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Configuration file for tmux integration with vim-gigix



Docker for testing

If you have Docker installed on your system you can build or installed the Docker image.

Build yourself the Docker image

docker build -t tmux-gigix
docker run --rm -it --name tmux-gigix -e TERM=xterm-256color tmux-gigix tmux -2u new -s tmux-gigix 'zsh'

Use the prebuild Docker image

docker pull gigi206/vim-gigix
docker run --rm -it --name tmux-gigix -e TERM=xterm-256color gigi206/vim-gigix tmux -2u new -s tmux-gigix 'zsh'


Put tmux.conf in ~/.tmux.conf or /etc/tmux.conf.

Putty support

If you use tmux with Putty, you should install this Putty reg file for compatibility colors.

Use Putty 0.71 minimal release to have true color compatibility. At the time I wrote these lines, Putty 0.71 was not been released and you must download the snapshot release that contain the true (24-bit) color patch.


If you have installed oh-my-zsh .


Edit your ~./zshrc and modify like below :

plugins=([...] zsh-syntax-highlighting zsh-autosuggestions)
# => $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins
# => $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins

# GigiX
local ret_status="%(?:%{$fg_bold[green]%}➜ :%{$fg_bold[red]%}➜ %s)"
PROMPT='%{$fg[green]%}%n%{$fg[white]%}@%{$fg[magenta]%}%m%{$fg[white]%}:%{$fg[cyan]%}%~%{$reset_color%} ${ret_status}$(git_prompt_info)%{$reset_color%}'

Move plugins zsh-syntax-highlighting and zsh-autosuggestions in $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins.

custom scripts

Script demo.zsh script :

  • Rebind some keys
  • force tab to 4 spaces (for compatibility with vim-gigix)

Put this script in $ZSH_CUSTOM directory.

Key mapping

Default prefix haven't changed C-b I put a second prefix C-x

All default prefix have been kept.

For see all key mapping press<prefix> ?

Command Alias Keystrokes Description
attach-session attach attach or switch to a session
bind-key bind bind a key to a command
break-pane breakp <prefix>! break a pane from an existing into a new window
capture-pane capturep capture the contents of a pane to a buffer
choose-buffer <prefix>= put a window into buffer choice mode
choose-client <prefix>D put a window into client choice mode
choose-session put a window into session choice mode
choose-tree <prefix>s put a window into tree choice mode
choose-window <prefix>w put a window into window choice mode
clear-history clearhist remove and clear history for a pane
clock-mode <prefix>t enter clock mode
command-prompt <prefix>: open the tmux command prompt in a client
confirm-before confirm run a command but ask for confirmation before
copy-mode <prefix>[ enter copy mode
delete-buffer deleteb <prefix>- delete a paste buffer
detach-client detach <prefix>d detach a client from the server
display-message display <prefix>i display a message in the status line
display-panes displayp <prefix>q display an indicator for each visible pane
find-window findw <prefix>f search for a pattern in windows
has-session has check and report if a session exists on the server
if-shell if execute a tmux command if a shell-command succeeded
join-pane joinp split a pane and move an existing one into the new space
kill-pane killp <prefix>x destroy a given pane
kill-server kill clients, sessions and server
kill-session destroy a given session
kill-window killw <prefix>& <prefix>k destroy a given window
last-pane lastp <prefix>; select the previously selected pane
last-window last <prefix>l select the previously selected window
link-window linkw link a window to another
list-buffers lsb <prefix># list paste buffers of a session
list-clients lsc list clients attached to server
list-commands lscm list supported sub-commands
list-keys lsk <prefix>? list all key-bindings
list-panes lsp list panes of a window
list-sessions ls list sessions managed by server
list-windows lsw list windows of a session
load-buffer loadb load a file into a paste buffer
lock-client lockc lock a client
lock-server lock lock all clients attached to the server
lock-session locks lock all clients attached to a session
move-pane movep move a pane into a new space
move-window movew <prefix>. move a window to another
new-session new create a new session
new-window neww <prefix>c create a new window
next-layout nextl <prefix><space> move a window to the next layout
next-window next <prefix>n <prefix><Meta>+n <Meta>+Right move to the next window in a session
paste-buffer pasteb <prefix>] insert a paste buffer into the window
pipe-pane pipep pipe output from a pane to a shell command
previous-layout prevl move a window to the previous layout
previous-window prev <prefix>p <prefix><Meta>+p <Meta>+Left move to the previous window in a session
refresh-client refresh refresh a client
rename-session rename <prefix>$ rename a session
rename-window renamew <prefix>, rename a window
resize-pane resizep <prefix>z <prefix><Meta>+Up <prefix><Meta>+Down <prefix><Meta>+Left <prefix><Meta>+Right <Ctrl>+z <prefix><Ctrl>+Up <prefix><Ctrl>+Down <prefix><Ctrl>+Left <prefix><Ctrl>+Right resize a pane
respawn-pane respawnp reuse a pane in which a command has exited
respawn-window respawnw reuse a window in which a command has exited
rotate-window rotatew <prefix><Ctrl+o> <prefix><Meta>+o rotate positions of panes in a window
run-shell run execute a command without creating a new window
save-buffer saveb <prefix><Ctrl>+f <prefix><Ctrl>+s <prefix><Ctrl>+x save a paste buffer to a file
select-layout selectl <prefix><Meta>+1 <prefix><Meta>+2 <prefix><Meta>+3 <prefix><Meta>+4 <prefix><Meta>+5 choose a layout for a window
select-pane selectp make a pane the active one in the window
select-window selectw <prefix>' <prefix>0 <prefix>1 <prefix>2 <prefix>3 <prefix>4 <prefix>5 <prefix>6 <prefix>7 <prefix>8 <prefix>9 select a window
send-keys send send key(s) to a window
send-prefix <Crtl>b <Ctrl>x send the prefix key to a window
server-info info show server information
set-buffer setb set contents of a paster buffer
set-environment setenv (un)set an environment variable
set-hook --set a hook to a command
set-option set set a session option
set-window-option setw set a window option
show-buffer showb display the contents of a paste buffer
show-environment showenv display the environment
show-hooks show the global list of hooks
show-messages showmsgs <prefix>~ show client's message log
show-options show show session options
show-window-options showw show window options
source-file source <prefix>r execute tmux commands from a file
split-window splitw <prefix>" <prefix>% <prefix>h <prefix>v splits a pane into two
start-server start start a tmux server
suspend-client suspendc <prefix><Ctrl>z suspend a client
swap-pane swapp <prefix>{ <prefix>} swap two panes
swap-window swapw swap two windows
switch-client switchc <prefix>( <prefix>) <prefix>L switch the client to another session
unbind-key unbind unbind a key
unlink-window unlinkw unlink a window
wait-for wait wait for an event or trigger it


Tmux config + oh-my-zsh + vim-gigix






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