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Algebraic Data Types

In the previous chapter, we learned how to write our own functions and combine them to create more complex functionality. Of equal importance is the ability to define our own data types and use them as arguments and results in functions.

This is a lengthy chapter, densely packed with information. If you are new to Idris and functional programming, make sure to follow along slowly, experimenting with the examples, and possibly coming up with your own. Make sure to try and solve all exercises. The solutions to the exercises can be found here.

module Tutorial.DataTypes


Let's start with a data type for the days of the week as an example.

data Weekday = Monday
             | Tuesday
             | Wednesday
             | Thursday
             | Friday
             | Saturday
             | Sunday

The declaration above defines a new type (Weekday) and several new values (Monday to Sunday) of the given type. Go ahead, and verify this at the REPL:

Tutorial.DataTypes> :t Monday
Tutorial.DataTypes.Monday : Weekday
Tutorial.DataTypes> :t Weekday
Tutorial.DataTypes.Weekday : Type

So, Monday is of type Weekday, while Weekday itself is of type Type.

It is important to note that a value of type Weekday can only ever be one of the values listed above. It is a type error to use anything else where a Weekday is expected.

Pattern Matching

In order to use our new data type as a function argument, we need to learn about an important concept in functional programming languages: Pattern matching. Let's implement a function which calculates the successor of a weekday:

next : Weekday -> Weekday
next Monday    = Tuesday
next Tuesday   = Wednesday
next Wednesday = Thursday
next Thursday  = Friday
next Friday    = Saturday
next Saturday  = Sunday
next Sunday    = Monday

In order to inspect a Weekday argument, we match on the different possible values and return a result for each of them. This is a very powerful concept, as it allows us to match on and extract values from deeply nested data structures. The different cases in a pattern match are inspected from top to bottom, each being compared against the current function argument. Once a matching pattern is found, the computation on the right hand side of this pattern is evaluated. Later patterns are then ignored.

For instance, if we invoke next with argument Thursday, the first three patterns (Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday) will be checked against the argument, but they do not match. The fourth pattern is a match, and result Friday is being returned. Later patterns are then ignored, even if they would also match the input (this becomes relevant with catch-all patterns, which we will talk about in a moment).

The function above is provably total. Idris knows about the possible values of type Weekday, and can therefore figure out that our pattern match covers all possible cases. We can therefore annotate the function with the total keyword, and Idris will answer with a type error if it can't verify the function's totality. (Go ahead, and try removing one of the clauses in next to get an idea about how an error message from the coverage checker looks like.)

Please remember that these are very strong guarantees from the type checker: Given enough resources, a provably total function will always return a result of the given type in a finite amount of time (resources here meaning computational resources like memory or, in case of recursive functions, stack space).

Catch-all Patterns

Sometimes, it is convenient to only match on a subset of the possible values and collect the remaining possibilities in a catch-all clause:

isWeekend : Weekday -> Bool
isWeekend Saturday = True
isWeekend Sunday   = True
isWeekend _        = False

The final line with the catch-all pattern is only invoked if the argument is not equal to Saturday or Sunday. Remember: Patterns in a pattern match are matched against the input from top to bottom, and the first match decides which path on the right hand side will be taken.

We can use catch-all patterns to implement an equality test for Weekday (we will not yet use the == operator for this; this will have to wait until we learn about interfaces):

eqWeekday : Weekday -> Weekday -> Bool
eqWeekday Monday Monday        = True
eqWeekday Tuesday Tuesday      = True
eqWeekday Wednesday Wednesday  = True
eqWeekday Thursday Thursday    = True
eqWeekday Friday Friday        = True
eqWeekday Saturday Saturday    = True
eqWeekday Sunday Sunday        = True
eqWeekday _ _                  = False

Enumeration Types in the Prelude

Data types like Weekday consisting of a finite set of values are sometimes called enumerations. The Idris Prelude defines some common enumerations for us: for instance, Bool and Ordering. As with Weekday, we can use pattern matching when implementing functions on these types:

-- this is how `not` is implemented in the *Prelude*
negate : Bool -> Bool
negate False = True
negate True  = False

The Ordering data type describes an ordering relation between two values. For instance:

compareBool : Bool -> Bool -> Ordering
compareBool False False = EQ
compareBool False True  = LT
compareBool True True   = EQ
compareBool True False  = GT

Here, LT means that the first argument is less than the second, EQ means that the two arguments are equal and GT means, that the first argument is greater than the second.

