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seasonize - a.k.a.

This adds season items and releases to WBaWC. Subseason options are neither implemented nor planned. (aside from Doyou's rear shot, which I would like to add eventually)

Gameplay Demo



  • Download the latest release zip from here
  • Unpack it somewhere. (don't try to use the files from inside your archive viewer...)
  • Copy th17.dat, th17bgm.dat and th17.exe into the game-files directory.
  • Run seasonize-launcher.exe, and enjoy!

The patch no longer requires additional workarounds for owners of a copy with Steam DRM.

How to play

A menu is presented at game start. Act fast!! Press the shot and bomb buttons a number of times corresponding to the season and settings you want, then press C (or wait a few seconds).

Things to note

  • This patch uses a separate scorefile. If you want it to start with your existing progress, you can copy scoreth17.dat to scoreth17_season.dat.

  • Replays of the main game must be watched beginning from stage 1 (i.e. don't start at stage 3, just fast forward). Aside from that, replays are fully supported in any game mode.

No Beast/No Hyper mode

This is the default setting and recommended way to play. This mode adjusts the balance of the game to account for having season releases:

  • Hypers end immediately: Season releases are such a massive defensive tool that you should not need hyper breaks (or the S6 secret token) to survive.
  • Beast tokens are suppressed (others remain): You can still get extra lives from life tokens. However, there are significantly fewer "filler" tokens to help you reach 5 tokens, so be careful!
  • TH16 scoring strats: Without hypers, how shall we get PIV? Fear not; bullets canceled by releases generate PIV items, just like in TH16! Higher season levels produce bigger PIV items, so try to cash in big!

To enable Beast Tokens and hypers, press Bomb on the season menu. The score_uncap patch is included. You're welcome.

Building from source


Many of the raw files for thcrap are produced from higher-level source files. To generate these files, you will need a Unix environment with make (v4.3+ required) and python3. Windows 10 WSL is perfect for this; don't forget to pick up a decent terminal while you're at it! (mingw might also suffice but I haven't tried it)

  • thtk binaries must be available on your $PATH. seasonize was built with thtk commit 309eba5bfc (March 24, 2020).
  • Place th17.dat in seasonize/game-files.
  • Go to seasonize/ and run

If this succeeds, the seasonize/ directory will be a suitable thcrap patch directory. To testplay:

  • Get ECLPlus. You only need to place ECLPLUS.dll next to your th17.exe; seasonize will automatically load it on startup. (thanks to this, ECLplusLoader.exe is not required; but it won't hurt if you use it)
  • Use thcrap_configure to make a configuration with 32th/score_uncap, ExpHP/c_key and whatever else suits your fancy (e.g. thpatch/lang_en). Edit its .js file in <THCRAP DIR>/config to add an entry for <SEASONIZE GIT ROOT>/seasonize at or near the end.

New releases

If you want to create a new release zip, then god help you then just run:

make dist

Some steps will require manual intervention. The Makefile will politely ask you to take care of these before continuing. Please don't be mean to it, it's only trying its best!

How does it work?

  • The releases and GUI are implemented almost entirely in ECL using ECLplus.
  • TH17 has lots of code and data left over from TH16 (for instance, bullet.anm was entirely unchanged); advantage was taken of this wherever possible.
  • The season items are actually implemented as items!! Just like in TH16, season items live in the same array as PIV items. Their special behaviors (such as flyout and delayed autocollection), and the methods of generating them (grazing, shooting bosses, bombs, releases...) are all implemented to be as close as possible to TH16, through a terrifyingly large number of binhacks.

