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v1.0.0 - release!

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@fredster33 fredster33 released this 10 Nov 02:56
· 20 commits to master since this release

What's changed in this release:

-This is the first release! I didn't write patch notes for the previous commits, but here's specifically what was changed in this commit:
-Reverted radio to bluetooth. Bluetooth just wasn't working 馃し Customs settings will be added in a later release.
-Cleaned up code in general!
-Increased distance "magic number" to 2 meters, as generally the sensor is good enough for 2m.

Goals for version 2:

-Custom Bluetooth settings, updated through an app
-After the Microbit is updated to Version 2:
-Music function
-Faster in general!
-Use the touch sensor for "enter", A and B buttons for scrolling menu