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Git Utils

Some personal git commands that have been adapted from aliases. My current git config has several aliases that feed into one that I use regularly for syncing a local repository with it's remote, this looks like:

x-repo = !"f() { git config --get remote.origin.url | sed 's/^.*\\:\\(.*\\)\\.git/\\1/'; }; f"
x-fetch-all = fetch --no-tags --all -p
x-fetch-branch = !"f() { git fetch origin $1:$1; }; f"
x-merge-ff = merge --ff-only
x-branch-current = rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
x-branch-default = !"f() { git remote show origin | grep HEAD | awk '{print $3}'; }; f"
x-branch-tidy = "!f() { git branch -vv | grep ': gone]' | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -n 1 git branch -D; }; f"
up = \
!"f() { \
  current=$(git x-branch-current); \
  default=$(git x-branch-default); \
  git x-fetch-all && \
  (git x-merge-ff || true) && \
  git x-branch-tidy && \
  if [ \"$current\" != \"$default\" ]; then git x-fetch-branch $default; fi; \
}; f"

The end goal of this project is to have a single git-sync that can be used to do the same, but hopefully faster.


Prints the current branch for a local repository.


Prints the default branch, eg. main or master, for a repository.


Prints the repository, eg. geoffjay/git-utils.


Prints the full repository url, eg.



Currently there are only builds in the release for x86_64, aarch64 is planned.

This assumes that ~/.local/bin exists, is in your PATH, and is where you want them to go. Adjust the command for your environment if this is not what's desired.

curl -LO
tar -xf git-utils-v0.1.1-darwin-x86_64.tar.gz -C ~/.local/bin
rm git-utils-v0.1.1-darwin-x86_64.tar.gz


Currently there are only builds in the release for x86_64, arm64 is planned.

This assumes that ~/.local/bin exists, is in your PATH, and is where you want them to go. Adjust the command for your environment if this is not what's desired.

curl -LO
tar -xf git-utils-v0.1.1-darwin-x86_64.tar.gz -C ~/.local/bin
rm git-utils-v0.1.1-linux-x86_64.tar.gz


There is a build for Windows, but I don't have a way to test that so this section will be left as-is for the foreseeable future.


Licensed under the MIT license, see here.