Case Expressions

Sometimes we need to perform a computation with one of the arguments and want to pattern match on the result of this computation. We can use case expressions in this situation:

-- returns the larger of the two arguments
maxBits8 : Bits8 -> Bits8 -> Bits8
maxBits8 x y =
  case compare x y of
    LT => y
    _  => x

The first line of the case expression (case compare x y of) will invoke function compare with arguments x and y. On the following (indented) lines, we pattern match on the result of this computation. This is of type Ordering, so we expect one of the three constructors LT, EQ, or GT as the result. On the first line, we handle the LT case explicitly, while the other two cases are handled with an underscore as a catch-all pattern.

Note that indentation matters here: The case block as a whole must be indented (if it starts on a new line), and the different cases must also be indented by the same amount of whitespace.

Function compare is overloaded for many data types. We will learn how this works when we talk about interfaces.

If Then Else

When working with Bool, there is an alternative to pattern matching common to most programming languages:

maxBits8' : Bits8 -> Bits8 -> Bits8
maxBits8' x y = if compare x y == LT then y else x

Note that the if then else expression always returns a value and, therefore, the else branch cannot be dropped. This is different from the behavior in typical imperative languages, where if is a statement with possible side effects.

Naming Conventions: Identifiers

While we are free to use lower-case and upper-case identifiers for function names, type- and data constructors must be given upper-case identifiers in order not to confuse Idris (operators are also fine). For instance, the following data definition is not valid, and Idris will complain that it expected upper-case identifiers:

data foo = bar | baz

The same goes for similar data definitions like records and sum types (both will be explained below):

-- not valid Idris
record Foo where
  constructor mkfoo

On the other hand, we typically use lower-case identifiers for function names, unless we plan to use them mostly during type checking (more on this later). This is not enforced by Idris, however, so if you are working in a domain where upper-case identifiers are preferable, feel free to use those:

foo : Bits32 -> Bits32
foo = (* 2)

Bar : Bits32 -> Bits32
Bar = foo

Exercises part 1

  1. Use pattern matching to implement your own versions of boolean operators (&&) and (||) calling them and and or respectively.

    Note: One way to go about this is to enumerate all four possible combinations of two boolean values and give the result for each. However, there is a shorter, more clever way, requiring only two pattern matches for each of the two functions.

  2. Define your own data type representing different units of time (seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks), and implement the following functions for converting between time spans using different units. Hint: Use integer division (div) when going from seconds to some larger unit like hours).

    data UnitOfTime = Second -- add additional values
    -- calculate the number of seconds from a
    -- number of steps in the given unit of time
    toSeconds : UnitOfTime -> Integer -> Integer
    -- Given a number of seconds, calculate the
    -- number of steps in the given unit of time
    fromSeconds : UnitOfTime -> Integer -> Integer
    -- convert the number of steps in a given unit of time
    -- to the number of steps in another unit of time.
    -- use `fromSeconds` and `toSeconds` in your implementation
    convert : UnitOfTime -> Integer -> UnitOfTime -> Integer
  3. Define a data type for representing a subset of the chemical elements: Hydrogen (H), Carbon (C), Nitrogen (N), Oxygen (O), and Fluorine (F).

    Declare and implement function atomicMass, which for each element returns its atomic mass in dalton:

    Hydrogen : 1.008
    Carbon : 12.011
    Nitrogen : 14.007
    Oxygen : 15.999
    Fluorine : 18.9984

Sum Types

Assume we'd like to write some web form, where users of our web application can decide how they like to be addressed. We give them a choice between two common predefined forms of address (Mr and Mrs), but also allow them to decide on a customized form. The possible choices can be encapsulated in an Idris data type:

data Title = Mr | Mrs | Other String

This looks almost like an enumeration type, with the exception that there is a new thing, called a data constructor, which accepts a String argument (actually, the values in an enumeration are also called (nullary) data constructors). If we inspect the types at the REPL, we learn the following:

Tutorial.DataTypes> :t Mr
Tutorial.DataTypes.Mr : Title
Tutorial.DataTypes> :t Other
Tutorial.DataTypes.Other : String -> Title

So, Other is a function from String to Title. This means, that we can pass Other a String argument and get a Title as the result:

dr : Title
dr = Other "Dr."

