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Add -Wnonunit-statement
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mkharytonau committed Feb 22, 2023
1 parent 702194a commit c06d1b9
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Showing 2 changed files with 101 additions and 68 deletions.
166 changes: 99 additions & 67 deletions src/main/scala/com/evolution/scalacopts/ScalacOptsPlugin.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,82 +2,107 @@ package com.evolution.scalacopts

import sbt.Keys._
import sbt._
import scala.Ordering.Implicits._
import scala.util.Try

object ScalacOptsPlugin extends AutoPlugin {

override def trigger: PluginTrigger = allRequirements

// major is always 2 since this plugin currently works with Scala 2 only
final case class ScalaVersion(minor: Long, patch: Option[Long] = None)

object ScalaVersion {
def apply(minor: Int): ScalaVersion = ScalaVersion(minor, 0)

def apply(minor: Int, patch: Int): ScalaVersion =
ScalaVersion(minor.toLong, Some(patch.toLong))

implicit val scalaVersionOrdering: Ordering[ScalaVersion] =
new Ordering[ScalaVersion] {
def compare(x: ScalaVersion, y: ScalaVersion): Int =
x.patch.flatMap(xp => => (xp, yp))) match {
// We are only using patches in case they both defined, otherwise - compare only minors
case Some((xp, yp)) =>
Ordering[(Long, Long)].compare((x.minor, xp), (y.minor, yp))
case None => Ordering[Long].compare(x.minor, y.minor)

final case class ScalacOpt(
name: String,
sinceOpt: Option[Int] = None,
untilOpt: Option[Int] = None
sinceOpt: Option[ScalaVersion] = None,
untilOpt: Option[ScalaVersion] = None
) {

def until(until: Int): ScalacOpt = copy(untilOpt = Some(until))
def until(until: ScalaVersion): ScalacOpt = copy(untilOpt = Some(until))

def since(since: Int): ScalacOpt = copy(sinceOpt = Some(since))
def since(since: ScalaVersion): ScalacOpt = copy(sinceOpt = Some(since))

implicit def intToScalaVersion(minor: Int): ScalaVersion = ScalaVersion(minor)

