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Fusion Energy

A collection of software projects related to fusion energy


  1. neutronics-workshop neutronics-workshop Public

    A workshop covering a range of fusion relevant analysis and simulations with OpenMC, DAGMC, Paramak and other open source fusion neutronics tools

    Jupyter Notebook 95 46

  2. paramak paramak Public

    Create parametric 3D fusion reactor CAD and neutronics models

    Python 58 17

  3. openmc-plasma-source openmc-plasma-source Public

    Creates a plasma source as an openmc.source object from input parameters that describe the plasma

    Python 23 11

  4. cad_to_dagmc cad_to_dagmc Public

    Convert CAD geometry (STP files) or Cadquery assemblies to DAGMC h5m files

    Python 17 4


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