Again, a value of type Title can only consist of one of the three choices listed above, and again, we can use pattern matching to implement functions on the Title data type in a provably total way:

showTitle : Title -> String
showTitle Mr        = "Mr."
showTitle Mrs       = "Mrs."
showTitle (Other x) = x

Note, how in the last pattern match, the string value stored in the Other data constructor is bound to local variable x. Also, the Other x pattern has to be wrapped in parentheses, as otherwise Idris would think Other and x were to distinct function arguments.

This is a very common way to extract the values from data constructors. We can use showTitle to implement a function for creating a courteous greeting:

greet : Title -> String -> String
greet t name = "Hello, " ++ showTitle t ++ " " ++ name ++ "!"

In the implementation of greet, we use string literals and the string concatenation operator (++) to assemble the greeting from its parts.

At the REPL:

Tutorial.DataTypes> greet dr "Höck"
"Hello, Dr. Höck!"
Tutorial.DataTypes> greet Mrs "Smith"
"Hello, Mrs. Smith!"

Data types like Title are called sum types as they consist of the sum of their different parts: A value of type Title is either a Mr, a Mrs, or a String wrapped up in Other.

Here's another (drastically simplified) example of a sum type. Assume we allow two forms of authentication in our web application: Either by entering a username plus a password (for which we'll use an unsigned 64 bit integer here), or by providing user name plus a (very complex) secret key. Here's a data type to encapsulate this use case:

data Credentials = Password String Bits64 | Key String String

As an example of a very primitive login function, we can hard-code some known credentials:

login : Credentials -> String
login (Password "Anderson" 6665443) = greet Mr "Anderson"
login (Key "Y" "xyz")               = greet (Other "Agent") "Y"
login _                             = "Access denied!"

As can be seen in the example above, we can also pattern match against primitive values by using integer and string literals. Give login a go at the REPL:

Tutorial.DataTypes> login (Password "Anderson" 6665443)
"Hello, Mr. Anderson!"
Tutorial.DataTypes> login (Key "Y" "xyz")
"Hello, Agent Y!"
Tutorial.DataTypes> login (Key "Y" "foo")
"Access denied!"

Exercises part 2

  1. Implement an equality test for Title (you can use the equality operator (==) for comparing two Strings):

    eqTitle : Title -> Title -> Bool
  2. For Title, implement a simple test to check, whether a custom title is being used:

    isOther : Title -> Bool
  3. Given our simple Credentials type, there are three ways for authentication to fail:

    • An unknown username was used.
    • The password given does not match the one associated with the username.
    • An invalid key was used.

    Encapsulate these three possibilities in a sum type called LoginError, but make sure not to disclose any confidential information: An invalid username should be stored in the corresponding error value, but an invalid password or key should not.

  4. Implement function showError : LoginError -> String, which can be used to display an error message to the user who unsuccessfully tried to login into our web application.


It is often useful to group together several values as a logical unit. For instance, in our web application we might want to group information about a user in a single data type. Such data types are often called product types (see below for an explanation). The most common and convenient way to define them is the record construct:

record User where
  constructor MkUser
  name  : String
  title : Title
  age   : Bits8

The declaration above creates a new type called User, and a new data constructor called MkUser. As usual, have a look at their types in the REPL:

Tutorial.DataTypes> :t User
Tutorial.DataTypes.User : Type
Tutorial.DataTypes> :t MkUser
Tutorial.DataTypes.MkUser : String -> Title -> Bits8 -> User

We can use MkUser (which is a function from String to Title to Bits8 to User) to create values of type User:

agentY : User
agentY = MkUser "Y" (Other "Agent") 51

drNo : User
drNo = MkUser "No" dr 73

We can also use pattern matching to extract the fields from a User value (they can again be bound to local variables):

greetUser : User -> String
greetUser (MkUser n t _) = greet t n

In the example above, the name and title field are bound to two new local variables (n and t respectively), which can then be used on the right hand side of greetUser's implementation. For the age field, which is not used on the right hand side, we can use an underscore as a catch-all pattern.

