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Will Stephenson edited this page Feb 22, 2017 · 7 revisions

Client/Server Descriptions

Note: The goal is to make it so that if someone wants to make their own version of one or more of these parts, they can. The following is what will be provided as a part of the toolkit.

Player Client: Used by the individual players. Generally, it doesn't do many of its own calculations. It sends requests to the GM Client using the Battler->Messages API. A GM may open up a player client in a new tab to generate a random Pokemon and play it.

GM Client: Quite possibly does more than the actual server. Can be considered a second server. It takes messages and does all of the calculations. Includes handling moves, dealing damage, rewarding EXP, and acts as a Pokemon database.

Server/API: Handles messages between the clients. Acts as an interface to PTU data such as the Pokedex, moves list, etc.


Dev Stage 1: Battler

  • Load Pokemon from that one overpowered spreadsheet people use...
  • Load/Save Pokemon from/to JSON file
  • Battle other Pokemon
  • Generate random Pokemon
  • View/Manage Pokemon
  • View Pokedex