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go git has a new home! v5 and some explanations

Máximo Cuadros edited this page Mar 16, 2020 · 4 revisions

go-git has been hard-forked into a new organization called go-git and also we adopted go modules.

The new import path is: ​ ​

The new version and all future versions in v5 branch can be used as a drop-in replacement for v4. This major update was required due to the new project home at go-git org and the full adoption of go modules. ​

So, please replace the old import path with the new one, it's completely safe! ​

You may ask why the heck was it hard forked by the original author! Here is the answer: ​

  • Early 2015 I (@mcuadros) started go-git as a part of a proof of concept for a new company. This company was source{d}, since then a lot of hours from employees at source{d}, paid and personal hours were invested in further developing go-git. ​

    Also, during these five last years, more than one hundred community members have contributed new functionality, bug fixes, documentation, etc. ​

  • Nov 2019, source{d} went bankrupt. All the employees were fired, and the ownership of the intellectual property and other assets is now owned by the investors. When this happened, some of us asked to move go-git to a new organization to avoid a hard-fork, losing all the issues, and forcing all our users to change their code. ​

  • March 2020, after four months of radio silence, some people: @jfontan, @erizocosmico, @smola, and @mcuadros, have decided to do the hard fork in an independent organization to avoid future problems. ​

So, finally we went back to normal in go-git. ​

Thanks to all our contributors and users that make us proud of what we starred in early 2015.

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