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Fattmerchant Python Client

This package aims to provide assitance while interacting with the Fattmerchant rest API.

This is the official python client which is supported by fattmerchant and bugs/issues/feature-requests can be posted on the official github page.

Python client documentation at readthedocs

build status Documentation Status


# pre-req, you need Xcode cli tools:
xcode-select --install

brew update
brew install pyenv

Now, follow this guide to set up your $PATH.

Make sure you have a .zshrc OR .bash_profile file:

# zsh
vim ~/.zshrc

# bash
vim ~/.bash_profile

For either Zsh or Bash, paste into your rc file:

# Init Pyenv (if it exists) for all new shells
if command -v pyenv 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then
  eval "$(pyenv init -)"
source ~/.zshrc
# OR
source ~/.bash_profile

Now Install The Python Binary

cd path/to/project

# First check python version
`python --version`

If python version comes up to be 3.x.x then skip to creating virtualenv

# this is the current version we use
pyenv install 3.8

# so far it's installed but not used
# use it globally
pyenv global 3.8
source ~/.zshrc
# or ~/.bash_profile

# Create Virtualenv
pip install virtualenv

# do this anywhere you have a python project
virtualenv venv

# source the venv
# Note that virtualenv activates the python versoin ONLY for your current session, (your terminal Tab)
`source venv/bin/activate`

# this will install yapf and everything else in requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt

Note: If you get an error about zlib, then you may need to install with Homebrew before installing the python binary.

When done using venv

# within your venv session...

VSCode Settings

In VScode install Python Extensions

In .vscode/settings.json enter this:

  "python.pythonPath": "venv/bin/python",
  "editor.formatOnSave": true,
  "python.formatting.provider": "yapf",
  "python.linting.flake8Enabled": true,
  "python.linting.pylintEnabled": false,
  "python.linting.enabled": true,
  "restructuredtext.confPath": "${workspaceFolder}/docs/source"

Then, if VSCode asks you to install anything like flake8 just click "yes".

Then, Select the Python binary as venv in VSCode:

select venv binary

SDK Usage (For client)

Ensure that you have fattmerchant installed from pypi create a new file and put the following code

from fattmerchant.client import FMClient	
fatt = FMClient(	

API key can get requested from

Test the package

Go to tests/static_data directory and create a file called "API_KEY" and paste your API Key in this file.

(Sometimes this does not work as expected because of 1.Pasting the key with quotes 2.Having an extra line in the file.)

This file is added to gitignore to make sure that you never accidentally commit it.

At the moment we jut have file working.

To test the file you can run Windows python -m unittest tests\


python -m unittest tests/

Developer should model their tests similar to what is written here.

Ideally there will be a separate file for each controller/module.

Update Read the Docs

  • If adding a model or controller, make sure you add the new .rst file too controllers.rst or models.rst
  • Then add a new .rst file within the controllers or models directory in this format :
My New Model/Controller
 .. automodule:: fattmerchant.controllers/model.my_new_model_or_controller
  • Deploy changes (to master)
  • Get login credentials to Read the Docs
  • Once logged in, go into the Fattmerchant Python SDK project
  • Go into the builds tab and click on the Build Version button, while latest is selected
  • Verify docs are updated successfully.

Release to PyPi

Increment version number in these files:

  • ./
  • ./docs/source/
source venv/bin/activate

# this will install yapf and everything else in requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt

make upload

If you get an auth error, before you fix your password and try again, clear the dist folder: rm -f dist/*.gz && rm -f dist/*.whl

The project is released here:


Python library for interacting with Omni API







No releases published


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