Note, how Idris will prevent us from making a common mistake: If we confuse the order of arguments, the implementation will no longer type check. We can verify this by putting the erroneous code in a failing block: This is an indented code block, which will lead to an error during elaboration (type checking). We can give part of the expected error message as an optional string argument to a failing block. If this does not match part of the error message (or the whole code block does not fail to type check) the failing block itself fails to type check. This is a useful tool to demonstrate that type safety works in two directions: We can show that valid code type checks but also that invalid code is rejected by the Idris elaborator:

failing "Mismatch between: String and Title"
  greetUser' : User -> String
  greetUser' (MkUser n t _) = greet n t

In addition, for every record field, Idris creates an extractor function of the same name. This can either be used as a regular function, or it can be used in postfix notation by appending it to a variable of the record type separated by a dot. Here are two examples for extracting the age from a user:

getAgeFunction : User -> Bits8
getAgeFunction u = age u

getAgePostfix : User -> Bits8
getAgePostfix u = u.age

Syntactic Sugar for Records

As was already mentioned in the intro, Idris is a pure functional programming language. In pure functions, we are not allowed to modify global mutable state. As such, if we want to modify a record value, we will always create a new value with the original value remaining unchanged: Records and other Idris values are immutable. While this can have a slight impact on performance, it has the benefit that we can freely pass a record value to different functions, without fear of the functions modifying the value by in-place mutation. These are, again, very strong guarantees, which makes it drastically easier to reason about our code.

There are several ways to modify a record, the most general being to pattern match on the record and adjust each field as desired. If, for instance, we'd like to increase the age of a User by one, we could do the following:

incAge : User -> User
incAge (MkUser name title age) = MkUser name title (age + 1)

That's a lot of code for such a simple thing, so Idris offers several syntactic conveniences for this. For instance, using record syntax, we can just access and update the age field of a value:

incAge2 : User -> User
incAge2 u = { age := u.age + 1 } u

Assignment operator := assigns a new value to the age field in u. Remember, that this will create a new User value. The original value u remains unaffected by this.

We can access a record field, either by using the field name as a projection function (age u; also have a look at :t age in the REPL), or by using dot syntax: u.age. This is special syntax and not related to the dot operator for function composition ((.)).

The use case of modifying a record field is so common that Idris provides special syntax for this as well:

incAge3 : User -> User
incAge3 u = { age $= (+ 1) } u

Here, I used an operator section ((+ 1)) to make the code more concise. As an alternative to an operator section, we could have used an anonymous function like so:

incAge4 : User -> User
incAge4 u = { age $= \x => x + 1 } u

Finally, since our function's argument u is only used once at the very end, we can drop it altogether, to get the following, highly concise version:

incAge5 : User -> User
incAge5 = { age $= (+ 1) }

As usual, we should have a look at the result at the REPL:

Tutorial.DataTypes> incAge5 drNo
MkUser "No" (Other "Dr.") 74

It is possible to use this syntax to set and/or update several record fields at once:

drNoJunior : User
drNoJunior = { name $= (++ " Jr."), title := Mr, age := 17 } drNo


I wrote above that a record is also called a product type. This is quite obvious when we consider the number of possible values inhabiting a given type. For instance, consider the following custom record:

record Foo where
  constructor MkFoo
  wd   : Weekday
  bool : Bool

How many possible values of type Foo are there? The answer is 7 * 2 = 14, as we can pair every possible Weekday (seven in total) with every possible Bool (two in total). So, the number of possible values of a record type is the product of the number of possible values for each field.

The canonical product type is the Pair, which is available from the Prelude:

weekdayAndBool : Weekday -> Bool -> Pair Weekday Bool
weekdayAndBool wd b = MkPair wd b

Since it is quite common to return several values from a function wrapped in a Pair or larger tuple, Idris provides some syntactic sugar for working with these. Instead of Pair Weekday Bool, we can just write (Weekday, Bool). Likewise, instead of MkPair wd b, we can just write (wd, b) (the space is optional):

weekdayAndBool2 : Weekday -> Bool -> (Weekday, Bool)
weekdayAndBool2 wd b = (wd, b)

This works also for nested tuples:

triple : Pair Bool (Pair Weekday String)
triple = MkPair False (Friday, "foo")

triple2 : (Bool, Weekday, String)
triple2 = (False, Friday, "foo")

In the example above, triple2 is converted to the form used in triple by the Idris compiler.

