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Ubik - Accounting

A .net8 project to manage double entry accounting. (it's the very beginning of a business use case)

The Goal

Design a system that can be used to manage small company business (accounting = first step).

It can be used as a microservice and supports multi-tenants.

But for now, it's an experimental project that references a lot of things about .net 8 - Backend and Frontend sides of things -.

Not perfect at all, but the very first goal is to have a base architecture that I can come back on when needed (for others projects etc.)

How you can help

  • Look at the open issues and make a PR.
  • Correct bad technical decisions by opening an issue or propose a PR.
  • Share your "business" accounting skills and point out where I m conceptually wrong. (no expert here)
  • A lot of things can be upgraded in every layers, so don't hesitate, I made this repo public for that => to receive feedback.

Not ready for production

At this stage, DO NOT USE THIS SYSTEM ON A PRODUCTION environnement.

  • Don't forget to change all the "secrets" exposed here, and in the configuration files.
  • Never re-use the Keycloak realm configuration file.

Build and Run

At the root of the repository. "Mount" the dependencies with Docker by running this command in your terminal:

docker compose up

It will "mount" 4 containers:

  • Redis: cache
  • Rabbitmq: message bus
  • Keycloak: auth external provider with a example realm file loaded at the start
  • Postgres: database

Ready to play

For the api, in another terminal windows, at the root again

dotnet run --launch-profile https --project ./src/Ubik.Accounting.Api/Ubik.Accounting.Api.csproj

You can now access Swagger here https://localhost:7289/swagger (click on authorize before trying an endpoint)

For the Blazor app, in another terminal windows, at the root again

dotnet run --launch-profile https --project ./src/Ubik.Accounting.WebApp/Ubik.Accounting.WebApp.csproj

And now, you can access the very first version of a the Blazor 8 webapp here https://localhost:7249

Don't change the ports of the api and the blazor apps. It's hard coded in the Blazor prj (need to be changed) because no service discovery for the moment.

All the things are up

If you try to access the Blazor app, you will be redirected on a Keycloak login page

Login credentials:

User/Pass Role
testrw/test full access
testro/test read only access
testnorole/test access the app but has no role in it

Try to log with different access rights and play with the only available "Accounts" page.

Now you can run your preferred code editor and start to deep dive... (see below)

Backend Api

-- Ubik.Accounting.Api --

Some used external libs:

Package For what
Asp.Versioning automatic versioning of API (controllers / endpoints)
EfCore commands and ez queries + data init etc
Dapper some read queries
EFCore.NamingConvention force EF core to postgres SnakeCase => way better if you need to use Dapper too
LanguageExt.Core use Either<Left, Right> pattern
Masstransit message bus abstraction + inbox/outbox pattern

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In program.cs, you can access the config of:

  • Jwt auth
  • Ef 8
  • Masstransit + outbox + filters
  • Api versioning
  • Swagger gen and UI with enabled auth

Data folder

Ef 8 stuff to create and init the database and db context.

Models folder

Ef 8 models

Features folder

Contains the core features (in Vertical Slices mode).

  • Commands and queries "pattern"
  • All commands go to message bus (request/response) and are "consumed" by Masstransit consumers
  • All queries access the service layer directly but can be called from another service via message bus (request/response)
  • When a command is executed with success, an event is published to the message bus (pub/sub)
  • Manual mapping between models and contracts
  • Controllers versioning
  • Service and very minimal service manager (need to be reviewed)
  • Functional Either<Error, Result> patterns in all layers with usage of bind, map and match to transfer errors between layer and to keep the code not too dirty. (not an expert but I like it)
  • Masstransit usage of the tupple (result,error) to not raise exceptions via errors queue when it's a predictable error => usage of error queue only when it's a real exception
  • Problemdetails as returns of controller endpoints when in error (all cases => business errors and exception via global exception handling)

Frontend Blazor

-- Ubik.Accounting.WebApp -- / -- Ubik.Accounting.WebApp.Client -- / -- Ubik.Accounting.WebApp.Shared --

First you can maybe uncomment this lines in Ubik.Accounting.WebApp.csproj, if you want to play with Tailwind, or go your own way with Tailwind cli and dotnet watch:

  <Target Name="PostBuild" AfterTargets="PostBuildEvent">
    <Exec Command="npx tailwindcss -i ./Styles/app.css -o ./wwwroot/css/app.css" />

I don't know why, but my build fails in Github actions if I let this Tailwind instructions (related to the forms plugin). If someone has an idea... EXEC : error : Cannot find module '@tailwindcss/forms'

To use Tailwind in DEV, you need to have node installed, Tailwind and Tailwind forms... I let you go on their site for installation instructions. Maybe, npm install command can be sufficient in the WebApp (server) project, cannot be sure because it seems to trigger a weird error in the dotnet build github actions.

Package For what
BalzorPageScript small tool that allows Tailwind to apply its Dark or Light theme on each page and component
IdentityModel Small extension to refresh token in OpenIdC

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(server side)

  • Static components and pages
  • Typed HttpClient to access the backend api
  • Tailwind config - Tailwind Flowbite design layout etc
  • A very minimal reverse proxy controller that allows components (automode) to call the backend api when they are WASM.
  • Some stuff about security (Token cache service, UserService with circuit, middleware)

In program.cs, you can access the config of:

  • Redis for token caching
  • CascadingAuthenticationState
  • Cookie auth with OpenIdC (connection + refresh token in OnValidatePrincipal)
  • ...


(client-auto side)

  • All components are able to run in auto mode (InteractiveServer or InteractiveWasm)
  • The very first business components about booking accounts management
  • Authorization components (depending on authorized state)
  • Minimal common components (Alerts, Buttons, Form Inputs, Grid (Microsoft inspired/copied), Modal, Spinners)
  • Tailwind Flowbite design for components
  • The implementation of the facade that call the reverse proxy controller that call the Backend api for automode
  • Error components that manage problemdetails returns from backend api (try to add a booking account with an existing code as an example)


(shared side)

  • All the facades (interfaces) that need to be implemented on server and client side
  • All the services implementation that can run both sides without specific implementation


-- Ubik.Accounting.Api.Tests.Integration -- / -- Ubik.Accounting.Api.Tests.UnitTest --

  • Unit test all the bus messages with masstransit (be sure about request/ response and publish)
  • In integration tests, usage of testcontainers to test the backend api layers (controllers, service, and queries because they are not called from controllers)
  • Not a lot of unit tests now, because the business logic is very very limited
  • Not very clean part, can do better ....


-- Ubik.Accounting.ApiService.Common -- / -- Ubik.Db.Common -- / -- Ubik.Accounting.Contracts --

  • Common config things that can be reused in other projects
  • This part will maybe grow
  • Contracts prj is to store all the communication records (command, queries, results etc)