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To contribute to the source code or documentation, you should fork the GitHub project and clone it to your local machine.

Step 1: Install Hugo

Homebrew and MacPorts, package managers for macOS, can be installed from or respectively. See install if you are running Windows etc.

brew install hugo
# or
port install hugo

To verify your new install:

hugo version

Step 2: Start the Hugo server

Now, start the Hugo server with drafts enabled:

hugo server -D

Navigate to your new site at http://localhost:1313/.

Step 3: Build static pages

It is simple. Just call:

hugo -D

Output will be in ./public/ directory by default (-d/--destination flag to change it, or set publishdir in the config file).

Real Step 3: CI/CD

Let Netlify handle the publishing of the site by simply adding a branch to be the build target.

netlify.toml specifies how Netlify should build and deploy the site.