val scalacOptsAll = List(
ScalacOpt("-deprecation") until 13, // Emit warning and location for usages of deprecated APIs. Not really removed but deprecated in 2.13.
ScalacOpt("-explaintypes"), // Explain type errors in more detail.
ScalacOpt("-feature"), // Emit warning and location for usages of features that should be imported explicitly.
ScalacOpt("-language:existentials"), // Existential types (besides wildcard types) can be written and inferred
ScalacOpt("-language:experimental.macros"), // Allow macro definition (besides implementation and application)
ScalacOpt("-language:higherKinds"), // Allow higher-kinded types
ScalacOpt("-language:implicitConversions"), // Allow definition of implicit functions called views
ScalacOpt("-unchecked"), // Enable additional warnings where generated code depends on assumptions.
ScalacOpt("-Xcheckinit"), // Wrap field accessors to throw an exception on uninitialized access.
ScalacOpt("-Xfatal-warnings"), // Fail the compilation if there are any warnings.
ScalacOpt("-Xfuture") until 13, // Turn on future language features. This is not really removed in 2.13 but is replaced by -Xsource which requires the user to choose which language version they want.
ScalacOpt("-Xlog-reflective-calls"), // Print a message when a reflective method call is generated
ScalacOpt("-Xlint") until 11, // Used to mean enable all linting options but now the syntax for that is different (-Xlint:_ I think)
ScalacOpt("-Xlint:adapted-args"), // Warn if an argument list is modified to match the receiver.
ScalacOpt("-Xlint:by-name-right-associative") until 13, // By-name parameter of right associative operator.
ScalacOpt("-Xlint:constant") since 12, // Evaluation of a constant arithmetic expression results in an error.
ScalacOpt("-Xlint:delayedinit-select"), // Selecting member of DelayedInit.
ScalacOpt("-Xlint:deprecation") since 13, // Emit warning and location for usages of deprecated APIs.
ScalacOpt("-Xlint:doc-detached"), // A Scaladoc comment appears to be detached from its element.
ScalacOpt("-Xlint:inaccessible"), // Warn about inaccessible types in method signatures.
ScalacOpt("-Xlint:infer-any"), // Warn when a type argument is inferred to be `Any`.
ScalacOpt("-Xlint:missing-interpolator"), // A string literal appears to be missing an interpolator id.
ScalacOpt("-Xlint:nullary-override") until 13, // Warn when non-nullary `def f()' overrides nullary `def f'.
ScalacOpt("-Xlint:nullary-unit"), // Warn when nullary methods return Unit.
ScalacOpt("-Xlint:option-implicit"), // Option.apply used implicit view.
ScalacOpt("-Xlint:package-object-classes"), // Class or object defined in package object.
ScalacOpt("-Xlint:poly-implicit-overload"), // Parameterized overloaded implicit methods are not visible as view bounds.
ScalacOpt("-Xlint:private-shadow"), // A private field (or class parameter) shadows a superclass field.
ScalacOpt("-Xlint:stars-align"), // Pattern sequence wildcard must align with sequence component.
ScalacOpt("-Xlint:type-parameter-shadow"), // A local type parameter shadows a type already in scope.
ScalacOpt("-Xlint:unsound-match") until 13, // Pattern match may not be typesafe.
ScalacOpt("-Ywarn-macros:after"), // Enable lint warnings on macro expansions: Only inspect expanded trees when generating unused symbol warnings.
ScalacOpt("-Yno-adapted-args") until 13, // Do not adapt an argument list (either by inserting () or creating a tuple) to match the receiver.
ScalacOpt("-Ypartial-unification") until 13, // Enable partial unification in type constructor inference
ScalacOpt("-Ywarn-dead-code") until 13, // Warn when dead code is identified.
ScalacOpt("-Wdead-code") since 13, // ^ Replaces the above
ScalacOpt("-Ywarn-extra-implicit") since 12 until 13, // Warn when more than one implicit parameter section is defined.
ScalacOpt("-Wextra-implicit") since 13, // ^ Replaces the above
ScalacOpt("-Ywarn-inaccessible") until 11, // Warn about inaccessible types in method signatures. Alias for -Xlint:inaccessible so can be removed as of 2.11.
ScalacOpt("-Ywarn-nullary-override") until 13, // Warn when non-nullary `def f()' overrides nullary `def f'.
ScalacOpt("-Ywarn-nullary-unit") until 13, // Warn when nullary methods return Unit.
ScalacOpt("-Ywarn-numeric-widen") until 13, // Warn when numerics are widened.
ScalacOpt("-Wnumeric-widen") since 13, // ^ Replaces the above
ScalacOpt("-Ywarn-unused-import") until 12, // Warn if an import selector is not referenced.
ScalacOpt("-Ywarn-unused:implicits") since 12 until 13, // Warn if an implicit parameter is unused.
ScalacOpt("-Wunused:implicits") since 13, // ^ Replaces the above
ScalacOpt("-Ywarn-unused:imports") since 12 until 13, // Warn if an import selector is not referenced.
ScalacOpt("-Wunused:imports") since 13, // ^ Replaces the above
ScalacOpt("-Ywarn-unused:locals") since 12 until 13, // Warn if a local definition is unused.
ScalacOpt("-Wunused:locals") since 13, // ^ Replaces the above
ScalacOpt("-Ywarn-unused:params") since 12 until 13, // Warn if a value parameter is unused.
ScalacOpt("-Wunused:params") since 13, // ^ Replaces the above
ScalacOpt("-Ywarn-unused:patvars") since 12 until 13, // Warn if a variable bound in a pattern is unused.
ScalacOpt("-Wunused:patvars") since 13, // ^ Replaces the above
ScalacOpt("-Ywarn-unused:privates") since 12 until 13, // Warn if a private member is unused.
ScalacOpt("-Wunused:privates") since 13, // ^ Replaces the above
ScalacOpt("-Ywarn-value-discard") until 13, // Warn when non-Unit expression results are unused.
ScalacOpt("-Wvalue-discard") since 13 // ^ Replaces the above
