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Function overloading - the definition of functions with the same name but different implementations - is a concept found in many programming languages. Idris natively supports overloading of functions: Two functions with the same name can be defined in different modules or namespaces, and Idris will try to disambiguate between these based on the types involved. Here is an example:

module Tutorial.Interfaces

%default total

namespace Bool
  size : Bool -> Integer
  size True  = 1
  size False = 0

namespace Integer
  size : Integer -> Integer
  size = id

namespace List
  size : List a -> Integer
  size = cast . length

Here, we defined three different functions called size, each in its own namespace. We can disambiguate between these by prefixing them with their namespace:

Tutorial.Interfaces> :t Bool.size
Tutorial.Interfaces.Bool.size : Bool -> Integer

However, this is usually not necessary:

mean : List Integer -> Integer
mean xs = sum xs `div` size xs

As you can see, Idris can disambiguate between the different size functions, since xs is of type List Integer, which unifies only with List a, the argument type of List.size.

Interface Basics

While function overloading as described above works well, there are use cases, where this form of overloaded functions leads to a lot of code duplication.

As an example, consider a function cmp (short for compare, which is already exported by the Prelude), for describing an ordering for the values of type String:

cmp : String -> String -> Ordering

We'd also like to have similar functions for many other data types. Function overloading allows us to do just that, but cmp is not an isolated piece of functionality. From it, we can derive functions like greaterThan', lessThan', minimum', maximum', and many others:

lessThan' : String -> String -> Bool
lessThan' s1 s2 = LT == cmp s1 s2

greaterThan' : String -> String -> Bool
greaterThan' s1 s2 = GT == cmp s1 s2

minimum' : String -> String -> String
minimum' s1 s2 =
  case cmp s1 s2 of
    LT => s1
    _  => s2

maximum' : String -> String -> String
maximum' s1 s2 =
  case cmp s1 s2 of
    GT => s1
    _  => s2

We'd need to implement all of these again for the other types with a cmp function, and most if not all of these implementations would be identical to the ones written above. That's a lot of code repetition.

One way to solve this is to use higher-order functions. For instance, we could define function minimumBy, which takes a comparison function as its first argument and returns the smaller of the two remaining arguments:

minimumBy : (a -> a -> Ordering) -> a -> a -> a
minimumBy f a1 a2 =
  case f a1 a2 of
    LT => a1
    _  => a2

This solution is another proof of how higher-order functions allow us to reduce code duplication. However, the need to explicitly pass around the comparison function all the time can get tedious as well. It would be nice, if we could teach Idris to come up with such a function on its own.

Interfaces solve exactly this issue. Here's an example:

interface Comp a where
  comp : a -> a -> Ordering

implementation Comp Bits8 where
  comp = compare

implementation Comp Bits16 where
  comp = compare

The code above defines interface Comp providing function comp for calculating the ordering for two values of a type a, followed by two implementations of this interface for types Bits8 and Bits16. Note, that the implementation keyword is optional.

The comp implementations for Bits8 and Bits16 both use function compare, which is part of a similar interface from the Prelude called Ord.

The next step is to look at the type of comp at the REPL:

Tutorial.Interfaces> :t comp
Tutorial.Interfaces.comp : Comp a => a -> a -> Ordering

The interesting part in the type signature of comp is the initial Comp a => argument. Here, Comp is a constraint on type parameter a. This signature can be read as: "For any type a, given an implementation of interface Comp for a, we can compare two values of type a and return an Ordering for these." Whenever we invoke comp, we expect Idris to come up with a value of type Comp a on its own, hence the new => arrow. If Idris fails to do so, it will answer with a type error.

We can now use comp in the implementations of related functions. All we have to do is to also prefix these derived functions with a Comp constraint:

lessThan : Comp a => a -> a -> Bool
lessThan s1 s2 = LT == comp s1 s2

greaterThan : Comp a => a -> a -> Bool
greaterThan s1 s2 = GT == comp s1 s2

minimum : Comp a => a -> a -> a
minimum s1 s2 =
  case comp s1 s2 of
    LT => s1
    _  => s2

maximum : Comp a => a -> a -> a
maximum s1 s2 =
  case comp s1 s2 of
    GT => s1
    _  => s2

Note, how the definition of minimum is almost identical to minimumBy. The only difference being that in case of minimumBy we had to pass the comparison function as an explicit argument, while for minimum it is provided as part of the Comp implementation, which is passed around by Idris for us.