We can even use tuple syntax in pattern matches:

bar : Bool
bar = case triple of
  (b,wd,_) => b && isWeekend wd

As Patterns

Sometimes, we'd like to take apart a value by pattern matching on it but still retain the value as a whole for using it in further computations:

baz : (Bool,Weekday,String) -> (Nat,Bool,Weekday,String)
baz t@(_,_,s) = (length s, t)

In baz, variable t is bound to the triple as a whole, which is then reused to construct the resulting quadruple. Remember, that (Nat,Bool,Weekday,String) is just sugar for Pair Nat (Bool,Weekday,String), and (length s, t) is just sugar for MkPair (length s) t. Hence, the implementation above is correct as is confirmed by the type checker.

Exercises part 3

  1. Define a record type for time spans by pairing a UnitOfTime with an integer representing the duration of the time span in the given unit of time. Define also a function for converting a time span to an Integer representing the duration in seconds.

  2. Implement an equality check for time spans: Two time spans should be considered equal, if and only if they correspond to the same number of seconds.

  3. Implement a function for pretty printing time spans: The resulting string should display the time span in its given unit, plus show the number of seconds in parentheses, if the unit is not already seconds.

  4. Implement a function for adding two time spans. If the two time spans use different units of time, use the smaller unit of time to ensure a lossless conversion.

Generic Data Types

Sometimes, a concept is general enough that we'd like to apply it not only to a single type, but to all kinds of types. For instance, we might not want to define data types for lists of integers, lists of strings, and lists of booleans, as this would lead to a lot of code duplication. Instead, we'd like to have a single generic list type parameterized by the type of values it stores. This section explains how to define and use generic types.


Consider the case of parsing a Weekday from user input. Surely, such a function should return Saturday, if the string input was "Saturday", but what if the input was "sdfkl332"? We have several options here. For instance, we could just return a default result (Sunday perhaps?). But is this the behavior programmers expect when using our library? Maybe not. To silently continue with a default value in the face of invalid user input is hardly ever the best choice and may lead to a lot of confusion.

In an imperative language, our function would probably throw an exception. We could do this in Idris as well (there is function idris_crash in the Prelude for this), but doing so, we would abandon totality! A high price to pay for such a common thing as a parsing error.

In languages like Java, our function might also return some kind of null value (leading to the dreaded NullPointerExceptions if not handled properly in client code). Our solution will be similar, but instead of silently returning null, we will make the possibility of failure visible in the types! We define a custom data type, which encapsulates the possibility of failure. Defining new data types in Idris is very cheap (in terms of the amount of code needed), therefore this is often the way to go in order to increase type safety. Here's an example how to do this:

data MaybeWeekday = WD Weekday | NoWeekday

readWeekday : String -> MaybeWeekday
readWeekday "Monday"    = WD Monday
readWeekday "Tuesday"   = WD Tuesday
readWeekday "Wednesday" = WD Wednesday
readWeekday "Thursday"  = WD Thursday
readWeekday "Friday"    = WD Friday
readWeekday "Saturday"  = WD Saturday
readWeekday "Sunday"    = WD Sunday
readWeekday _           = NoWeekday

But assume now, we'd also like to read Bool values from user input. We'd now have to write a custom data type MaybeBool and so on for all types we'd like to read from String, and the conversion of which might fail.

Idris, like many other programming languages, allows us to generalize this behavior by using generic data types. Here's an example:

data Option a = Some a | None

readBool : String -> Option Bool
readBool "True"    = Some True
readBool "False"   = Some False
readBool _         = None

It is important to go to the REPL and look at the types:

Tutorial.DataTypes> :t Some
Tutorial.DataTypes.Some : a -> Option a
Tutorial.DataTypes> :t None
Tutorial.DataTypes.None : Option a
Tutorial.DataTypes> :t Option
Tutorial.DataTypes.Option : Type -> Type

We need to introduce some jargon here. Option is what we call a type constructor. It is not yet a saturated type: It is a function from Type to Type. However, Option Bool is a type, as is Option Weekday. Even Option (Option Bool) is a valid type. Option is a type constructor parameterized over a parameter of type Type. Some and None are Options data constructors: The functions used to create values of type Option a for a type a.

