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This tool will create a customized list of IP addresses that are cross-referenced between two sources:

  1. A global (worldwide) list of identified blacklisted IPs.
  2. A list of the IP subnets associated with each country.

The result is a customized blacklist of IP addresses based on countries that you select.

Why not just use the source list of all blacklisted IPs?

You could, but where's the fun in that?

You may want to create a list of bad actors for specific countries. The global list contains several hundred thousand entries, and you may need more targeted list for testing or deployment in production.

For example, I've configured my HAProxy server to drop IP connections from all countries except those that I've whitelisted. I also want the ability to create a customized IP list to block any bad actors from those whitelisted countries. This tool accomplishes that.



Operating System

banip runs in Unix-like OSes. Either macOS, a Linux PC, Linux Virtual Machine, or Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) is required.

MaxMind Database

You'll need a copy of the MaxMind GeoLite2 database for country-level geotagging of IP addresses. If you have a premium or corporate MaxMind account, you're all set. If not, the free GeoLite2 account will work just fine (signup here). Once you login, using the menu on the top right select:

My Account > My Account

From there, click on Download Files on the bottom left. The file you want to download is:

GeoLite2 Country: CSV format


banip requires poetry for dependency management. Poetry is well behaved and if you're a Python developer you should check it out. It installs itself in a virtual environment, uninstalls cleanly and easily, and doesn't require sudo for installation. Visit the poetry site and install it using your preferred method, with the instructions for your operating system.

gitignore (optional)

If you want to fork and develop this repo, I've included a file called global-gitignore.txt which is a copy of the .gitignore I placed in my home directory and configured globally for all my development projects. The global-gitignore.txt file reflects my development setup (for example using tools like vscode), but yours may be different. Just cherrypick any necessary elements from global-gitignore.txt for your own use.

Details on gitignore files are available on GitHub.

Global List of Blacklisted IPs

banip uses the ipsum threat intelligence blacklist. You can direct download it using:

curl -sL > ipsum.txt


You'll need the make utility installed (it probably already is).



Unpack GeoLite2 data

Unpack the GeoLite2-Country zip archive and save the files to a location you can easily get to.

Note: if you're looking for a quick way to download the MaxMind data using curl and a direct download permalink, SEE HERE.

Clone the Repository

Clone this repository. We'll assume you clone it to your home directory (~):

git clone

Change to ~/banip and run this command:

make setup

Copy Files

GeoLite2 Files

cp <wherever you put them>/* ./data/geolite/

Blacklisted IPs

cp <wherever you put it>/ipsum.txt ./data/ipsum.txt

Target Countries

cp ./samples/targets.txt ./data/targets.txt

Modify ./data/targets.txt to select your desired target countries. The comments in the file will guide you.

Custom Whitelist (Optional)

cp ./samples/custom_whitelist.txt ./data/custom_whitelist.txt

There may be IP addresses that banip will flag as malicious, but you still want to whitelist them (for example to use for testing). This file will contain specific IP addresses, one per line, that you want to allow.

This file is optional. If you choose not to use it, banip will create a blank one when you run it.

Custom Blacklist (Optional)

cp ./samples/custom_blacklist.txt ./data/custom_blacklist.txt

The source database of banned IPs isn't perfect. You may determine that there's an IP address you want to ban this is not found in ipsum.txt. Also, the ipsum.txt file only contains IP addresses, and you may want to ban an entire subnet. The custom blacklist allows you to capture specific IP addresses or subnets (in CIDR format), one per line, that you want to block. Some of your custom blacklist IPs may be found when you run the banip, so this file (custom_blacklist.txt) will be overwritten to remove the duplicates. The contents of the de-duplicated file will then be appended to the list generated when you run the program.

This file is optional. If you choose not to use it, banip will create a blank one when you run it.

Note: If you're concerned about keeping your original list of custom blacklisted IPs, save a copy of it somewhere outside the repository.

When you're done, the ~/banip/data directory should look like this:

├── custom_blacklist.txt (optional)
├── custom_whitelist.txt (optional)
├── geolite (required)
│   ├── COPYRIGHT.txt
│   ├── GeoLite2-Country-Blocks-IPv4.csv
│   ├── GeoLite2-Country-Blocks-IPv6.csv
│   ├── GeoLite2-Country-Locations-de.csv
│   ├── GeoLite2-Country-Locations-en.csv
│   ├── GeoLite2-Country-Locations-es.csv
│   ├── GeoLite2-Country-Locations-fr.csv
│   ├── GeoLite2-Country-Locations-ja.csv
│   ├── GeoLite2-Country-Locations-pt-BR.csv
│   ├── GeoLite2-Country-Locations-ru.csv
│   ├── GeoLite2-Country-Locations-zh-CN.csv
│   └── LICENSE.txt
├── ipsum.txt (required)
└── targets.txt (required)



After copying/tweaking all the required files, start by activating the python virtual environment:

source .venv/bin/activate

Now run this command to learn how to build your custom blacklist:

banip -h



MaxMind updates the GeoLite2 Country database on Tuesdays and Fridays, and the list of blacklisted IPs (ipsum.txt) is updated daily. Pull updated copies of both and put them in banip/data/geolite (for the GeoLite2 data) and banip/data (for the ipsum.txt file). Run banip again to generate an updated blacklist.



banip generates some data that you may want to use for other purposes. For example, everytime you build a new blacklist banip also creates and saves a textfile of all worldwide subnets, each tagged with a two-letter country code. The file is saved in:


Next time you run banip, open that file and take a look at it. Since you may have a very specific usecase for that data, you can write a plugin for banip which will make use of the build products for your purposes.

A banip plugin consists of two required files:

  1. Code that generates an argument parser for your new command.
  2. Code that implements the functionality of your new command.

All your plugins go into the ./src/plugins directory in the appropriate subdirectory (either parsers or code). Your plugins are not under version control, so they will only reside on your machine.

Look at the comments in these two files for instructions on how to create your own plugins:



Uninstalling banip

If you want out, just do this:

rm -rf ~/.banip
