewWriter, from creation until the call to Close.
// All trace and metric names begin with the package import path.
// The traces add the method name.
// For example, "".
Expand All @@ -52,8 +51,8 @@
// For example, "".
// It also collects the following metrics:
// - the total number of bytes read, by driver.
// - the total number of bytes written, by driver.
// - the total number of bytes read, by driver.
// - the total number of bytes written, by driver.
// To enable trace collection in your application, see "Configure Exporter" at
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1309,9 +1308,9 @@ func DefaultURLMux() *URLMux {
// the following query parameters:
// - prefix: wraps the resulting Bucket using PrefixedBucket with the
// given prefix.
// given prefix.
// - key: wraps the resulting Bucket using SingleKeyBucket with the
// given key.
// given key.
func OpenBucket(ctx context.Context, urlstr string) (*Bucket, error) {
return defaultURLMux.OpenBucket(ctx, urlstr)
Expand Down
12 changes: 7 additions & 5 deletions blob/drivertest/bindata.go
Expand Up @@ -99,11 +99,13 @@ var _bindata = map[string]func() ([]byte, error){
// directory embedded in the file by go-bindata.
// For example if you run go-bindata on data/... and data contains the
// following hierarchy:
// data/
// foo.txt
// img/
// a.png
// b.png
// data/
// foo.txt
// img/
// a.png
// b.png
// then AssetDir("data") would return []string{"foo.txt", "img"}
// AssetDir("data/img") would return []string{"a.png", "b.png"}
// AssetDir("foo.txt") and AssetDir("notexist") would return an error
Expand Down
17 changes: 12 additions & 5 deletions blob/drivertest/drivertest.go
Expand Up @@ -71,16 +71,23 @@ type HarnessMaker func(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T) (Harness, error)
// 2. Creates a blob in a directory, using BeforeWrite as a WriterOption.
// 3. Fetches the blob's attributes and calls AttributeCheck.
// 4. Creates a Reader for the blob using BeforeReader as a ReaderOption,
// and calls ReaderCheck with the resulting Reader.
// and calls ReaderCheck with the resulting Reader.
// 5. Calls List using BeforeList as a ListOption, with Delimiter set so
// that only the directory is returned, and calls ListObjectCheck
// on the single directory list entry returned.
// that only the directory is returned, and calls ListObjectCheck
// on the single directory list entry returned.
// 6. Calls List using BeforeList as a ListOption, and calls ListObjectCheck
// on the single blob entry returned.
// on the single blob entry returned.
// 7. Tries to read a non-existent blob, and calls ErrorCheck with the error.
// 8. Makes a copy of the blob, using BeforeCopy as a CopyOption.
// 9. Calls SignedURL using BeforeSign as a SignedURLOption for each supported
// signing method (i.e. GET, PUT and DELETE).
// signing method (i.e. GET, PUT and DELETE).
// For example, an AsTest might set a driver-specific field to a custom
// value in BeforeWrite, and then verify the custom value was returned in
Expand Down
60 changes: 30 additions & 30 deletions blob/fileblob/fileblob.go
Expand Up @@ -23,35 +23,35 @@
// In any case, absent any stored metadata many blob.Attributes fields
// will be set to default values.
// URLs
// # URLs
// For blob.OpenBucket, fileblob registers for the scheme "file".
// To customize the URL opener, or for more details on the URL format,
// see URLOpener.
// See for background information.
// Escaping
// # Escaping
// Go CDK supports all UTF-8 strings; to make this work with services lacking
// full UTF-8 support, strings must be escaped (during writes) and unescaped
// (during reads). The following escapes are performed for fileblob:
// - Blob keys: ASCII characters 0-31 are escaped to "__0x<hex>__".
// If os.PathSeparator != "/", it is also escaped.
// Additionally, the "/" in "../", the trailing "/" in "//", and a trailing
// "/" is key names are escaped in the same way.
// On Windows, the characters "<>:"|?*" are also escaped.
// - Blob keys: ASCII characters 0-31 are escaped to "__0x<hex>__".
// If os.PathSeparator != "/", it is also escaped.
// Additionally, the "/" in "../", the trailing "/" in "//", and a trailing
// "/" is key names are escaped in the same way.
// On Windows, the characters "<>:"|?*" are also escaped.
// As
// # As
// fileblob exposes the following types for As:
// - Bucket: os.FileInfo
// - Error: *os.PathError
// - ListObject: os.FileInfo
// - Reader: io.Reader
// - ReaderOptions.BeforeRead: *os.File
// - Attributes: os.FileInfo
// - CopyOptions.BeforeCopy: *os.File
// - WriterOptions.BeforeWrite: *os.File
// - Bucket: os.FileInfo
// - Error: *os.PathError
// - ListObject: os.FileInfo
// - Reader: io.Reader
// - ReaderOptions.BeforeRead: *os.File
// - Attributes: os.FileInfo
// - CopyOptions.BeforeCopy: *os.File
// - WriterOptions.BeforeWrite: *os.File
package fileblob // import ""

