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The Processor Simulator

Java CI with Maven

I came across this blogspot, and I wanted to simulate the physical processor in Java, mostly because I just wanted to refresh my Computer Organization knowledge.

Why Java? Many would find it absurd to write processor simulator in Java, while writing it in C or C++ somewhat sane (the blogspot author implemented in C++). I think there is not any diference (at least, as of now), and it's a simulator, so probably doesn't matter. I indeed came across some issues like Java doesn't support unsigned integers etc but I think it doesn't matter. Will see if I need to change the language in the future.

Also, I used maven for packaging, I didn't wanted to bog down by other complexities, I just wanted to focus on simulation rather than anything else.

Op codes

Currently the processor following operations

  • LOAD0:

    This is two byte instruction, where first byte is opcode 1 followed by a memory location. This loads contents in memory location in register0.

  • LOAD1:

    This is same as LOAD0 but just loads the content in register1

  • ADD

    This is one byte opcode. This opcode adds content of register0 and register1 and stores it into register0


    This is two byte opcode. This stores the content of register0 into memory location given in second byte


    Now, this one would be really weird opcode but have this to look into a memory. This one is two byte opcode, second byte represents memory from which content would be loaded into register0 and printed to the stdout.

  • HALT

    This tells CPU that program is complete.

Example programs

Program to add two numbers and print to the screen

 1;         // LOAD0        <- 1 is opcode for LOAD0
 11;        // 11           <- 11 is data
 2;         // LOAD1        <- 2 is opcode for LOAD1 
 22;        // 22           <- 22 is data
 3;         // ADD
 4;         // STORE
 6;         // 6            <- address where result is stored
 5;         // PRINT
 6;         // 6            <- address from where result should be printed
 0;         // HALT


Simulating processor internals






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