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gaborfeher edited this page Jul 5, 2015 · 1 revision

Welcome to the grantmaster wiki!

GrantMaster is a tool for tracking expenses and incomes for small NGOs. Features:

  • Keep track of incoming grants in a foreign currency with different exchange rates
  • Keep track of spending limits, e.g. ones imposed by donor organizations
  • Summarize spending per report period and per category of the expense
  • This is a desktop application that stores data in a local file (the file can be stored in the cloud using DropBox, Google Drive, etc.)
  • Multi-platform: runs everywhere where Java 1.8 runs, e.g. Windows, Linux.

This application is in the early phase of testing. It is currently being tested by a small number of users. The user interface is Hungarian, but can be localized easily.

Please contact me if you are interested in trying it in English.

Installation instructions in Hungarian: InstallInstructionsHun

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