ScalacOpt("-deprecation") until 13, // Emit warning and location for usages of deprecated APIs. Not really removed but deprecated in 2.13.
ScalacOpt("-explaintypes"), // Explain type errors in more detail.
ScalacOpt("-feature"), // Emit warning and location for usages of features that should be imported explicitly.
ScalacOpt("-language:existentials"), // Existential types (besides wildcard types) can be written and inferred
ScalacOpt("-language:experimental.macros"), // Allow macro definition (besides implementation and application)
ScalacOpt("-language:higherKinds"), // Allow higher-kinded types
ScalacOpt("-language:implicitConversions"), // Allow definition of implicit functions called views
ScalacOpt("-unchecked"), // Enable additional warnings where generated code depends on assumptions.
ScalacOpt("-Xcheckinit"), // Wrap field accessors to throw an exception on uninitialized access.
ScalacOpt("-Xfatal-warnings"), // Fail the compilation if there are any warnings.
ScalacOpt("-Xfuture") until 13, // Turn on future language features. This is not really removed in 2.13 but is replaced by -Xsource which requires the user to choose which language version they want.
ScalacOpt("-Xlog-reflective-calls"), // Print a message when a reflective method call is generated
ScalacOpt("-Xlint") until 11, // Used to mean enable all linting options but now the syntax for that is different (-Xlint:_ I think)
ScalacOpt("-Xlint:adapted-args"), // Warn if an argument list is modified to match the receiver.
ScalacOpt("-Xlint:by-name-right-associative") until 13, // By-name parameter of right associative operator.
ScalacOpt("-Xlint:constant") since 12, // Evaluation of a constant arithmetic expression results in an error.
ScalacOpt("-Xlint:delayedinit-select"), // Selecting member of DelayedInit.
ScalacOpt("-Xlint:deprecation") since 13, // Emit warning and location for usages of deprecated APIs.
ScalacOpt("-Xlint:doc-detached"), // A Scaladoc comment appears to be detached from its element.
ScalacOpt("-Xlint:inaccessible"), // Warn about inaccessible types in method signatures.
ScalacOpt("-Xlint:infer-any"), // Warn when a type argument is inferred to be `Any`.
ScalacOpt("-Xlint:missing-interpolator"), // A string literal appears to be missing an interpolator id.
ScalacOpt("-Xlint:nullary-override") until 13, // Warn when non-nullary `def f()' overrides nullary `def f'.
ScalacOpt("-Xlint:nullary-unit"), // Warn when nullary methods return Unit.
ScalacOpt("-Xlint:option-implicit"), // Option.apply used implicit view.
ScalacOpt("-Xlint:package-object-classes"), // Class or object defined in package object.
ScalacOpt("-Xlint:poly-implicit-overload"), // Parameterized overloaded implicit methods are not visible as view bounds.
ScalacOpt("-Xlint:private-shadow"), // A private field (or class parameter) shadows a superclass field.
ScalacOpt("-Xlint:stars-align"), // Pattern sequence wildcard must align with sequence component.
ScalacOpt("-Xlint:type-parameter-shadow"), // A local type parameter shadows a type already in scope.
ScalacOpt("-Xlint:unsound-match") until 13, // Pattern match may not be typesafe.
ScalacOpt("-Ywarn-macros:after"), // Enable lint warnings on macro expansions: Only inspect expanded trees when generating unused symbol warnings.
ScalacOpt("-Yno-adapted-args") until 13, // Do not adapt an argument list (either by inserting () or creating a tuple) to match the receiver.
ScalacOpt("-Ypartial-unification") until 13, // Enable partial unification in type constructor inference
ScalacOpt("-Ywarn-dead-code") until 13, // Warn when dead code is identified.
ScalacOpt("-Wdead-code") since 13, // ^ Replaces the above
ScalacOpt("-Ywarn-extra-implicit") since 12 until 13, // Warn when more than one implicit parameter section is defined.
ScalacOpt("-Wextra-implicit") since 13, // ^ Replaces the above
ScalacOpt("-Ywarn-inaccessible") until 11, // Warn about inaccessible types in method signatures. Alias for -Xlint:inaccessible so can be removed as of 2.11.
ScalacOpt("-Ywarn-nullary-override") until 13, // Warn when non-nullary `def f()' overrides nullary `def f'.
ScalacOpt("-Ywarn-nullary-unit") until 13, // Warn when nullary methods return Unit.
ScalacOpt("-Ywarn-numeric-widen") until 13, // Warn when numerics are widened.
ScalacOpt("-Wnumeric-widen") since 13, // ^ Replaces the above
ScalacOpt("-Ywarn-unused-import") until 12, // Warn if an import selector is not referenced.
ScalacOpt("-Ywarn-unused:implicits") since 12 until 13, // Warn if an implicit parameter is unused.
ScalacOpt("-Wunused:implicits") since 13, // ^ Replaces the above
ScalacOpt("-Ywarn-unused:imports") since 12 until 13, // Warn if an import selector is not referenced.
ScalacOpt("-Wunused:imports") since 13, // ^ Replaces the above
ScalacOpt("-Ywarn-unused:locals") since 12 until 13, // Warn if a local definition is unused.
ScalacOpt("-Wunused:locals") since 13, // ^ Replaces the above
ScalacOpt("-Ywarn-unused:params") since 12 until 13, // Warn if a value parameter is unused.
ScalacOpt("-Wunused:params") since 13, // ^ Replaces the above
ScalacOpt("-Ywarn-unused:patvars") since 12 until 13, // Warn if a variable bound in a pattern is unused.
ScalacOpt("-Wunused:patvars") since 13, // ^ Replaces the above
ScalacOpt("-Ywarn-unused:privates") since 12 until 13, // Warn if a private member is unused.
ScalacOpt("-Wunused:privates") since 13, // ^ Replaces the above
ScalacOpt("-Ywarn-value-discard") until 13, // Warn when non-Unit expression results are unused.
ScalacOpt("-Wvalue-discard") since 13, // ^ Replaces the above
ScalacOpt("-Wnonunit-statement") since ScalaVersion(13, 9), // Warn when expression is ignored because it is followed by another expression.

