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Skeleton HTTP4s Scala microservice project

This project uses:

  • Argonaut for JSON serialization / deserialization
  • HTTP4S for HTTP routing and BlazeHTTP server
  • Log4J2 for fast, asynchronous, structured JSON logging
  • Scalaz for useful types / core Scala extensions
  • ScalaCheck to provide property based testing
  • Specs2 to provide expressive test suites

build.sbt is configured with a strict set of scalac settings to promote good code practices and prevent errors.

Project structure

├── build.sbt
├── conf
│   └── log4j2.xml
├── project
│   ├── Dependencies.scala
│   ├──
│   ├── plugins.sbt
├── scalastyle-config.xml
├── src
│   ├── main
│   │   └── scala
│   │       └── com
│   │           └── example
│   │               └── mymicroservice
│   │                   ├── MicroserviceConfig.scala
│   │                   └── MyMiroserviceApp.scala
│   └── test
│       ├── scala
└── web
    ├── app
    │   └── service
    │       ├── HealthCheckService.scala
    │       └── NotFoundService.scala
    ├── build.sbt
    ├── test

The project is structured as a multi-module sbt build.

Using multi-modules allow to keep compilation times down with incremental compilation and also allow for clear module boundaries to be set.

built.sbt defines the main project configuration, the common settings and the sub projects. Currently we only have one subproject, web.


├── project
│   ├── Dependencies.scala

Dependencies are listed under project/Dependencies.scala and imported in to the separate modules. Defining the dependencies in a central location allows for easy version management across the project.

Root project

├── src
│   ├── main
│   │   └── scala

The root project handles the bootstrapping of the app, starting up the web server. The root project should be very thin.

The configuration is defined using environment variables following the 12 factor app pattern. MicroserviceConfig.scala handles loading of the config, follow the pattern in use and expand the MicroserviceConfig case class with any additional properties needed.

Web project

Web defines the HTTP routing handlers. Again this project should be kept as thin as possible, it should take arguments from a request, validate then delegate to some service project then render the response.

Add additional modules in the build.sbt using the existing web project example.

Structured JSON logging

Log4j2 is configured to be used as the default logger with the fast Async appender. A slf4j bridge is also on the class path for 3rd party libraries used in your project which may be using slf4j where you want to see the log output.

Log4j2 is used configured with the async appender to provide fast non blocking logging. Click [here] ( to see details on log4j2 async performance.


Skeleton http4s scala microservice project






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