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Migration guide v13.0.0

Jan Suleiman edited this page Jun 23, 2023 · 3 revisions

This is the migration guide for version 13.

If you see the long list of breaking changes you might be scared of what you all have to change if you use the GeoStyler UI. But in most cases you wont have to do much as the breaking changes also consider changes made to subcomponets which most of the users don't actually use.

Most of you will use the <Style /> component. With version 13 and the new GeoStylerContext you're able to customize a lot of the sub components without the need of stacking them together by yourself. But as this removes a lot of (passThrough) properties from the react components the list of breaking changes becomes quite long.

As the <GeoStylerContext /> is the most essential change in the new release you should have look at its documentation:

Now lets see what you actually have to adapt.


Previously the GeoStylerLocale was merged with the antd locale and had to be used with the antd ConfigProvider. Version >13 will not merge these two locales together but you will have to wrap your GeoStyler components with the GeoStylerContext like this:

import { GeoStylerContext, locale } from 'geostyler';

    locale: locale.de_DE,

<Style /> component:

The following props have been modified or removed from the <Style /> component:

Modified/Removed property Substition
locale Moved to GeoStylerContext.locale
data Moved to
compact Removed as the non-compact layout was removed from GeoStyler. You may want to have a look at CardStyle
enableClassification inverted to disableClassification
dataProjection 🔜 Will be moved to GeoStylerContext.composition.PreviewMap
filterUiProps 🔜 Will be moved to GeoStylerContext.composition.FilterTree
ruleNameProps Removed as the non-compact layout was removed from GeoStyler.
ruleTableProps Moved to GeoStylerContext.composition.Rules
ruleRendererType Moved to GeoStylerContext.composition.Renderer.rendererType
sldRendererProps Moved to GeoStylerContext.composition.SLDRenderer
iconLibraries Moved to GeoStylerContext.composition.IconEditor.iconLibraries
showAmountColumn Moved to GeoStylerContext.composition.Rule.amountField.visbility
showDuplicatesColumn Moved to GeoStylerContext.composition.Rule.duplicateField.visbility
colorRamps Moved to GeoStylerContext.composition.RuleGenerator.colorRamps
colorSpaces Moved to GeoStylerContext.composition.RuleGenerator.colorSpaces
useBrewerColorRamps Moved to GeoStylerContext.composition.RuleGenerator.useBrewerColorRamps

UnsupportedPropertiesContext, CompositionContext, DefaultValueContext, DataProvider

These older contexts and providers have been removed and merged into the GeoStylerContext


The browser version of the GeoStyler is now created with vite instead of WebPack. The new browser build can be found under node_modules/geostyler/browser/geostyler.js.iife.js.