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vicrac authored and gcanti committed Feb 4, 2020
1 parent f6661cc commit 3ca5464
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Showing 141 changed files with 13,093 additions and 2,402 deletions.
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions
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**Note**: Gaps between patch versions are faulty/broken releases. **Note**: A feature tagged as Experimental is in a
high state of flux, you're at risk of it changing without notice.

# 2.5.0

- **New Feature**
- add `ReadonlyArray` module (@gcanti)
- add `ReadonlyNonEmptyArray` module (@gcanti)
- add `ReadonlySet` module (@gcanti)
- add `ReadonlyMap` module (@gcanti)
- add `ReadonlyRecord` module (@gcanti)
- add `ReadonlyTuple` module (@gcanti)
- `NonEmptyArray`
- add `fold` (@vicrac)
- `Semigroup`
- add `getIntercalateSemigroup` (@gcanti)
- `Set`
- add `toggle` (@ryota-ka)
- `TaskEither`
- add `tryCatchK` (@DenisFrezzato)

# 2.4.4

- **Polish**
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219 changes: 219 additions & 0 deletions docs/getting-started/
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
title: Functor
parent: Getting started
nav_order: 6

# Getting started with fp-ts: Functor

In the [last post](./ about categories I presented the _TS_ category (the TypeScript category) and the central problem with function composition

> How can we compose two generic functions `f: (a: A) => B` and `g: (c: C) => D`?
Why finding solutions to this problem is so important?

Because if categories can be used to model programmming languages, morphisms (i.e. functions in _TS_) can be used to model **programs**.

Therefore solving the problem also means to find **how to compose programs in a general way**. And _this_ is pretty interesting for a developer, isn't it?

## Functions as programs

We call **pure program** a function with the following signature

(a: A) => B

Such a signature models a program which accepts an input of type `A` and yields a result of type `B`, without any effect.

We call **effectful program** a function with the following signature

(a: A) => F<B>

Such a signature models a program which accepts an input of type `A` and yields a result of type `B`, along with an **effect** `F`, where `F` is some type constructor.

Recall that a [type constructor]( is an `n`-ary type operator taking as argument zero or more types, and returning another type.


Given the concrete type `string`, the `Array` type constructor returns the concrete type `Array<string>`

Here we are interested in `n`-ary type constructors with `n >= 1`, for example

| Type constructor | Effect (interpretation) |
| ---------------- | ------------------------------- |
| `Array<A>` | a non deterministic computation |
| `Option<A>` | a computation that may fail |
| `Task<A>` | an asynchronous computation |

Now back to our main problem

> How can we compose two generic functions `f: (a: A) => B` and `g: (c: C) => D`?
Since the general problem is intractable, we need to put some _constraint_ on `B` and `C`.

We already know that if `B = C` then the solution is the usual function composition

function compose<A, B, C>(g: (b: B) => C, f: (a: A) => B): (a: A) => C {
return a => g(f(a))

What about the other cases?

## In which the constraint `B = F<C>` leads to functors

Let's consider the following constraint: `B = F<C>` for some type constructor `F`, or in other words (and after some renaming)

- `f: (a: A) => F<B>` is an effectful program
- `g: (b: B) => C` is a pure program

In order to compose `f` with `g` we could find a way to **lift** `g` from a function `(b: B) => C` to a function `(fb: F<B>) => F<C>` so that we can use the usual function composition (the output type of `f` would be the same as the input type of the lifted function)

So we turned the original problem into another one: can we find such a `lift` function?

Let's see some examples

**Example** (`F = Array`)

function lift<B, C>(g: (b: B) => C): (fb: Array<B>) => Array<C> {
return fb =>

**Example** (`F = Option`)

import { Option, isNone, none, some } from 'fp-ts/lib/Option'

function lift<B, C>(g: (b: B) => C): (fb: Option<B>) => Option<C> {
return fb => (isNone(fb) ? none : some(g(fb.value)))

**Example** (`F = Task`)

import { Task } from 'fp-ts/lib/Task'

function lift<B, C>(g: (b: B) => C): (fb: Task<B>) => Task<C> {
return fb => () => fb().then(g)

All those `lift` functions almost look the same. It's not a coincidence, there's a functional pattern under the hood.

