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Handles files on indexeddb like you would do in node.js (promise)


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A minimal, extensible and promise based filesystem layer for modern browsers.

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Supported storage backend

Simple-fs provides two storage backend. It's possible to write your own stoage backend using Storage API

  • IndexedDB (default)
import { IndexedDbStorage } from '@forlagshuset/simple-fs'
  • Memory (experimental and used for testing)
import { MemoryStorage } from '@forlagshuset/simple-fs'



npm install --save @forlagshuset/simple-fs


browser (umd):

<script src='' async></script>
  // by default SimpleFS uses IndexedDB
  const fs = new SimpleFS.FileSystem()
  // do stuff

  await fs.mkdir('/myproject')

  // create a file under root folder
  const content = new Blob(['This is my cool project'], {type: 'plain/text'})
  await fs.writeFile('/myproject/test.txt', content)

  // get content as blob
  let blob = await fs.readFile('/myproject/test.txt')


browser (modules)

import SimpleFS from '@forlagshuset/simple-fs'
// OR es6 modules from unpkg
import SimpleFS from "//"

const fs = new SimpleFS.FileSystem()

// first create root folder
await fs.mkdir('/myproject')

// create a file under root folder
const content = new Blob(['This is my cool project'], {type: 'plain/text'})
await fs.writeFile('/myproject/test.txt', content)

// get content as blob
let blob = await fs.readFile('/myproject/test.txt')



constructor({storage: storageObj = new IndexedDbStorage('my-storage-name')})
mkdir(path: string)
mkdirParents(path: string) // wraps mkdir -p
rmdir(path: string)
rmdirRecursive(path: string) // removes dirs recursively
readFile(path: string, options={}) // returns Blob
writeFile(path: string, data: Blob, options={}) // data should be Blob type
outputFile(path: string, data: Blob, options={}) // Wraps writeFile and recursively creates path if not exists
bulkOutputFiles([{path: string, blob: Blob, options:{}]) // Output files in one transaction, speeds up in chrome
unlink(path: string)
exists(path: string)
stats(path: string)

Browser support

  • Chrome
  • IE Edge
  • Firefox
  • Safari