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Signed-off-by: R. Tyler Croy <>
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R. Tyler Croy committed Aug 16, 2017
1 parent 89658be commit 0626df2
Showing 1 changed file with 247 additions and 0 deletions.
247 changes: 247 additions & 0 deletions FREEBSD.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
= Docker on FreeBSD

The FreeBSD port of Docker requires ZFS and FreeBSD 11.1-RELEASE or greater.

== Participate

Chat for this effort can be found in the `#freebsd-docker` chanenl on

== Running

== Prerequisites

Please ensure the following packages are installed:

* `go`
* `git`
* `sqlite3`
* `bash`
* `ca_root_nss`

sudo pkg install ca_root_nss bash sqlite3 git go

=== Setting up ZFS

* Load the kernel module: `kldload zfs`
* `sudo zfs mount -a`

=== Setting up networking

Docker provides each container an unique ip address on shared network interface

docker run -it lexaguskov/freebsd ifconfig lo1

Docker configures basic networking for the container itself, but in order to
route traffic in/out of the container, some manual
link:[Pf] configuration
is required.

echo "nat on {yout-external-interface} from to any -> ({your-external-interface})" > /etc/pf.conf
pfctl -f /etc/pf.conf
pfctl -e

=== Progress

| Feature | Status

| Image loading
| :white_check_mark:

| Container creationg
| :white_check_mark:

| Container start/stop
| :white_check_mark:

| Shared Networking
| partial support

| Port forwarding
| :white_check_mark:

| Volumes
| :x:

| Links
| :x:

| Virtual networking
| :x:

| Limits
| :x:


| Command | Status

| attach
| :white_check_mark:

| build

| commit
| :white_check_mark:

| cp
| :white_check_mark:

| create
| :white_check_mark:

| diff
| :white_check_mark:

| events
| :white_check_mark:

| exec
| :white_check_mark:

| export
| :white_check_mark:

| history
| :white_check_mark:

| images
| :white_check_mark:

| import
| :white_check_mark:

| info
| :bug:

| inspect
| :white_check_mark:

| kill
| :white_check_mark:

| load
| :bug:

| login
| :white_check_mark:

| logout
| :white_check_mark:

| logs
| :white_check_mark:

| pause
| :x:

| port
| :white_check_mark:

| ps
| :white_check_mark:

| pull
| :white_check_mark:

| push
| :white_check_mark:

| rename
| :white_check_mark:

| restart
| :white_check_mark:

| rm
| :white_check_mark:

| rmi
| :white_check_mark:

| run
| :white_check_mark:

| save
| :white_check_mark:

| search
| :white_check_mark:

| start
| :white_check_mark:

| stats
| :bug:

| stop
| :white_check_mark:

| tag
| :white_check_mark:

| top
| :white_check_mark:

| unpause
| :x:

| version
| :white_check_mark:

| wait
| :white_check_mark:


== Hacking

To build on 11.1-RELEASE, assuming the <<prereqs>> have been installed:

AUTO_GOPATH=1 ./hack/ binary

This should create the `docker` executable in `./bundles/latest/binary`.

Please ensure that <<zfs, ZFS>> and <<networking, Networking>> are set up

=== Misc. Notes

Running the 1.7.0 version of the daemon in debug mode:

sudo docker -d -e jail -s zfs -g /usr/docker -D

Running the 1.8.0 version of the daemon in debug mode:

sudo ./bundles/latest/binary/docker daemon -D -e jail -s zfs -g /usr/docker

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