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"Fire Marshal" Build Status codecov

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I'm still looking for better name for the project

🌴 🌳 🔥 🌳 🏡 🔥 🌳 🌳 🌳 🏃 🏠 🌳 🏫 🚙 🌳 🚒 🌳 🌳 🌴

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About The project

The main project of NASA Space App Challenge Spot That Fire!

I thought about that kind of project for long and I'm so happy that NASA proposed to implement it. And I hope it would be useful for the others and I'm always open for contribution to it.

The Space App Challenge


Build a crowdsourcing tool for citizens to contribute to early detection, verification, tracking, visualization, and notification of wildfires. more



sorted by priority

  • Make app accessible for developers
    • Provide a brief description of the app or solution goal and design – what does it do and how
    • Offer the description (a story) of why this app or solution is important and what insights or future capabilities it provides with regard to fighting wildfires
  • Make app mobile friendly
    • web
    • mobile app (react native) #18
  • Track and visualize fire
    • stream of fires near my #4
    • realtime map #5
    • realtime stream #6
  • Report a fire
    • I see a fire (+ few categories of wildness) + location, text message, attach photo #9
    • send tweet with images, message and location about fire #7
    • send fb message (bot) #8
    • share from other sources
  • Notify communities at risk
    • subscribe on fire alarm near your #10
    • give API to subscribe to fire incidents
  • Build mashups
    • merge with NASA data (Leverage NASA state-of-the-art technology, including: near-real-time fire database and satellite image processing APIs accessible through the NASA OpenNEX App Store) #11
    • add information about weather
    • listen twitter, instagram, fb and show related warnings
  • Community/Social
    • create user's profile #12
    • like each other messages #13
    • ask to proof fire alerts if user is near
    • report on message
  • Verify and screen fire reports
    • validate crowd data
  • Gamification
    • scores for successful actions #14
    • badges for reported fires, for saved people and etc
    • could become local "fire marshal" if one is good lifeguard
    • ask about fire activity near you and give rewards on help
  • Analysis and prediction
    • analyze and predict fire based on other data (weather)
  • Other
    • localization #15






Bump project version

$ ./bin/

Run lint and tests for all apps

$ ./bin/

Contribution / How to help

If you would like to start somewhere there good start point issues

If you can't find anything there you can pick something else.

Steps to contribute

  • choose issue
  • try to understand issue
  • ask questions in comments of chosen issue
  • propose your solution (before implement it) in comments to issue
  • once we agreed about it please clone project, create branch (feature/<feature-id>-<feature-name>), make commits there, push Pull Request (PR) and description there what and how have you solved
  • ask me for review :)
  • thank you for your help!