Indeed all those type constructors (and many others) admit a **functor instance**.

## Functors

Functors are **mappings between categories** that preserve the categorical structure, i.e. that preserve identity morphisms and composition.

Since categories are constituted of two things (objects and morphisms) a functor is constituted of two things as well:

- a **mapping between objects** that associates to each object `X` in _C_ an object in _D_
- a **mapping between morphisms** that associates to each morphism in _C_ a morphism in _D_

where _C_ and _D_ are two categories (aka two programming languages).

<img src="./images/Functor.jpg" width="300" alt="functor" />
<center>(source: [functor on](</center>

Even if a mapping between two different programming languages is an intriguing idea, we are more interested in a mapping where _C_ and _D_ coincide (with _TS_). In this case we talk about **endofunctors** ("endo" means "within", "inside").

From now on when I write "functor" I actually mean an endofunctor in _TS_.

### Definition

A functor is a pair `(F, lift)` where

- `F` is a `n`-ary type constructor (`n >= 1`) which maps each type `X` to the type `F<X>` (**mapping between objects**)
- `lift` is a function with the following signature

lift: <A, B>(f: (a: A) => B) => ((fa: F<A>) => F<B>)

which maps each function `f: (a: A) => B` to a function `lift(f): (fa: F<A>) => F<B>` (**mapping between morphisms**).

The following properties must hold

- `lift(identity`<sub>X</sub>`)` = `identity`<sub>F(X)</sub> (**identities map to identities**)
- `lift(g ∘ f) = lift(g) ∘ lift(f)` (**mapping a composition is the composition of the mappings**)

The `lift` function is also known through a variant called `map`, which is basically `lift` with the arguments rearranged

lift: <A, B>(f: (a: A) => B) => ((fa: F<A>) => F<B>)
map: <A, B>(fa: F<A>, f: (a: A) => B) => F<B>

Note that `map` can be derived from `lift` (and viceversa).

## Functors in `fp-ts`

How can we define a functor instance in `fp-ts`? Let's see a practical example.

The following declaration defines a model for the response of an API call

interface Response<A> {
url: string
status: number
headers: Record<string, string>
body: A

Note that the `body` field is parametrized, this makes `Response` a good candidate for a functor instance since `Response` is a `n`-ary type constructors with `n >= 1` (a necessary precondition).

In order to define a functor instance for `Response` we must define a `map` function (along with some [technicalities](../recipes/ required by `fp-ts`)

// `Response.ts` module

import { Functor1 } from 'fp-ts/lib/Functor'

export const URI = 'Response'

export type URI = typeof URI

declare module 'fp-ts/lib/HKT' {
interface URItoKind<A> {
readonly Response: Response<A>

export interface Response<A> {
url: string
status: number
headers: Record<string, string>
body: A

function map<A, B>(fa: Response<A>, f: (a: A) => B): Response<B> {
return { ...fa, body: f(fa.body) }

// functor instance for `Response`
export const functorResponse: Functor1<URI> = {

## Is the general problem solved?

Not at all. Functors allow us to compose an effectful program `f` with a pure program `g`, but `g` must be **unary**, that is it must accept only one argument as input. What if `g` accepts two arguments? Or three?

| Program f | Program g | Composition |
| --------- | ----------------------- | ------------- |
| pure | pure | `g ∘ f` |
| effectful | pure (unary) | `lift(g) ∘ f` |
| effectful | pure (`n`-ary, `n > 1`) | ? |

In order to handle such circumstances we need something more: in the next [post](./ I'll talk about another remarkable abstraction of functional programming: **applicative functors**.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions docs/guides/
Expand Up @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ export type URI = typeof URI

declare module 'fp-ts/lib/HKT' {
interface URItoKind<A> {
Identity: Identity<A>
readonly Identity: Identity<A>