Thus, we have defined all these utility functions once and for all for every type with an implementation of interface Comp.

Exercises part 1

  1. Implement function anyLarger, which should return True, if and only if a list of values contains at least one element larger than a given reference value. Use interface Comp in your implementation.

  2. Implement function allLarger, which should return True, if and only if a list of values contains only elements larger than a given reference value. Note, that this is trivially true for the empty list. Use interface Comp in your implementation.

  3. Implement function maxElem, which tries to extract the largest element from a list of values with a Comp implementation. Likewise for minElem, which tries to extract the smallest element. Note, that the possibility of the list being empty must be considered when deciding on the output type.

  4. Define an interface Concat for values like lists or strings, which can be concatenated. Provide implementations for lists and strings.

  5. Implement function concatList for concatenating the values in a list holding values with a Concat implementation. Make sure to reflect the possibility of the list being empty in your output type.

More about Interfaces

In the last section, we learned about the very basics of interfaces: Why they are useful and how to define and implement them. In this section, we will learn about some slightly advanced concepts: Extending interfaces, interfaces with constraints, and default implementations.

Extending Interfaces

Some interfaces form a kind of hierarchy. For instance, for the Concat interface used in exercise 4, there might be a child interface called Empty, for those types, which have a neutral element with relation to concatenation. In such a case, we make an implementation of Concat a prerequisite for implementing Empty:

interface Concat a where
  concat : a -> a -> a

implementation Concat String where
  concat = (++)

interface Concat a => Empty a where
  empty : a

implementation Empty String where
  empty = ""

Concat a => Empty a should be read as: "An implementation of Concat for type a is a prerequisite for there being an implementation of Empty for a." But this also means that, whenever we have an implementation of interface Empty, we must also have an implementation of Concat and can invoke the corresponding functions:

concatListE : Empty a => List a -> a
concatListE []        = empty
concatListE (x :: xs) = concat x (concatListE xs)

Note, how in the type of concatListE we only used an Empty constraint, and how in the implementation we were still able to invoke both empty and concat.

Constrained Implementations

Sometimes, it is only possible to implement an interface for a generic type, if its type parameters implement this interface as well. For instance, implementing interface Comp for Maybe a makes sense only if type a itself implements Comp. We can constrain interface implementations with the same syntax we use for constrained functions:

implementation Comp a => Comp (Maybe a) where
  comp Nothing  Nothing  = EQ
  comp (Just _) Nothing  = GT
  comp Nothing  (Just _) = LT
  comp (Just x) (Just y) = comp x y

This is not the same as extending an interface, although the syntax looks very similar. Here, the constraint lies on a type parameter instead of the full type. The last line in the implementation of Comp (Maybe a) compares the values stored in the two Justs. This is only possible, if there is a Comp implementation for these values as well. Go ahead, and remove the Comp a constraint from the above implementation. Learning to read and understand Idris' type errors is important for fixing them.

The good thing is, that Idris will solve all these constraints for us:

maxTest : Maybe Bits8 -> Ordering
maxTest = comp (Just 12)

Here, Idris tries to find an implementation for Comp (Maybe Bits8). In order to do so, it needs an implementation for Comp Bits8. Go ahead, and replace Bits8 in the type of maxTest with Bits64, and have a look at the error message Idris produces.

Default Implementations

Sometimes, we'd like to pack several related functions in an interface to allow programmers to implement each in the most efficient way, although they could be implemented in terms of each other. For instance, consider an interface Equals for comparing two values for equality, with functions eq returning True if two values are equal and neq returning True if they are not. Surely, we can implement neq in terms of eq, so most of the time when implementing Equals, we will only implement the latter. In this case, we can give an implementation for neq already in the definition of Equals:

interface Equals a where
  eq : a -> a -> Bool

  neq : a -> a -> Bool
  neq a1 a2 = not (eq a1 a2)

If in an implementation of Equals we only implement eq, Idris will use the default implementation for neq as shown above:

Equals String where
  eq = (==)

If on the other hand we'd like to provide explicit implementations for both functions, we can do so as well:

Equals Bool where
  eq True True   = True
  eq False False = True
  eq _ _         = False

  neq True  False = True
  neq False True  = True
  neq _ _         = False

Exercises part 2

  1. Implement interfaces Equals, Comp, Concat, and Empty for pairs, constraining your implementations as necessary. (Note, that multiple constraints can be given sequentially like other function arguments: Comp a => Comp b => Comp (a,b).)