Let's see some other use cases for Option. Below is a safe division operation:

safeDiv : Integer -> Integer -> Option Integer
safeDiv n 0 = None
safeDiv n k = Some (n `div` k)

The possibility of returning some kind of null value in the face of invalid input is so common, that there is a data type like Option already in the Prelude: Maybe, with data constructors Just and Nothing.

It is important to understand the difference between returning Maybe Integer in a function, which might fail, and returning null in languages like Java: In the former case, the possibility of failure is visible in the types. The type checker will force us to treat Maybe Integer differently than Integer: Idris will not allow us to forget to eventually handle the failure case. Not so, if null is silently returned without adjusting the types. Programmers may (and often will) forget to handle the null case, leading to unexpected and sometimes hard to debug runtime exceptions.


While Maybe is very useful to quickly provide a default value to signal some kind of failure, this value (Nothing) is not very informative. It will not tell us what exactly went wrong. For instance, in case of our Weekday reading function, it might be interesting later on to know the value of the invalid input string. And just like with Maybe and Option above, this concept is general enough that we might encounter other types of invalid values. Here's a data type to encapsulate this:

data Validated e a = Invalid e | Valid a

Validated is a type constructor parameterized over two type parameters e and a. It's data constructors are Invalid and Valid, the former holding a value describing some error condition, the latter the result in case of a successful computation. Let's see this in action:

readWeekdayV : String -> Validated String Weekday
readWeekdayV "Monday"    = Valid Monday
readWeekdayV "Tuesday"   = Valid Tuesday
readWeekdayV "Wednesday" = Valid Wednesday
readWeekdayV "Thursday"  = Valid Thursday
readWeekdayV "Friday"    = Valid Friday
readWeekdayV "Saturday"  = Valid Saturday
readWeekdayV "Sunday"    = Valid Sunday
readWeekdayV s           = Invalid ("Not a weekday: " ++ s)

Again, this is such a general concept that a data type similar to Validated is already available from the Prelude: Either with data constructors Left and Right. It is very common for functions to encapsulate the possibility of failure by returning an Either err val, where err is the error type and val is the desired return type. This is the type safe (and total!) alternative to throwing a catchable exception in an imperative language.

Note, however, that the semantics of Either are not always "Left is an error and Right a success". A function returning an Either just means that it can have to different types of results, each of which are tagged with the corresponding data constructor.


One of the most important data structures in pure functional programming is the singly linked list. Here is its definition (called Seq in order for it not to collide with List, which is of course already available from the Prelude):

data Seq a = Nil | (::) a (Seq a)

This calls for some explanations. Seq consists of two data constructors: Nil (representing an empty sequence of values) and (::) (also called the cons operator), which prepends a new value of type a to an already existing list of values of the same type. As you can see, we can also use operators as data constructors, but please do not overuse this. Use clear names for your functions and data constructors and only introduce new operators when it truly helps readability!

Here is an example of how to use the List constructors (I use List here, as this is what you should use in your own code):

ints : List Int64
ints = 1 :: 2 :: -3 :: Nil

However, there is a more concise way of writing the above. Idris accepts special syntax for constructing data types consisting exactly of the two constructors Nil and (::):

ints2 : List Int64
ints2 = [1, 2, -3]

ints3 : List Int64
ints3 = []

The two definitions ints and ints2 are treated identically by the compiler. Note, that list syntax can also be used in pattern matches.

There is another thing that's special about Seq and List: Each of them is defined in terms of itself (the cons operator accepts a value and another Seq as arguments). We call such data types recursive data types, and their recursive nature means, that in order to decompose or consume them, we typically require recursive functions. In an imperative language, we might use a for loop or similar construct to iterate over the values of a List or a Seq, but these things do not exist in a language without in-place mutation. Here's how to sum a list of integers:

intSum : List Integer -> Integer
intSum Nil       = 0
intSum (n :: ns) = n + intSum ns

Recursive functions can be hard to grasp at first, so I'll break this down a bit. If we invoke intSum with the empty list, the first pattern matches and the function returns zero immediately. If, however, we invoke intSum with a non-empty list - [7,5,9] for instance - the following happens:

  1. The second pattern matches and splits the list into two parts: Its head (7) is bound to variable n and its tail ([5,9]) is bound to ns:

    7 + intSum [5,9]
  2. In a second invocation, intSum is called with a new list: [5,9]. The second pattern matches and n is bound to 5 and ns is bound to [9]:

    7 + (5 + intSum [9])
  3. In a third invocation intSum is called with list [9]. The second pattern matches and n is bound to 9 and ns is bound to []:

    7 + (5 + (9 + intSum [])
  4. In a fourth invocation, intSum is called with list [] and returns 0 immediately:

    7 + (5 + (9 + 0)
  5. In the third invocation, 9 and 0 are added and 9 is returned:

    7 + (5 + 9)
  6. In the second invocation, 5 and 9 are added and 14 is returned:

    7 + 14
  7. Finally, our initial invocation of intSum adds 7 and 14 and returns 21.

