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Google Summer of Code 2019

Joris Van den Bossche edited this page Feb 5, 2019 · 2 revisions

Google Summer of Code 2019


GeoPandas is an open source project to make working with geospatial data in Python easier. GeoPandas combines the capabilities of pandas and shapely (python interface to the GEOS librabry), providing geospatial operations in pandas and a high-level and performant interface to multiple geometries to shapely. It combines the power of whole ecosystem of geo tools by building upon the capabilities of many other libraries including fiona (reading/writing data with GDAL), pyproj (projections), rtree (spatial index), ... GeoPandas enables you to easily do operations in python that would otherwise require desktop applications like ArcGIS or QGIS or a spatial database such as PostGIS.

Project ideas

GeoPandas - Dask bridge to scale geospatial analysis

Dask ( is a library that brings parallel and distributed computing to the PyData ecosystem. For example, it provides a Dask DataFrame that consists of partitioned pandas DataFrames. In a similar way, dask could provide ways to scale geospatial operations in GeoPandas. is an experimental libary that does that. This library is not much more than a proof-of-concept, and the goal of this project would be to further extend this new package.

  • Required knowledge: Python, GeoPandas
  • Difficulty level: advanced
  • Potential mentors: Joris Van den Bossche