  2. Below is an implementation of a binary tree. Implement interfaces Equals and Concat for this type.

    data Tree : Type -> Type where
      Leaf : a -> Tree a
      Node : Tree a -> Tree a -> Tree a

Interfaces in the Prelude

The Idris Prelude provides several interfaces plus implementations that are useful in almost every non-trivial program. I'll introduce the basic ones here. The more advanced ones will be discussed in later chapters.

Most of these interfaces come with associated mathematical laws, and implementations are assumed to adhere to these laws. These laws will be given here as well.


Probably the most often used interface, Eq corresponds to interface Equals we used above as an example. Instead of eq and neq, Eq provides two operators (==) and (/=) for comparing two values of the same type for being equal or not. Most of the data types defined in the Prelude come with an implementation of Eq, and whenever programmers define their own data types, Eq is typically one of the first interfaces they implement.

Eq Laws

We expect the following laws to hold for all implementations of Eq:

  • (==) is reflexive: x == x = True for all x. This means, that every value is equal to itself.

  • (==) is symmetric: x == y = y == x for all x and y. This means, that the order of arguments passed to (==) does not matter.

  • (==) is transitive: From x == y = True and y == z = True follows x == z = True.

  • (/=) is the negation of (==): x == y = not (x /= y) for all x and y.

In theory, Idris has the power to verify these laws at compile time for many non-primitive types. However, out of pragmatism this is not required when implementing Eq, since writing such proofs can be quite involved.


The pendant to Comp in the Prelude is interface Ord. In addition to compare, which is identical to our own comp it provides comparison operators (>=), (>), (<=), and (<), as well as utility functions max and min. Unlike Comp, Ord extends Eq, so whenever there is an Ord constraint, we also have access to operators (==) and (/=) and related functions.

Ord Laws

We expect the following laws to hold for all implementations of Ord:

  • (<=) is reflexive and transitive.
  • (<=) is antisymmetric: From x <= y = True and y <= x = True follows x == y = True.
  • x <= y = y >= x.
  • x < y = not (y <= x)
  • x > y = not (y >= x)
  • compare x y = EQ => x == y = True
  • compare x y == GT = x > y
  • compare x y == LT = x < y

Semigroup and Monoid

Semigroup is the pendant to our example interface Concat, with operator (<+>) (also called append) corresponding to function concat.

Likewise, Monoid corresponds to Empty, with neutral corresponding to empty.

These are incredibly important interfaces, which can be used to combine two or more values of a data type into a single value of the same type. Examples include but are not limited to addition or multiplication of numeric types, concatenation of sequences of data, or sequencing of computations.

As an example, consider a data type for representing distances in a geometric application. We could just use Double for this, but that's not very type safe. It would be better to use a single field record wrapping values type Double, to give such values clear semantics:

record Distance where
  constructor MkDistance
  meters : Double

There is a natural way for combining two distances: We sum up the values they hold. This immediately leads to an implementation of Semigroup:

Semigroup Distance where
  x <+> y = MkDistance $ x.meters + y.meters

It is also immediately clear, that zero is the neutral element of this operation: Adding zero to any value does not affect the value at all. This allows us to implement Monoid as well:

Monoid Distance where
  neutral = MkDistance 0

Semigroup and Monoid Laws

We expect the following laws to hold for all implementations of Semigroup and Monoid:

  • (<+>) is associative: x <+> (y <+> z) = (x <+> y) <+> z, for all values x, y, and z.
  • neutral is the neutral element with relation to (<+>): neutral <+> x = x <+> neutral = x, for all x.


The Show interface is mainly used for debugging purposes, and is supposed to display values of a given type as a string, typically closely resembling the Idris code used to create the value. This includes the proper wrapping of arguments in parentheses where necessary. For instance, experiment with the output of the following function at the REPL:

showExample : Maybe (Either String (List (Maybe Integer))) -> String
showExample = show

And at the REPL:

Tutorial.Interfaces> showExample (Just (Right [Just 12, Nothing]))
"Just (Right [Just 12, Nothing])"

We will learn how to implement instances of Show in an exercise.