Thus, the recursive implementation of intSum leads to a sequence of nested calls to intSum, which terminates once the argument is the empty list.

Generic Functions

In order to fully appreciate the versatility that comes with generic data types, we also need to talk about generic functions. Like generic types, these are parameterized over one or more type parameters.

Consider for instance the case of breaking out of the Option data type. In case of a Some, we'd like to return the stored value, while for the None case we provide a default value. Here's how to do this, specialized to Integers:

integerFromOption : Integer -> Option Integer -> Integer
integerFromOption _ (Some y) = y
integerFromOption x None     = x

It's pretty obvious that this, again, is not general enough. Surely, we'd also like to break out of Option Bool or Option String in a similar fashion. That's exactly what the generic function fromOption does:

fromOption : a -> Option a -> a
fromOption _ (Some y) = y
fromOption x None     = x

The lower-case a is again a type parameter. You can read the type signature as follows: "For any type a, given a value of type a, and an Option a, we can return a value of type a." Note, that fromOption knows nothing else about a, other than it being a type. It is therefore not possible, to conjure a value of type a out of thin air. We must have a value available to deal with the None case.

The pendant to fromOption for Maybe is called fromMaybe and is available from module Data.Maybe from the base library.

Sometimes, fromOption is not general enough. Assume we'd like to print the value of a freshly parsed Bool, giving some generic error message in case of a None. We can't use fromOption for this, as we have an Option Bool and we'd like to return a String. Here's how to do this:

option : b -> (a -> b) -> Option a -> b
option _ f (Some y) = f y
option x _ None     = x

handleBool : Option Bool -> String
handleBool = option "Not a boolean value." show

Function option is parameterized over two type parameters: a represents the type of values stored in the Option, while b is the return type. In case of a Just, we need a way to convert the stored a to a b, an that's done using the function argument of type a -> b.

In Idris, lower-case identifiers in function types are treated as type parameters, while upper-case identifiers are treated as types or type constructors that must be in scope.

Exercises part 4

If this is your first time programming in a purely functional language, the exercises below are very important. Do not skip any of them! Take your time and work through them all. In most cases, the types should be enough to explain what's going on, even though they might appear cryptic in the beginning. Otherwise, have a look at the comments (if any) of each exercise.

Remember, that lower-case identifiers in a function signature are treated as type parameters.

  1. Implement the following generic functions for Maybe:

    -- make sure to map a `Just` to a `Just`.
    mapMaybe : (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b
    -- Example: `appMaybe (Just (+2)) (Just 20) = Just 22`
    appMaybe : Maybe (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b
    -- Example: `bindMaybe (Just 12) Just = Just 12`
    bindMaybe : Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b
    -- keep the value in a `Just` only if the given predicate holds
    filterMaybe : (a -> Bool) -> Maybe a -> Maybe a
    -- keep the first value that is not a `Nothing` (if any)
    first : Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a
    -- keep the last value that is not a `Nothing` (if any)
    last : Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a
    -- this is another general way to extract a value from a `Maybe`.
    -- Make sure the following holds:
    -- `foldMaybe (+) 5 Nothing = 5`
    -- `foldMaybe (+) 5 (Just 12) = 17`
    foldMaybe : (acc -> el -> acc) -> acc -> Maybe el -> acc
  2. Implement the following generic functions for Either:

    mapEither : (a -> b) -> Either e a -> Either e b
    -- In case of both `Either`s being `Left`s, keep the
    -- value stored in the first `Left`.
    appEither : Either e (a -> b) -> Either e a -> Either e b
    bindEither : Either e a -> (a -> Either e b) -> Either e b
    -- Keep the first value that is not a `Left`
    -- If both `Either`s are `Left`s, use the given accumulator
    -- for the error values
    firstEither : (e -> e -> e) -> Either e a -> Either e a -> Either e a
    -- Keep the last value that is not a `Left`
    -- If both `Either`s are `Left`s, use the given accumulator
    -- for the error values
    lastEither : (e -> e -> e) -> Either e a -> Either e a -> Either e a
    fromEither : (e -> c) -> (a -> c) -> Either e a -> c
  3. Implement the following generic functions for List:

