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Faktory is a tool for managing background jobs. It was created by Mike Perham and is available at contribsys/faktory.


Unique Jobs

Unique Jobs are supported and follow the official implementation.

Configuration (required)

Uniq settings are under the [uniq] configuration:

enabled = true # enables this plugin

Dogstatsd Metrics

Name Type Description
faktory.ops.connections Gauge Faktory client network connections Gauge Current number of jobs being processed Gauge Current number of scheduled jobs Gauge Current number of jobs to be retried Gauge Current number of dead jobs{queue} Gauge Number of jobs in {queue}{queue} Gauge The time between now and when the oldest queued job was enqueued{queue} Histogram Timing for how long the oldest job has waited in the queue{queue, jobtype} Counter Total number of jobs pushed{queue, jobtype} Counter Total number of jobs fetched{queue, jobtype, status, dead} Histogram Timing for jobs that have been ACKed or FAILed. status is one of success or fail. dead is a boolean present for failed jobs.

Configuration (required)

Any file ending in .toml will be read as a configuration file for faktory. Here's an example:

enabled = true # enables this plugin
tags = ["tag1:value1", "tag2:value2"] # tags passed to datadog on every metric

Tags can also be set the with env variable DD_TAGS="tagName:value,tagName:value"

The address of the statsd server should be set in the DD_AGENT_HOST environment variable.

Specify the host with DD_AGENT_HOST


Enables enqueueing of jobs with a cron format


  enabled = true
[[ cron ]]
schedule = "*/5 * * * *"
    type = "JobType"
    queue = "queue"
    retry = 3
    args = [1, 2, 3]
      value = true
[[ cron ]]
schedule = "3 * * * * * * *" # quartz format
    type = "OtherJob"
    queue = "queue"
    retry = 3
      key = "value1"
      enabled = true
      key = "value2"
      enabled = false
      value = true

Each [[ cron ]] entry must have:

schedule: a cron express, predefined schedule or intervals

type: Faktory Job type to be queued

Cron expressions

Field name Mandatory? Allowed values Allowed special characters
Seconds Yes 0-59 * / , -
Minutes Yes 0-59 * / , -
Hours Yes 0-23 * / , -
Day of month Yes 1-31 * / , - ?
Month Yes 1-12 or JAN-DEC * / , -
Day of week Yes 0-6 or SUN-SAT * / , - ?

Predefined schedules

You may use one of several pre-defined schedules in place of a cron expression.

Entry Description Equivalent To
@yearly (or @annually) Run once a year, midnight, Jan. 1st 0 0 0 1 1 *
@monthly Run once a month, midnight, first of month 0 0 0 1 * *
@weekly Run once a week, midnight between Sat/Sun 0 0 0 * * 0
@daily (or @midnight) Run once a day, midnight 0 0 0 * * *
@hourly Run once an hour, beginning of hour 0 0 * * * *


You may also schedule a job to execute at fixed intervals, starting at the time it's added or cron is run. This is supported by formatting the cron spec like this:

@every <duration>

where "duration" is a string accepted by time.ParseDuration (

Passing job arguments

arguments for jobs can be passed using args = [1,2,3] or using [[cron.job.args]] and adding key, pair values.

Expiring Jobs

Jobs can be configured to automatically expire after a preset time has passed by setting the expires_at custom attribute to an ISO8601 timestamp. Alternatively, you can set the expires_in custom attribute to a Golang Duration string to expire a job a given duration after it was enqueued.

Requeue Jobs

Implements a REQUEUE {"jid": "..."} command that ACKs the given job and then immediately requeues it to the beginning of the queue. This can be useful if you need a worker to give up execution of a job without impacting the retry count, for example if the worker is scaling down.


All code in this repository is licensed under the AGPL.