Overloaded Literals

Literal values in Idris, such as integer literals (12001), string literals ("foo bar"), floating point literals (12.112), and character literals ('$') can be overloaded. This means, that we can create values of types other than String from just a string literal. The exact workings of this has to wait for another section, but for many common cases, it is sufficient for a value to implement interfaces FromString (for using string literals), FromChar (for using character literals), or FromDouble (for using floating point literals). The case of integer literals is special, and will be discussed in the next section.

Here is an example of using FromString. Assume, we write an application where users can identify themselves with a username and password. Both consist of strings of characters, so it is pretty easy to confuse and mix up the two things, although they clearly have very different semantics. In these cases, it is advisable to come up with new types for the two, especially since getting these things wrong is a security concern.

Here are three example record types to do this:

record UserName where
  constructor MkUserName
  name : String

record Password where
  constructor MkPassword
  value : String

record User where
  constructor MkUser
  name     : UserName
  password : Password

In order to create a value of type User, even for testing, we'd have to wrap all strings using the given constructors:

hock : User
hock = MkUser (MkUserName "hock") (MkPassword "not telling")

This is rather cumbersome, and some people might think this to be too high a price to pay just for an increase in type safety (I'd tend to disagree). Luckily, we can get the convenience of string literals back very easily:

FromString UserName where
  fromString = MkUserName

FromString Password where
  fromString = MkPassword

hock2 : User
hock2 = MkUser "hock" "not telling"

Numeric Interfaces

The Prelude also exports several interfaces providing the usual arithmetic operations. Below is a comprehensive list of the interfaces and the functions each provides:

  • Num

    • (+) : Addition
    • (*) : Multiplication
    • fromInteger : Overloaded integer literals
  • Neg

    • negate : Negation
    • (-) : Subtraction
  • Integral

    • div : Integer division
    • mod : Modulo operation
  • Fractional

    • (/) : Division
    • recip : Calculates the reciprocal of a value

As you can see: We need to implement interface Num to use integer literals for a given type. In order to use negative integer literals like -12, we also have to implement interface Neg.


The last interface we will quickly discuss in this section is Cast. It is used to convert values of one type to values of another via function cast. Cast is special, since it is parameterized over two type parameters unlike the other interfaces we looked at so far, with only one type parameter.

So far, Cast is mainly used for interconversion between primitive types in the standard libraries, especially numeric types. When you look at the implementations exported from the Prelude (for instance, by invoking :doc Cast at the REPL), you'll see that there are dozens of implementations for most pairings of primitive types.

Although Cast would also be useful for other conversions (for going from Maybe to List or for going from Either e to Maybe, for instance), the Prelude and base seem not to introduce these consistently. For instance, there are Cast implementations from going from SnocList to List and vice versa, but not for going from Vect n to List, or for going from List1 to List, although these would be just as feasible.

Exercises part 3

These exercises are meant to make you comfortable with implementing interfaces for your own data types, as you will have to do so regularly when writing Idris code.

While it is immediately clear why interfaces like Eq, Ord, or Num are useful, the usability of Semigroup and Monoid may be harder to appreciate at first. Therefore, there are several exercises where you'll implement different instances for these.

  1. Define a record type Complex for complex numbers, by pairing two values of type Double. Implement interfaces Eq, Num, Neg, and Fractional for Complex.

  2. Implement interface Show for Complex. Have a look at data type Prec and function showPrec and how these are used in the Prelude to implement instances for Either and Maybe.

    Verify the correct behavior of your implementation by wrapping a value of type Complex in a Just and show the result at the REPL.

  3. Consider the following wrapper for optional values:

    record First a where
      constructor MkFirst
      value : Maybe a

    Implement interfaces Eq, Ord, Show, FromString, FromChar, FromDouble, Num, Neg, Integral, and Fractional for First a. All of these will require corresponding constraints on type parameter a. Consider implementing and using the following utility functions where they make sense:

    pureFirst : a -> First a
    mapFirst : (a -> b) -> First a -> First b
    mapFirst2 : (a -> b -> c) -> First a -> First b -> First c
  4. Implement interfaces Semigroup and Monoid for First a in such a way, that (<+>) will return the first non-nothing argument and neutral is the corresponding neutral element. There must be no constraints on type parameter a in these implementations.

