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How to use multiple domain names to speedup layers load

Lorenzo Pini edited this page Oct 17, 2018 · 4 revisions

This feature is not yet implemented, but OpenLayers supports it so if you put an array of urls instead of a single string in the layer url, it may work.
Some other feature will break, for example the layer properties will stop working, so it is safe to use only on background layers.


  "type": "wms",
  "url": [
  "visibility": true,
  "opacity": 1,
  "title": "OSM",
  "name": "osm:osm",
  "group": "Meteo",
  "format": "image/png8",
  "bbox": {
    "bounds": {"minx": -180, "miny": -90, "maxx": 180, "maxy": 90},
    "crs": "EPSG:4326"