import (
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,20 +110,20 @@ const Scheme = "file"
// If either of base_url / secret_key_path are provided, both must be.
// - file:///a/directory
// -> Passes "/a/directory" to OpenBucket.
// - file://localhost/a/directory
// -> Also passes "/a/directory".
// - file://./../..
// -> The hostname is ".", signaling a relative path; passes "../..".
// - file:///c:/foo/bar on Windows.
// -> Passes "c:\foo\bar".
// - file://localhost/c:/foo/bar on Windows.
// -> Also passes "c:\foo\bar".
// - file:///a/directory?base_url=/show&secret_key_path=secret.key
// -> Passes "/a/directory" to OpenBucket, and sets Options.URLSigner
// to a URLSignerHMAC initialized with base URL "/show" and secret key
// bytes read from the file "secret.key".
// - file:///a/directory
// -> Passes "/a/directory" to OpenBucket.
// - file://localhost/a/directory
// -> Also passes "/a/directory".
// - file://./../..
// -> The hostname is ".", signaling a relative path; passes "../..".
// - file:///c:/foo/bar on Windows.
// -> Passes "c:\foo\bar".
// - file://localhost/c:/foo/bar on Windows.
// -> Also passes "c:\foo\bar".
// - file:///a/directory?base_url=/show&secret_key_path=secret.key
// -> Passes "/a/directory" to OpenBucket, and sets Options.URLSigner
// to a URLSignerHMAC initialized with base URL "/show" and secret key
// bytes read from the file "secret.key".
type URLOpener struct {
// Options specifies the default options to pass to OpenBucket.
Options Options
Expand Down
30 changes: 15 additions & 15 deletions blob/gcsblob/gcsblob.go
Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
// Package gcsblob provides a blob implementation that uses GCS. Use OpenBucket
// to construct a *blob.Bucket.
// URLs
// # URLs
// For blob.OpenBucket, gcsblob registers for the scheme "gs".
// The default URL opener will set up a connection using default credentials
Expand All @@ -32,27 +32,27 @@
// see URLOpener.
// See for background information.
// Escaping
// # Escaping
// Go CDK supports all UTF-8 strings; to make this work with services lacking
// full UTF-8 support, strings must be escaped (during writes) and unescaped
// (during reads). The following escapes are performed for gcsblob:
// - Blob keys: ASCII characters 10 and 13 are escaped to "__0x<hex>__".
// Additionally, the "/" in "../" is escaped in the same way.
// - Blob keys: ASCII characters 10 and 13 are escaped to "__0x<hex>__".
// Additionally, the "/" in "../" is escaped in the same way.
// As
// # As
// gcsblob exposes the following types for As:
// - Bucket: *storage.Client
// - Error: *googleapi.Error
// - ListObject: storage.ObjectAttrs
// - ListOptions.BeforeList: *storage.Query
// - Reader: *storage.Reader
// - ReaderOptions.BeforeRead: **storage.ObjectHandle, *storage.Reader (if accessing both, must be in that order)
// - Attributes: storage.ObjectAttrs
// - CopyOptions.BeforeCopy: *CopyObjectHandles, *storage.Copier (if accessing both, must be in that order)
// - WriterOptions.BeforeWrite: **storage.ObjectHandle, *storage.Writer (if accessing both, must be in that order)
// - SignedURLOptions.BeforeSign: *storage.SignedURLOptions
// - Bucket: *storage.Client
// - Error: *googleapi.Error
// - ListObject: storage.ObjectAttrs
// - ListOptions.BeforeList: *storage.Query
// - Reader: *storage.Reader
// - ReaderOptions.BeforeRead: **storage.ObjectHandle, *storage.Reader (if accessing both, must be in that order)
// - Attributes: storage.ObjectAttrs
// - CopyOptions.BeforeCopy: *CopyObjectHandles, *storage.Copier (if accessing both, must be in that order)
// - WriterOptions.BeforeWrite: **storage.ObjectHandle, *storage.Writer (if accessing both, must be in that order)
// - SignedURLOptions.BeforeSign: *storage.SignedURLOptions
package gcsblob // import ""

import (
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions blob/memblob/memblob.go
Expand Up @@ -15,14 +15,14 @@
// Package memblob provides an in-memory blob implementation.
// Use OpenBucket to construct a *blob.Bucket.
// URLs
// # URLs
// For blob.OpenBucket memblob registers for the scheme "mem".
// To customize the URL opener, or for more details on the URL format,
// see URLOpener.
// See for background information.
// As
// # As
// memblob does not support any types for As.
package memblob // import ""
Expand Down

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