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Mine Nugget 🔑

A fullstack cannabis strain API app themed as a Gold Mine.

Dig through the app with this link 👉 Mine Nugget is a Single Page Application with: NextJS, TS, GraphQL, @redux/toolkit, Oauth2.0, JWT, and redis-console-cloud caching.

User Stories with Visuals

// retake signupcapptcha...

// retake logincapptcha...

Remember Me() -> an effect that checks for JWT/cookie-userID autofills & allows easy login without manually entered credentials


/strain.tsx -> Consumes array of straindata.JSON and iterates through obj. endpoints with redux state. Allows user to save associative strain data


Pairents / Luckypull -> Data based guessing game. Data that is kept from /strain.tsx is provided on /familyTree.tsx)

// /strain.tsx allows user to see all endpoints besides strain.parents; game is created by providing strain.parents & allowing guess at

userProfile & simple social media "feed" where user can see other users' data, liked the strains they saved, whether they liked strain or not, and reviews. this video also shows the bonus /trophyRoom component that is earned after winning the /familyTree.tsx "Pairents" card game 3x

User Profile Icon Selection: earned by beating the guessing game "Pairents" 1x. User can search or iterate by click through image array served by context


See all app images: at the /Trophyroom.tsx page, earned by beating "Pairents" guess game 3x

// retake all app images


Technologies & Frameworks

Code Snippets

updates from the original app:

denormalized strains & effects tables: 1: by using the effects columns in the strains table. 2: This removes the effects table from existence and makes the effects columns easier to access with simpler queries.