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ export interface URItoKind<A> {}

declare module 'fp-ts/lib/HKT' {
interface URItoKind<A> {
Identity: Identity<A> // maps the key "Identity" to the type `Identity`
readonly Identity: Identity<A> // maps the key "Identity" to the type `Identity`
Expand All @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ export type URI = typeof URI

declare module 'fp-ts/lib/HKT' {
interface URItoKind2<E, A> {
Either: Either<E, A>
readonly Either: Either<E, A>

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11 changes: 10 additions & 1 deletion docs/guides/
Expand Up @@ -54,12 +54,21 @@ TypeScript

interface Bar {
<<<<<<< HEAD:docs/guides/
type: 'Bar'
value: string
interface Baz {
type: 'Baz'
value: boolean
readonly type: 'Bar'
readonly value: string
interface Baz {
readonly type: 'Baz'
readonly value: boolean
>>>>>>> add readonly modules:docs/recipes/
// type
type Foo = Bar | Baz
Expand All @@ -81,7 +90,7 @@ TypeScript
declare module 'fp-ts/lib/HKT' {
interface URItoKind<A> {
Option: Option<A>
readonly Option: Option<A>

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14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions docs/modules/
Expand Up @@ -199,37 +199,37 @@ Tuple sequencing, i.e., take a tuple of monadic actions and does them from left-
export function sequenceT<F extends URIS4>(
F: Apply4<F>
): <S, R, E, T extends Array<Kind4<F, S, R, E, any>>>(
...t: T & { 0: Kind4<F, S, R, E, any> }
...t: T & { readonly 0: Kind4<F, S, R, E, any> }
) => Kind4<F, S, R, E, { [K in keyof T]: [T[K]] extends [Kind4<F, S, R, E, infer A>] ? A : never }>
export function sequenceT<F extends URIS3>(
F: Apply3<F>
): <R, E, T extends Array<Kind3<F, R, E, any>>>(
...t: T & { 0: Kind3<F, R, E, any> }
...t: T & { readonly 0: Kind3<F, R, E, any> }
) => Kind3<F, R, E, { [K in keyof T]: [T[K]] extends [Kind3<F, R, E, infer A>] ? A : never }>
export function sequenceT<F extends URIS3, E>(
F: Apply3C<F, E>
): <R, T extends Array<Kind3<F, R, E, any>>>(
...t: T & { 0: Kind3<F, R, E, any> }
...t: T & { readonly 0: Kind3<F, R, E, any> }
) => Kind3<F, R, E, { [K in keyof T]: [T[K]] extends [Kind3<F, R, E, infer A>] ? A : never }>
export function sequenceT<F extends URIS2>(
F: Apply2<F>
): <E, T extends Array<Kind2<F, E, any>>>(
...t: T & { 0: Kind2<F, E, any> }
...t: T & { readonly 0: Kind2<F, E, any> }
) => Kind2<F, E, { [K in keyof T]: [T[K]] extends [Kind2<F, E, infer A>] ? A : never }>
export function sequenceT<F extends URIS2, E>(
F: Apply2C<F, E>
): <T extends Array<Kind2<F, E, any>>>(
...t: T & { 0: Kind2<F, E, any> }
...t: T & { readonly 0: Kind2<F, E, any> }
) => Kind2<F, E, { [K in keyof T]: [T[K]] extends [Kind2<F, E, infer A>] ? A : never }>
export function sequenceT<F extends URIS>(
F: Apply1<F>
): <T extends Array<Kind<F, any>>>(
...t: T & { 0: Kind<F, any> }
...t: T & { readonly 0: Kind<F, any> }
) => Kind<F, { [K in keyof T]: [T[K]] extends [Kind<F, infer A>] ? A : never }>
export function sequenceT<F>(
F: Apply<F>
): <T extends Array<HKT<F, any>>>(
...t: T & { 0: HKT<F, any> }
...t: T & { readonly 0: HKT<F, any> }
) => HKT<F, { [K in keyof T]: [T[K]] extends [HKT<F, infer A>] ? A : never }> { ... }

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