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Releases: floor9design-ltd/test-data-generator

1.5.0 PhpUnit 10 support

22 Feb 20:38
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Adds support for phpunit 9||10

1.4.0 Password generation

22 Mar 20:10
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This release adds password generation using industry standards and conforming to some essential best practices. See randomPassword()

1.3.5 php8.1 support

09 Dec 18:06
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Formally added support for php8.1

1.3.4 Improved reliability

22 Aug 20:40
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Added phpstan (static analysis) to improve code quality/testing. Improved internal method for floats.

Tweaks for increased compatibility

19 Aug 13:42
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Minor tweaks to remove unnecessary composer restrictions on phpunit etc.

Minor code improvement

12 Apr 00:57
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Fixed a typehint that cause issues with phpstan

Security update

17 Mar 12:53
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Security update (dev) and a composer update to ensure latest compatibility.

Adding json method

06 Jan 17:21
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Added json method to enable easy json generation.

Adding url and image methods

05 Jan 14:40
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Adding methods to support easy domain url and image src/url generation

Updating documentation and other non functionality improvements

04 Jan 16:04
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