    mapList : (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
    filterList : (a -> Bool) -> List a -> List a
    -- return the first value of a list, if it is non-empty
    headMaybe : List a -> Maybe a
    -- return everything but the first value of a list, if it is non-empty
    tailMaybe : List a -> Maybe (List a)
    -- return the last value of a list, if it is non-empty
    lastMaybe : List a -> Maybe a
    -- return everything but the last value of a list,
    -- if it is non-empty
    initMaybe : List a -> Maybe (List a)
    -- accumulate the values in a list using the given
    -- accumulator function and initial value
    -- Examples:
    -- `foldList (+) 10 [1,2,7] = 20`
    -- `foldList String.(++) "" ["Hello","World"] = "HelloWorld"`
    -- `foldList last Nothing (mapList Just [1,2,3]) = Just 3`
    foldList : (acc -> el -> acc) -> acc -> List el -> acc
  4. Assume we store user data for our web application in the following record:

    record Client where
      constructor MkClient
      name          : String
      title         : Title
      age           : Bits8
      passwordOrKey : Either Bits64 String

    Using LoginError from an earlier exercise, implement function login, which, given a list of Clients plus a value of type Credentials will return either a LoginError in case no valid credentials where provided, or the first Client for whom the credentials match.

  5. Using your data type for chemical elements from an earlier exercise, implement a function for calculating the molar mass of a molecular formula.

    Use a list of elements each paired with its count (a natural number) for representing formulae. For instance:

    ethanol : List (Element,Nat)
    ethanol = [(C,2),(H,6),(O,1)]

    Hint: You can use function cast to convert a natural number to a Double.

Alternative Syntax for Data Definitions

While the examples in the section about parameterized data types are short and concise, there is a slightly more verbose but much more general form for writing such definitions, which makes it much clearer what's going on. In my opinion, this more general form should be preferred in all but the most simple data definitions.

Here are the definitions of Option, Validated, and Seq again, using this more general form (I put them in their own namespace, so Idris will not complain about identical names in the same source file):

-- GADT is an acronym for "generalized algebraic data type"
namespace GADT
  data Option : Type -> Type where
    Some : a -> Option a
    None : Option a

  data Validated : Type -> Type -> Type where
    Invalid : e -> Validated e a
    Valid   : a -> Validated e a

  data Seq : Type -> Type where
    Nil  : Seq a
    (::) : a -> GADT.Seq a -> Seq a

Here, Option is clearly declared as a type constructor (a function of type Type -> Type), while Some is a generic function of type a -> Option a (where a is a type parameter) and None is a nullary generic function of type Option a (a again being a type parameter). Likewise for Validated and Seq. Note, that in case of Seq we had to disambiguate between the different Seq definitions in the recursive case. Since we will usually not define several data types with the same name in a source file, this is not necessary most of the time.


We covered a lot of ground in this chapter, so I'll summarize the most important points below:

  • Enumerations are data types consisting of a finite number of possible values.

  • Sum types are data types with more than one data constructor, where each constructor describes a choice that can be made.

  • Product types are data types with a single constructor used to group several values of possibly different types.

  • We use pattern matching to deconstruct immutable values in Idris. The possible patterns correspond to a data type's data constructors.

  • We can bind variables to values in a pattern or use an underscore as a placeholder for a value that's not needed on the right hand side of an implementation.

  • We can pattern match on an intermediary result by introducing a case block.

  • The preferred way to define new product types is to define them as records, since these come with additional syntactic conveniences for setting and modifying individual record fields.

  • Generic types and functions allow us generalize certain concepts and make them available for many types by using type parameters instead of concrete types in function and type signatures.

  • Common concepts like nullary values (Maybe), computations that might fail with some error condition (Either), and handling collections of values of the same type at once (List) are example use cases of generic types and functions already provided by the Prelude.

What's next

In the next section, we will introduce interfaces, another approach to function overloading.