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Simple Entity Component System implementation for unity engine.


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Another one Entity Component System framework

Performance and zero memory allocation / no gc work - main goals of this project.

Its early work-in-progress stage, not recommended to use in real projects, any api / behaviour can change later.

Tested / developed on unity 2017.3 and contains assembly definition for compiling to separate assembly file for performance reason.

Components limit - 256 different components at each world. Components limit on each entity: up to 256, but better to keep it less or equal 8 for performance reason.

Main parts of ecs


Container for user data without / with small logic inside. User class should implements IEcsComponent interface:

class WeaponComponent: IEcsComponent {
    public int Ammo;
    public string GunName;


Сontainer for components. Implemented with int id-s for more simplified api:

int entity = _world.CreateEntity ();
_world.RemoveEntity (entity);


Сontainer for logic for processing filtered entities. User class should implements IEcsPreInitSystem, IEcsInitSystem or IEcsRunSystem interfaces:

class WeaponSystem : IEcsPreInitSystem, IEcsInitSystem {
    void IEcsPreInitSystem.PreInitialize () {
        // Will be called once during world initialization before IEcsInitSystem.Initialize().

    void IEcsInitSystem.Initialize () {
        // Will be called once during world initialization.

    void IEcsPreInitSystem.PreDestroy () {
        // Will be called once during world destruction before IEcsInitSystem.Destroy().

    void IEcsInitSystem.Destroy () {
        // Will be called once during world destruction.
class HealthSystem : IEcsRunSystem {
    EcsRunSystemType IEcsRunSystem.GetRunSystemType () {
        // Should returns type of run system,
        // when Run method will be called - Update() or FixedUpdate.
        return EcsRunSystemType.Update;

    void IEcsRunSystem.Run () {
        // Will be called each FixedUpdate().

Data injection

With [EcsWorld], [EcsFilterInclude(typeof(X))], [EcsFilterExclude(typeof(X))] and [EcsIndex(typeof(X))] attributes any compatible field of custom IEcsSystem-class can be auto initialized (auto injected):

class HealthSystem : IEcsSystem {
    EcsWorld _world;

    EcsFilter _weaponFilter;

    int _weaponId;

Special classes


Container for keep filtered entities with specified component list:

class WeaponSystem : IEcsInitSystem, IEcsRunSystem {
    EcsWorld _world;

    // We wants to get entities with WeaponComponent and without HealthComponent.
    EcsFilter _filter;

    void IEcsInitSystem.Initialize () {
        var newEntity = _world.CreateEntity ();
        _world.AddComponent<WeaponComponent> (newEntity);

    void IEcsInitSystem.Destroy () { }

    EcsRunSystemType IEcsRunSystem.GetRunSystemType () {
        return EcsRunSystemType.Update;

    void IEcsRunSystem.Run () {
        foreach (var entity in _filter.Entities) {
            var weapon = _world.GetComponent<WeaponComponent> (entity);
            weapon.Ammo = System.Math.Max (0, weapon.Ammo - 1);


Root level container for all systems / entities / components, works like isolated environment:

class Startup : MonoBehaviour {
    EcsWorld _world;

    void OnEnable() {
        // create ecs environment.
        _world = new EcsWorld ()
            .AddSystem(new WeaponSystem ());
    void Update() {
        // process all dependent systems.
        _world.RunUpdate ();

    void FixedUpdate() {
        // process all dependent systems.
        _world.RunFixedUpdate ();

    void OnDisable() {
        // destroy ecs environment.
        _world.Destroy ();
        _world = null;

Reaction on component / filter changes

Events OnEntityComponentAdded / OnEntityComponentRemoved at ecs-world instance and OnEntityAdded / OnEntityRemoved / OnEntityUpdated at ecs-filter instance allows to add reaction on component / filter changes to any ecs-system:

public sealed class TestSystem1 : IEcsInitSystem {
    EcsWorld _world;

    [EcsFilterInclude (typeof (WeaponComponent))]
    EcsFilter _weaponFilter;

    void IEcsInitSystem.Initialize () {
        _world.OnEntityComponentAdded += OnEntityComponentAdded;
        _weaponFilter.OnEntityAdded += OnFilterEntityAdded;
        _weaponFilter.OnEntityUpdated += OnFilterEntityUpdated;

        var entity = _world.CreateEntity ();
        _world.AddComponent<WeaponComponent> (entity);
        _world.AddComponent<HealthComponent> (entity);

    void IEcsInitSystem.Destroy () {
        _world.OnEntityComponentAdded -= OnEntityComponentAdded;
        _weaponFilter.OnEntityAdded -= OnFilterEntityAdded;
        _weaponFilter.OnEntityUpdated -= OnFilterEntityUpdated;

    void OnEntityComponentAdded(int entityId, int componentId) {
        // Component "componentId" was added to entity "entityId" - world event.

    void OnFilterEntityAdded (int entity, int componentId) {
        // Entity "entityId" was added to _weaponFilter due to component "componentId" was added.

    void OnFilterEntityUpdated(int entityId, int componentId) {
        // Component "componentId" was updated inplace on entity "entityId".

There is special predefined helper-class - EcsReactSystem:

public sealed class TestReactSystem : EcsReactSystem {
    EcsWorld _world;

    [EcsFilterInclude (typeof (WeaponComponent))]
    EcsFilter _weaponFilter;

    // Should returns filter that react system will watch for.
    public override EcsFilter GetReactFilter () {
        return _weaponFilter;

    // On which event at filter this react-system should be alerted -
    // "new entity in filter" or "entity inplace update".
    public override EcsReactSystemType GetReactSystemType () {
        return EcsReactSystemType.OnUpdate;

    // EcsReactSystem is IEcsRunSystem and should provides additional info.
    public override EcsRunSystemType GetRunSystemType () {
        return EcsRunSystemType.Update;

    // Filtered entities processing, will be raised only if entities presents.
    public override void RunReact (List<int> entities) {
        foreach (var entity in entities) {
            var weapon = _world.GetComponent<WeaponComponent> (entity);
            Debug.LogFormat ("Weapon updated on {0}", entity);


Snake game


The software released under the terms of the MIT license. Enjoy.


Simple Entity Component System implementation for unity engine.







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