  5. Repeat exercises 3 and 4 for record Last. The Semigroup implementation should return the last non-nothing value.

    record Last a where
      constructor MkLast
      value : Maybe a
  6. Function foldMap allows us to map a function returning a Monoid over a list of values and accumulate the result using (<+>) at the same time. This is a very powerful way to accumulate the values stored in a list. Use foldMap and Last to extract the last element (if any) from a list.

    Note, that the type of foldMap is more general and not specialized to lists only. It works also for Maybe, Either and other container types we haven't looked at so far. We will learn about interface Foldable in a later section.

  7. Consider record wrappers Any and All for boolean values:

    record Any where
      constructor MkAny
      any : Bool
    record All where
      constructor MkAll
      all : Bool

    Implement Semigroup and Monoid for Any, so that the result of (<+>) is True, if and only if at least one of the arguments is True. Make sure that neutral is indeed the neutral element for this operation.

    Likewise, implement Semigroup and Monoid for All, so that the result of (<+>) is True, if and only if both of the arguments are True. Make sure that neutral is indeed the neutral element for this operation.

  8. Implement functions anyElem and allElems using foldMap and Any or All, respectively:

    -- True, if the predicate holds for at least one element
    anyElem : (a -> Bool) -> List a -> Bool
    -- True, if the predicate holds for all elements
    allElems : (a -> Bool) -> List a -> Bool
  9. Record wrappers Sum and Product are mainly used to hold numeric types.

    record Sum a where
      constructor MkSum
      value : a
    record Product a where
      constructor MkProduct
      value : a

    Given an implementation of Num a, implement Semigroup (Sum a) and Monoid (Sum a), so that (<+>) corresponds to addition.

    Likewise, implement Semigroup (Product a) and Monoid (Product a), so that (<+>) corresponds to multiplication.

    When implementing neutral, remember that you can use integer literals when working with numeric types.

  10. Implement sumList and productList by using foldMap together with the wrappers from Exercise 9:

    sumList : Num a => List a -> a
    productList : Num a => List a -> a
  11. To appreciate the power and versatility of foldMap, after solving exercises 6 to 10 (or by loading Solutions.Inderfaces in a REPL session), run the following at the REPL, which will - in a single list traversal! - calculate the first and last element of the list as well as the sum and product of all values.

    > foldMap (\x => (pureFirst x, pureLast x, MkSum x, MkProduct x)) [3,7,4,12]
    (MkFirst (Just 3), (MkLast (Just 12), (MkSum 26, MkProduct 1008)))

    Note, that there are also Semigroup implementations for types with an Ord implementation, which will return the smaller or larger of two values. In case of types with an absolute minimum or maximum (for instance, 0 for natural numbers, or 0 and 255 for Bits8), these can even be extended to Monoid.

  12. In an earlier exercise, you implemented a data type representing chemical elements and wrote a function for calculating their atomic masses. Define a new single field record type for representing atomic masses, and implement interfaces Eq, Ord, Show, FromDouble, Semigroup, and Monoid for this.

  13. Use the new data type from exercise 12 to calculate the atomic mass of an element and compute the molecular mass of a molecule given by its formula.

    Hint: With a suitable utility function, you can use foldMap once again for this.

Final notes: If you are new to functional programming, make sure to give your implementations of exercises 6 to 10 a try at the REPL. Note, how we can implement all of these functions with a minimal amount of code and how, as shown in exercise 11, these behaviors can be combined in a single list traversal.


  • Interfaces allow us to implement the same function with different behavior for different types.
  • Functions taking one or more interface implementations as arguments are called constrained functions.
  • Interfaces can be organized hierarchically by extending other interfaces.
  • Interfaces implementations can themselves be constrained requiring other implementations to be available.
  • Interface functions can be given a default implementation, which can be overridden by implementers, for instance for reasons of efficiency.
  • Certain interfaces allow us to use literal values such as string or integer literals for our own data types.

Note, that I did not yet tell the whole story about literal values in this section. More details for using literals with types that accept only a restricted set of values can be found in the chapter about primitives.

What's next

In the next chapter, we have a closer look at functions and their types. We will learn about named arguments, implicit arguments, and erased arguments as well as some constructors for implementing more complex functions.