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JSON Event Relay


rewrite incoming, finally got direction


  • GET /api/v1/jerry
    Subscribe to all messages on the server (no history?)

  • GET /api/v1/jerry/:topic
    Get all historic messages on the timestamp and afterwards receive new messages

  • GET /api/v1/jerry/:topic?since=<timestamp>
    Same as above, but only include history since mentioned timestamp

  • POST /api/v1/jerry/:topic
    Post a new message to a certain topic

Message structure

  "alg": "ed25519",     // req, algorithm of the pubkeys & signature
  "snd": "deadbeef",    // req, hexidecimal public key of the author of the message
  "rcv": "deadbeef",    // opt, hexidecimal public key of the receiver of the message
  "typ": "edm",         // req, content-type of the message. TODO: define message types
  "iat": 12345678,      // req, timestamp in milliseconds
  "enc": "gzip,base64", // opt, encoding-order of the body
  "bdy": "base64;IQ==", // req, contents of the message
  "sig": "deadbeef",    // req, hexidecimal signature of the message


  • Add keepalive messages (single newline character)
  • Update http-server lib to support dynamic urls
  • Make http-client lib, for the common code now existing for requests
    • Must support redirects (3xx)
    • Must support ssl (libcurl?)
    • Must still support long polled get
  • Topics are pubkeys, only spec can mark certain topics as non-pubkey
  • Historic message storage (must be flaggable)
  • Make servers keep history on topics they should
  • Fully rewrite jerry to support this new structure
  • Authentication support


  • Having a single-topic urls for pubkeys allows distributed username registrars, like to redirect to a specific server/pubkey combination.

  • Having an all-topic endpoint allows for connecting multiple servers together providing a live feed when setting up a relay cluster.

  • Having an all-topic endpoint allows for service discovery when setting up a task-specific network (like the music player project)

  • Features can be extended to be turned in to distributed social media platform

Message types

Way more should be here, will update along the way

code content description
edm tbd encrypted direct message
not tbd encrypted notification
rel plaintext url indicate a (extra) relay where messages for this pubkey can be found


Basic usage

jerry [options]

  --remote address:port
  --listen address:port

Message structure

A message is simply a json-encoded object, where certain fields have meaning (extra fields should be rejected)

Field Description
pub The public key of the client that generated the event
sig Signature corresponding with the message and pubkey
seq Sequence number, for deduplication in clusters
bdy The actual data of the message


In short: HTTP, GET chunked transfer, POST short-lived