Expand All @@ -86,12 +111,19 @@ object ScalacOptsPlugin extends AutoPlugin {
lazy val scalacOptsFailOnWarn = settingKey[Option[Boolean]]("Adds or removes -Xfatal-warnings")

def scalacOptsFor(version: String, scalacOpts: List[ScalacOpt]): List[String] = {
// consider only major version 2 since this plugin currently works with Scala 2 only
val scalaVersion: Option[ScalaVersion] =
(CrossVersion.partialVersion(version), version.split('.')) match {
case (Some((2, minor)), Array(_, _, patch)) =>
Some(ScalaVersion(minor, Try(patch.toLong).toOption))
case (Some((2, minor)), _) => Some(ScalaVersion(minor, None))
case _ => None
val opts = for {
version <- CrossVersion.partialVersion(version).toList
(major, minor) = version if major == 2
scalacOpt <- scalacOpts
if scalacOpt.sinceOpt forall { _ <= minor }
if scalacOpt.untilOpt forall { _ > minor }
version <- scalaVersion.toList
scalacOpt <- scalacOpts
if scalacOpt.sinceOpt forall { _ <= version }
if scalacOpt.untilOpt forall { _ > version }
} yield {
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/sbt-test/sbt-scalac-opts-plugin/scalacOptions/build.sbt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
crossScalaVersions := Seq(

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